Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

: Encyclopedia of Magic

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Earth Magic (15%, 25%, 35% of all magic resistances)

Tier 0 stone skin

First-order stone bombardment

Second Order Bronze Pathfinding Primary Magic Resistance Rock Sharpening

Third-order Black Iron Earth Wall Penetration Wall Shift Sand Sand Rock Shield

Tier 4 Silver Earth Spikes Dungeon Intermediate Magic Resistance Metal Sharpening Earth Armor

Fifth-order gold meteorite rock barrier ground fissure primary gravity operation large-scale quicksand guidance

Sixth-order Purple Gold Advanced Magic Resistance Rock Lance Intermediate Gravity Earth Element Puppet Rock Puppet Group Sharpening Earth Arm

Seventh-order legendary meteorite rain advanced gravity operation ground motion

The eighth-order epic summons the power of the king of the hill

Ninth Order Saint Order Gravity Field Crystal Armor

Water magic (single element resistance 25% 45% 65%)

Level 0 Recovery Water

First-order ice bomb underwater breathing

Second-hand Bronze Elementary Water Elemental Resistance Shield of the Flowing Ice Hand

Third-order black iron flow cutting ice cone technique ice ring technique detoxification technique

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Water Elemental Resistance Ice Shield Ice Spike Freeze Ice Wall

Fifth-order golden ice mirroring snowstorm acid rain ice hockey mirroring ice blowing

Sixth-order purple gold advanced water element resistance summons water element summons ice demon frozen ball

The seventh-order legendary black ice spear

Eighth-order epic avatar summons Xuan Bing giant

Ninth Order Holy Order Ice Field Break

Fire magic (single element resistance 25% 45% 65%)

Tier 0 cauterization

First-order rocket heating

Second Order Bronze Elementary Flame Resistance Burning Hands Enhanced Rocket

Tier 3 Black Iron Fire Wall Fireball Fire Shield Flame Enhancement (Weapon)

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Flame Resistance Flame Path Flame Pyrotechnic Fire Ring Technique Fireball

Tier 5 gold enhanced fireball burning light flame armor burst fire ring fire pillar fire flame knife

Tier 6 Purple Gold Advanced Flame Resistance Fire Elemental Summon Extreme Temperature Flame Burst Burning Will (Elemental Enhancement) Dragon Breath Fire Rain Rain ** Bomb

Tier 7 Legendary Flame Storm Meteor Fire Rain

The eighth-order epic summons firelord implosion

Ninth Order Saint Order Extreme Temperature Field

Wind magic (single element resistance 25% 45% 65%)

Tier 0 acceleration

First-order Wind Blade Blur

Second Order Bronze Elementary Wind Elemental Resistance Floatation Cyclone Shield

Third-order Black Iron Air Bomb Strengthen Wind Blades Air Burst Cyclone Shield

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Wind Elemental Resistance Aeroflight Wind Blade Flurry Primary Electric Shock Wind Binding

Fifth-order golden hurricane armor aerial casts the wall of the air explosion trap whirlwind

Sixth-order Purple Gold Advanced Wind Elemental Resistance Summon Wind Elemental Summon Thunder Elemental Invisibility Asphyxiation Air Cannon Storm Heart (Enhanced)

Tier 7 Legendary Tornado Lightning

Order VIII epic summons Stormlord Thundercloud Storm

Ninth Order Holy Order Storm Realm

Light magic (blessing improves overall physical quality by 10%, 20% and 30%)

Tier 0 purification

First Order Illumination Holy Light Flare

Second Order Bronze Elementary Blessing Recovery Light Detects Evil

Tier 3 Black Iron Holy Shield expels evil light's bound light armor

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Blessing Holy Fire Bright Arrow Healing Sacred Land

Fifth-order golden light, universal light enchantment, resistance to darkness

Sixth-order Purple Gold Advanced Blessings Divine Nova Bright Warframe Summon Light Warrior Wings of Light Light of Judgment Light Heart (Enhanced)

Tier 7 Legendary Prayers Spear of Light

Eighth-order epic group blessing resurrection

Ninth Order Holy Order Light Field

Dark magic (15% to 20% and 25% to all attributes of the Curse of Shadow, if not dispelled, it will be converted into Corruption)

Tier 0 Dark Orb

First Order Corruption Dark Mist

Second Order Bronze Elementary Shadow Curse Shadow Arrow Shadow Shield

Third-order Dark Iron Shadow Bound Concealed Shadow Dark Transformation Dark Nova

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Shadow Curse Demon Fire Dark Control Shadow Gun Dark Armor

Fifth-order gold dark enchantment dark healing resistance light and shadow impact shadow arrow rain fatigue curse

Sixth-order Purple Gold Advanced Shadow Curse Shadow Word Hellfire Summon Shadow Warrior Summon Shadow Demon Dark Heart (Enhanced) Dark Wings

Tier 7 Legendary Dark Dragon Lance Rebirth

Eighth-order epic group Shadow Curse Nightmare Curse

Ninth Order Holy Order Dark Realm

Necromancer (necromantic transformation can transform the corpse of an organism into an undead, and retains 10%, 25%, and 40% of intelligence. Undead transformation is only instinct without intelligence)

Tier 0 Summon Skeleton

First Order Undead Transformation Bone Armor

Second Order Bronze Elementary Necromancy Bone Arrow Bone Wall

The third-order black iron and white bone prison proliferation of bone bone shields summons ghouls

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Necromancer Conversion Summons Gargoyle Ghost Bone Spear Bone Shield Poisonous Touch

Tier 5 gold corpse explosion summons skeleton knight, poisonous nova, bone, stand-in, death light, summons bone puppet

Sixth-order purple gold advanced undead conversion technique summons death knight summons skull mage death curse summons death gate death cohesion (enhancement) aging curse

Tier 7 Legends Summon Bone Dragon Lich Transformation

Eighth-order epic summons the death of a hero

Ninth Order Saint Order Death Domain

Arcane Magic (Arcane Magic Resistance 25% 45% 65%)

Tier 0 Master's Hand

First-order magic shield memory

Second-order Bronze Elementary Arcane Protection Mage's Fist

Ring III Arcane Arcane Missile Ring Mage Armor Demon Blast

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Arcane Protection Magic Bomb Slow Ray Arcane Barrage Summon Table

Fifth-order golden flash mana burning arcane new star burst missile blind mana connection

Sixth-order Purple Gold Advanced Arcane Protection Silence Magic Amplification (Enhancement) Summon Magic Creature Magic Counter Arcane Aurora Spot Teleportation

Seventh-order Legendary Transfiguration (Target) Arcane Enchantment

Space Blade of the Eighth Order Epic Teleportation

Ninth Order Saint Order Space-Time Domain

Natural magic (natural heart is the ability to coordinate with plants and animals 25% 50% 75%)

Tier 0 Great Power

First order bark wood spear

Second Order Bronze Elementary Nature Heart Natural Healing Calls Jufeng

Tier 3 Black Iron Thorns Armor Entangling Roots to Control Beast Giant Wolf Incarnation

Tier 4 Silver Intermediate Heart of Nature summons Treant Bear to transform into natural armor

Tier 5 Golden Tiger Incarnation Crow Incarnation Natural Enchantment Thorns Meteor Recovery Light Elemental Reflective Shield

Tier 6 Zijin Advanced Heart of Nature Summons Giant Wood Warrior Giant Eagle Incarnate Serene Light Dragon Power Star Strike Life Power (Enhanced)

Seventh-order legendary giant apes incarnate naturally angry

The eighth-order epic star falls and regenerates

Ninth Order Holy Order Dragon Incarnation

Spirit / Soul Magic (Soul defense ability 25% 45% 65%)

Tier 0 hypnosis

First Order Chaos Shock

Second-order bronze primary soul protection

Third-order Dark Iron Fear, Charm, Secondary Seal, Mental Barrier

Fourth Order Silver Intermediate Soul Protection Soul Blast Magic Suppression Requiem Consciousness Guidance

Tier 5 Golden Mind Storm Mind Control Dispel Magic, Absorb Soul Seals

Sixth-order Purple Gold Advanced Soul Protection Soul Burst Range Soul Storm Soul Cohesion (Enhancement) Soul Harvest Soul Shield Soul Mirror

Seventh-order legendary sacrificial magic magic double body

Eighth-order epic thinking controls soul storm

Ninth Order Holy Order Forbidden Demon Realm

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