Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 566 - Commence (1)

In the middle of the night, a man was dashing. His body was full of dirt and blood. His condition was a mess, and he didn't even wear any clothes except for his underwear. However, it didn't stop him from running towards his goal. 

Occasionally, he would look back to see whether there were pursuers or not. Although he was out of breath, he still continued to run.

Not long after, he could see the light from a distance. The light came from a building quite far away from his location. A smile could be seen on the man's dirty face. 

Seeing this light, the man increased his speed. The building where the light came from was his destination. However, it was still quite far away.

Even though with his full speed, the man still used 1 hour to arrive at the building's location. When the man almost arrived, he heard a siren sound. Then, from inside the building, several people came out with weapons in their hands.

As soon as the man saw these people came out with weapons in their hands, the man kneeled on the ground and put his hands up in the air.

The guards approached the man. They still aim their weapons towards the man. The leader among them barked, "Who are you? State your name!"

The man stated his name. When the guards heard his name, they were surprised. This man, who was almost n.a.k.e.d in the middle of the night, was the enemy's leader that had been missing.

The guards knew this name since the stop area had been turned around because this man was missing. Numerous searches had been dispatched these days just to search this man. Who knows that the man suddenly came back on his own in this messy state and almost n.a.k.e.d.

The leader quickly brought the man inside the stop area and reported it to the commander. Smite had fulfilled his promise by letting the man free. However, when the man tried to ask for his clothes back, Smite refused.

When he was asked what the reason was, Smite smiled and told the man it was for his own good. Smite said that it would be weird to find a person like you survive while the others died. Hence, without his clothes, the man could convince the people at his side that he was escaping after being caught.

The man gnashed his teeth. He didn't want to admit, but what Smite had said was reasonable. It would be annoying if he was suspected because of this. In the end, the man could not help but accept what Smite had said.

Smite smiled brightly. Then, he offered some more advice to the man. You better went back in the middle of the night. Also, you need to have some messy state, and Smite even offered his help.

The man was furious. However, he held on. He knew that everything Smite had said was true. In the end, he accepted all of Smite's suggestions. Hence, his messy state.

The Regalia's stop area suddenly became noisy. The commander of the stop area didn't dilly dally and immediately asked the man about what happened. The man started to explain his story.

At the end of his explanation, the man gritted his teeth. He could not forget this humiliation, and he vowed to kill Smite and all of the people there. 

Meanwhile, back at Gaia's side, it was quiet. Only the guards could be seen at the Gaia's stop area. 

After releasing the man, Smite had prepared to attack the Regalia. However, he was not in a hurry. The most important right now was to deliver the information about Rochbeich Family to the royal family.

Actually, Smite had told all of the Absurd team members that the attack would commence three days later. So, he told them to be prepared.

Smite also dispatched several scouts to track the enemy's movement. During these past three days, Smite had been on several meetings with the commander of the stop area. 

On the other hand, Auron and the other players here were bored. There was no activity here. However, they could not roam around randomly. Inside the Bridge World, they had to follow the military's rule, or they would face punishment.

In this stop area, there were 50 players, including Auron. Since there was no activity here to spend time, these players were sparring to determine who was the best player. 

Obviously, not everyone wanted to participate in this meaningless sparring. Auron was one of the people that didn't participate in the sparring. However, he still watched the sparring to spend time here.

Three days soon passed by, the commander of the stop area called everyone here, including the players. Then, he began to explain the strategy. He also announced that Smite would be the commander of this attack while he would stay and defend the stop area.

The players, who heard about this, celebrated. They had been too bored during these past three days. And, this news brought everyone their excitement.

Then, Smite took over and started to explain the strategy. He began by dividing these people into four small groups. Then, for each group, Smite assigned one of the Absurd team's members as the leader.

Smite, Jeffery, Auron, and Julia were assigned as the leader. After explaining the general strategy, Smite dismissed everyone and let them prepared before the attack began.

While waiting, Smite called the leader and started to brief them about the detailed plan. He also distributed the communication device for the leader. This device was not a one-time use like what Auron had gotten previously.

While Jeffrey was acting like he didn't care, Auron and Julia paid full attention to Smite's explanation. They didn't want to make any mistake since a mistake could cost many lives, even their own lives.

Two hours later, a big group departed from Gaia's stop area. Then, they split into four directions and went separately following their leader's instructions.

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