Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 562 - Arrived Back (4)

The enemy's leader could not accept the defeat. However, he could do nothing as his comrade had surrendered. It was an impossible feat to defeat 6 people while being alone. Moreover, the enemy had a cleric on their side.

After struggling for several minutes, the enemy's leader, who had no help, was brought down by Auron's group.

"Surrender, or you will be killed!" Auron said while raising his sword towards the enemy's leader's neck.

Auron deliberately didn't kill the enemy's leader because he knew the person had a high status. Maybe, he could use this high status as a bargaining chip.

The enemy's leader was on the ground facing down. He was so furious, not only to his comrade but also to himself, for acted recklessly like this. He gritted his teeth and punched the ground. In the end, he released his grip towards his weapon and just laid flatly on the ground.

Auron's group quickly secured the three surrender men. These three men were kneeling in front of Auron's group with their hands tied behind their back. All of their weapons had been confiscated.

The enemy's leader was in between the other two. He looked towards his left and right with a furious expression. Meanwhile, his two comrades beside them could do nothing and didn't dare to face the leader. They only faced straight towards Auron.

"You...!" The leader was very furious at these two traitors beside him. 

The leader could not control his anger and headbutt the man on his right. The man on the leader's right could not accept being headbutt, so he quickly returned the headbutt with a bite.

Auron and his group didn't even try to break them and only see through this fight. Only after 3 minutes, Auron signaled his teammate to break the two of them. The reason was that Auron didn't have any time to waste.

When Auron's comrade broke the two of them away, the man who was headbutted shouted, "You, nobles, don't know what we civilian felt. You have a lot of privileges since you are young! I don't want to die with you. I don't want to die because of your selfish ego!"

"Shut up!" Auron barked at the two of them. 

However, the two of them could not stop and kept on insulting each other. Auron could not help but hit their cheek with the sword's handle. Because of that, their bickering halted.

Auron decided to tied their mouth with a cloth. All three of them.

"Let's go!" Auron said to his comrade.

Auron started to walk and lead the group. Suddenly, he heard his comrade barked behind him, "Move!"

It turned out the three prisoner didn't seem to want to move. However, Auron didn't waste any more time and coldly said, "Drag them if they didn't want to move!"

What Auron said made the three prisoners reluctantly complied with what Auron's wanted. They didn't have any choice. If they were dragged in this kind of field, it would be very painful. Moreover, there was still a long way to go. It could result in their death.

If they were dead, then there was no way for them to come back. On the other hand, if they could survive this ordeal, they could come back and even revenge Auron's group.

All of them began to walk nonstop. Auron's goal was to arrive at the area stop without resting at all. Along the way, Auron questioned the three prisoners.

While the enemy's leader didn't want to answer, the other two were generously answering every question they asked. Unfortunately, their knowledge was not that much, but Auron still got quite good information.

During the way, the enemy's leader tried to escape once. However, he was stopped, and his escape failed. Sadly, the one who prevented the enemy's leader from running was not Auron's group. It was the man who was headbutt by the enemy's leader previously.

Of course, this action resulted in another bickering and insult between those two. Auron could not have any choice but to stop them. However, this time, what Auron did was different for each of these two people.

Auron's hit the enemy's leader's head with his sword's handle several times before stopping. The enemy's leader almost fainted before Auron stopped. Meanwhile, Auron only barked at the man who stopped the enemy's leader. Auron deliberately showed a different reaction to these two people.

By doing this, Auron created a glimmer of hope that they would be treated kindly if they were cooperative. However, there was no other incident after this one since the enemy's leader became docile.

The rest of the journey was a peaceful one. No enemies sighting, and everything seemed normal. However, Auron's group still kept their guards up. Occasionally, Auron would send Cedric to monitor the road ahead to gather some information.

Because of the smooth journey, Auron's group could arrive at their destination faster. They arrived at the Gaia's stop area in the middle of the night. When they arrived, Auron's group was stopped by Gaia's soldiers, who were assigned to this outpost.

After Auron's group showed all of their Gaia's emblem, they quickly got a smooth way inside. Although it was in the middle of the night, the outpost was still bustling with soldiers, even if it was not as many as in the afternoon.

Auron's group entered the meeting place. He also brought along the three prisoners with him. Not long after, Smite, the stop area commander, and the rest of the Absurd's team entered the meeting place.

Without wasting any more time, Auron quickly told them the story and briefed them a bit of these three prisoners.

"Good! Good! Excellent work!" The commander of the stop area praised Auron's group. He was pleased.

This was the first time he was smiling brightly after the last incident where their soldiers met with a harsh defeat when attacking the enemy's stop area.

The meeting didn't take too long before Smite told Auron's group to rest and asked some soldiers to send the three prisoners to the jail.

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