Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 546 - Being Used (2)

Seeing their target, Peter speeded up. Auron and the other soldiers tried to follow up. However, their speed was slower than Peter.

The young man saw Peter dashed towards his group. He became more panicked. The man that wreaked his plan twice could not keep up with this new face who was chasing him. Even a stupid man would know that this new face was obviously stronger.

The young man's groups ran like they were about to die. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they ran, Peter and their group's distance became closer instead of farther. 

Although Peter's speed was fast, it still took some time to cover the distance. Moreover, his target was also moving away from him.

The chasing continued for another 5 minutes when Peter was close enough to the person at the group's back.

Meanwhile, the person at the back of the group was very scared. He tried to increase his speed. However, his speed was already at maximum. In a panic state, he slipped and fell down to the ground.

That person was the young bandit that reported the attack. As the bandit fell down to the ground, his body was scratched and was in pain. However, he could not think about the pain. Instead, he quickly got up and kneeled down while facing Peter.

While Peter was still two meters from him, the young bandit began to cry for his life and beg for forgiveness.

Peter saw this young bandit, but he didn't bother with him and ignore the young bandit who was still kneeling. Peter passed the young bandit, followed with Auron and the soldiers several seconds later.

Auron eyed the soldiers behind him and gave the sign to capture this young bandit. He knew that this young bandit was only small fry.

Meanwhile, the young man's group, who was in the lead, began to see their goal. "A little more!" The young man murmured to himself.

In front of the young man, two high cliffs were close to each other. There was a narrow passage between the peaks.

This passage was actually the primary path for a merchant caravan. If they used this path, they could cut their time by almost half. However, one of Skuld's base operations was around this area. And, this passage was Skuld's favorite raiding spot.

As time passed by, more and more merchant caravan got raided here. The news spread to all of the merchant caravans that intended to pass here. To avoid getting raids, the merchant caravans decided to take a detour and took the longer and safer path.

The young man's expression was hopeful as he was getting closer and closer towards the passage. If he could pass or at least this passage, then he could use the soldiers stationed here to stop the man from chasing him.

Peter raised his hand. He grabbed the bandit's cloth who was at the back. Then, he pulled and threw the bandit behind him.

The bandit was not ready with the sudden pull and staggered. Then, he was thrown backward and crashing to the ground.

As Peter just threw randomly, he didn't care about Auron and the soldiers behind him. Auron and the soldiers had to dodge the man from crashing with them. 

As Peter got closer and threw the young man's group's members one by one, the survivor's number decreased. From the original 10, it had already been reduced to 5 people.

Unfortunately, the time was not enough. At the front, the young man managed to enter the narrow passageway, followed by the Pauper Bandit Group's leader. Then, all five people managed to enter the passage.

Peter, who saw this, stopped at the entrance of the passageway. Seeing Peter stopped running, Auron and the soldiers also stopped near Peter.

Auron glanced in the young man's direction. The young man was already stopped running and panting out of breath. Next to him, there was an older man. Behind the older man were around 50 bandits who had a ferocious look. Meanwhile, the older man had a kind vibe, very in contrast with the bandits behind him.

"Hello," The older man greeted Peter's group.

"Unfortunately, you have to stop right here. I think my little brother had paid enough. So, please leave!" The older man said kindly with a warm smile.

Peter kept silent, looking at this scene. Auron was also didn't say anything. Seeing this, the soldiers were agitated and persuaded Peter, "Sir! We have to capture them. Give the order to capture him! With only that many bandits, we can win!"

However, Peter didn't reply anything and kept silent, looking at the older man. Meanwhile, the older man kept on smiling while looking at Peter's group.

Unfortunately, the bandits behind the older man were not stood still. They kept on provoking Peter's group and mocked Peter's group.

The soldiers at Peter's side could not stand the mock. They became aggressive and wanted to attack. However, Peter raised his hand and stopped the soldiers from attacking. Then, he said, "Retreat!"

After saying that one word, Peter turned around and moved back. Auron and the soldiers could not help but followed Peter back while stayed cautious on the bandit's attacks. Meanwhile, the bandit's mock became more aggressive seeing this. Fortunately, the soldiers were trained to follow the superior's orders correctly.

"What a shame!" The older man said.

Although there were only 50 bandits behind the older man, actually, there were more bandits here. At the top of the cliff, there were already more than 100 archer bandits. More bandits were stationed around the area, ready to surround Peter's group as soon as they entered the passageway.

In total, there were more than 1000 bandits here hidden really well like a trained assassin. Meanwhile, the young man was panting out of breath. As the older man turned around, the young man got up and followed him. He was grateful that he could escape death. Then, he sighed and smiled bitterly. He knew it was over for him.

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