Tales of Magic Swordsman

Chapter 577 - War Started (5)

The massacre lasted for 10 minutes before the last Regalia's soldiers died on the top of the wall. However, that was not the last Regalia soldiers in this outpost.

A group of 10 Regalia's soldiers was surrounded inside the outpost. This was the outpost's commander's group. These 10 people were cornered to one side of the outpost. They formed a half circle and faced Gaia's soldiers.

In front of these Regalia's soldiers, there were Gaia soldiers triple their size with Smite among these people. 

Smite looked at these leftover soldiers from Regalia. He walked to the front and said, "Surrender, now! And, I will leave your corpse intact!"

"Fat Chance! There is no way I will surrender!" The outpost's commander answered.

"If you want to chop my corpse and feed it to the dog, I will not care! I have died anyway! But, there is no way I will surrender! I will fight you to the end!"

After the outpost's commander said that, the other soldiers roared because of their commander's sentence.

Seeing this, Smite shook his head. He already knew that he would not be able to persuade the commander to surrender. So, Smite ordered, "Killed them!"

With that order, the Gaia's soldiers showered the Regalia's soldiers with their attacks. The Regalia's soldiers shouted and also fought to their last breath. The two sides clashed.

Of course, Gaia's soldiers, who had more numbers, had the advantages. Moreover, they had clerics on their side. Meanwhile, the Regalia's side didn't have clerics on their side. In no time, all of the Regalia's soldiers died. The outpost's commander was the last Regalia's soldiers to die. He saw all of his subordinates died before his eyes. With the last bit of his strength left, he brought over one of Gaia's soldiers to the other side.

Smite was seeing all of these scenes in front of him. In the end, he shook his head and felt pity for the outpost's commander. It was such a pity for Regalia to have this kind of commander at their disposal. If only Smite could recruit this man to his side, then he would gladly accept him. However, he knew that a loyal man like this outpost's commander couldn't betray others.

After killing everyone, Smite ordered, "Clean up the place! And, send a message back to the city."

With the last bit of the Regalia's soldiers died, the battle in the outpost had ended. It was time to clean up the place and tally up the casualties. Not only that, they had to prepare when the Regalia's reinforcements came to this place.

When Smite was overseeing the cleaning process and tallying up the casualties number, a soldier reported to him, "Commander, we have found these people inside the prison!"

The soldier brought a bunch of people. These people were the representatives of the Sparrow Family that had been imprisoned by the outpost's commander.

Smite wanted to say something but was interrupted by one of the representatives, "Release us, and we will reward you heavily!"

The representative arrogantly said that sentence because of the previous incident when Smite asked for ransom for the noble's son. They thought that Smite was a man that could be bought over with money.

Smite smiled and said, "Oh really? How could I trust you? And, what are you going to pay me with?"

"Previously, we already prepared the ransom to pay. However, that stupid commander imprisoned us, and now that stupid commander died."

"If you release us, we will double the previous ransom you asked!" The representative said.

Smite looked delightful. However, it didn't last long before his face turned ugly, "But, I have killed that man. If I release you, I believe the people from your family would not let me go!"

When the representative heard Smite said this, he quickly said, "No... No... No... You are wrong. Actually, that man's value had reduced a lot the moment he was captured the first time. So, I believe the family would not care even if you killed him."

"If what you said was true, then why would you spend so much effort just to save him?"

The representative looked down a bit and said with an embarrassed tone, "It was for my own greed! Although the man's value was low, he still could be used to increase my value. If I could save him back then, the family would see me with delight, especially that man's factions."

"Hoo... Really? That was interesting." Smite looked interested.

"Twice the previous ransom," Smite murmured while touching his chin. He deliberately said it quite loud. 

When the man saw Smite seemed interested, he quickly said, "Yes, that's right! Twice the previous ransom."

After pondering for minutes, Smite said, "Okay, then!"

All of the Sparrow Family's representatives' eyes brightened. Their hopes had gone up. However, it didn't last long before they heard Smite's next sentence.

"Kill them all!" Smite's declared.

"Wait... Wait... Wait... Why? You can get twice..." The sentence was cut off after several attacks ended the representative's life.

Several minutes later, all of the Sparrow Family's representatives died. However, it was not an important matter anymore. The Gaia's soldiers quickly focused on calculating their casualties and their supplies.

Not long after that, Smite got the report. From this battle, Gaia's side had suffered quite a lot. They lost halves of their original number. There were only around 75 soldiers in this outpost.

Smite's win could be considered a big win. It was pretty difficult to capture an outpost with only losing 75 soldiers. However, Smite was not thinking about that. Currently, he was thinking about the next battle.

The Regalia's reinforcements should be arriving the next day. Since there were no surviving members from this outpost, the news about the outpost fall should not be spread yet. Hence, Smite intended to trap the Regalia's reinforcements.

The first step was to dispatch several spies to know how many of Regalia's reinforcements would come. A few minutes later, two soldiers departed from the outpost wearing Regalia's equipment.

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