Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1017: Accidental move

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Speaking of which, Ted Turke shook his head and smiled bitterly. Naturally, one hundred thousand gold coins were not a small amount, but he didn't care about this money at all! For him, not to mention 100,000 gold coins, it is 200,000, 300,000, 500,000 or even one million gold coins! As long as it can stimulate the blood energy of Miss Heath, he is willing to do it!


"But that's why I want to ask you your age! If you want to use this method to stimulate blood energy in your body, the target must be a minor orc talent! And you ... hey ..."

Hearing this, Ted Turk nodded seriously, and his eyes were extremely firm and calm at this moment. If Zhang Yang himself was not a man, he might be moved.

"To put it this way, the reason you want me to practice is actually to extend my life span?"

"That's natural! Otherwise, with my Ted Turk's identity and strength, it's more than enough to protect you, so why bother you to practice hard?"

"If you did this, wouldn't you be afraid that I would run away after stimulating the energy of bleeding gas? At that time, you might be able to run out of money."

Zhang Yang looked at Ted Turk's eyes when he said this, but the other party seemed to have never thought about this. After listening to Zhang Yang's words, he laughed.

"Hahahaha! You really are special! Not to mention how long it takes you to practice to the point where you can escape, but how difficult will it be to escape from me? Do you know? Hey! Maybe you do n’t know until now What kind of powerful power does the legendary strongman represent! "

"Really? Are you so confident?"

"haha of course!"

Seeing Ted Turk's answer decisively, Zhang Yang just smiled at it.

How strong is the level 7 legendary level? The average person does not know, but for him, this is really not a vague secret! However, Zhang Yang will never say this. In contrast, what method will he use to leave, but this has to be considered carefully ...

Seeing the mysterious beauty across from him suddenly looked down at the wine glass and said nothing. Ted Turke thought the other person was speechless by himself. It's just that the corners of his mouth just buckled up and he immediately took it off, kidding! Now he is chasing each other! Wouldn't it be a cocoon to talk about others silently? !

So Ted Turke readjusted his mind and said softly:

"Relax, Miss Hess, even if you can't excite and cultivate blood energy, I will do everything possible to find a way to extend your life and stay young! Trust me!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang suddenly laughed. His smile was not tight, but it made Tedtek sitting opposite him instantly dumbfounded! However, just when Ted Turk's heart flower was about to burst into bloom, Zhang Yang's next words suddenly poured like cold water on Ted Turk's head.

"Trust you? Just a few words from you? Well, even if you are sincere, then I ask you, can I extend my life after awakening my blood energy, and then stay young like you? Or In your opinion, is it really that simple to advance to the seventh level of legendary level? "


Zhang Yang also sighed helplessly after saying these words in one breath. Think carefully about how Ted Turk was a bit too much at the beginning, and it was really good for him afterwards. After all, as a legendary strongman, it doesn't have to cost so much to be an ordinary person.

"Ted Turk, I'm very grateful for your heart. But there are many things in the world that can't be forced, so is strength, so is the feeling. If you are too demanding, the result may not be what you want.

"Miss Heath ..."


"I'm really glad that I was able to meet you while I still have hope for true love!"


"Relax! I naturally understand what you mean. Feelings are not something that can be achieved in a pinch. Fortunately, I am very patient, so I will slowly let you fall in love with me!"

"Ah I……"

"And I have the advantage that once I make a decision, I will stick to it! So rest assured, I will definitely find a way to keep you young and extend your life! Yes!"

"You guy ... Did I just say everything in vain?"

Zhang Yang seldom gets angry, but now he is really a little bit hot in the face of Ted Turk. Why is this guy as stubborn as an idiot? His words are so clear, why can't the other party not enter the oil and salt? !

At this moment, I felt that the always calm Miss Heath seemed to be a little angry, and Tedtek not only did not panic, but became happy.

In Tedtek's view, as long as it can trigger the mood swings of Miss Heath, he will have the opportunity to impress each other, or at least slowly pull into the relationship between the two parties. Besides, any response is better than watching him calmly no matter what he does?

So Ted Turk is very happy at the moment. With pleasure, he raised his head and poured a large half of the spirits directly into his mouth!


Ted Turk is drinking high ...

(It looks like a big body, a big body, a big body, but how can this amount of wine be so bad? Is it really impossible to drink the two cups? Or pretend not to drink?)

Zhang Yang really wanted to vomit Ted Turk, but in order to prevent this guy from pretending to be drunk, Zhang Yang still gave up his intention of being addicted after thinking about it, and instead hurt the other half in the heart.

Speaking of this, it was already midnight. Even in the legendary grand theater, most entertainment programs ended. Therefore, among the grand theaters at the moment, only the most original entertainment and sports, and all kinds of high-pitched, low-pitched ** ...

(Perhaps you should leave this place early while Tedtek is awake ...)

The house where Zhang Yang and Ted Turke are located is the best and most luxurious one among the entire Grand Theater of the City of Colosseum, so the location of this room is exactly the center of the whole theater. .

This is good, when the sound of singing and dancing outside disappears, the secret sounds coming from the surrounding rooms are really tormenting Zhang Yang's ears and nerves.

There has never been such a moment, Zhang Yang hopes his perception is not so keen. After all, his two lives added up to now, still a virgin. It is conceivable from this that the surrounding sound is really a complete torture for Zhang Yang!

After all, this kind of thing is not for everyone!

In desperation, Zhang Yang had to cover his ears, but unfortunately this method didn't work very well for him with keen perception. He tried hard not to think about what was happening in those rooms around him, but the more he tried not to think about it in this situation, the more he got into the situation!

Speaking of being a warrior, the understanding of the human body structure is absolutely unparalleled. No matter men or women, in Zhang Yang ’s mind, they can even be split into clear skin bones and muscles! Even in some important and subtle places, Zhang Yanglian can split up how many blood vessels there are and how they grow.

Therefore ... it can be said that, from a theoretical perspective, Zhang Yang is not ignorant of men and women. What he lacks ... is only practice ...

Happy time always feels short, and the time of pain and suffering always makes people feel extremely long, and Zhang Yang is facing such a situation at the moment.

I do n’t know if it ’s because the orc ’s physique is too good or not. Zhang Yang tranced that the sound of tossing in the surrounding rooms was getting bigger and bigger, one by one, like a competition.

At this time, Zhang Yang had basically shrunk in a large chair. At this moment, not only did he cover his ears with his hands, but even the cloak that came when he was covering his head. It's a pity that all of this still doesn't work ... Zhang Yang can still hear what should and shouldn't be heard ...

(Damn! This is even worse than it fell into the hands of the succubus! I used to be self-proclaimed, but I did n’t expect to overturn the boat in the gutter here. No, I have to find a way to divert my attention. OK! It ’s definitely quieting yourself down if you consciously dive into the soul space, but if you do that, the safety on the side of the body becomes a problem. In case Tedtek ’s guy borrows alcohol to play drunkenness, he can It ’s exposed. So it ’s not as good ...)

There are many ways to divert attention, one of which is more convenient is to think about your favorite things, so as to achieve the purpose of distraction.

Zhang Yang did just that at the moment, but his life is too simple. In addition to fighting, the two lives do not even have time to engage in hobbies and entertainment.

In desperation, Zhang Yang had to think in his mind of those who were extremely important to him. At first, Zhang Yang thought of his parents, his comrades and friends. However, when he then thought of Xiaowei who passed away, when he thought of Neil Jelena and Ophelia, etc. What a bad thing!

You know, no matter whether Zhang Yang was unintentional or intentional, anyway, he had seen Neil Jielina and Anna both dressed in full!

It was completely different from the reaction when I saw those half-dressed singers when I entered the Grand Theater. When Zhang Yang's mind showed the appearance of Niel Jielina and Anna's naked body, his heart started. Involuntarily jump faster and faster! At the same time, an inexplicable heat caused Zhang Yang to feel a little bloating.

However, this is still not the most terrible. As a powerful warrior who is good at using the micro-power, Zhang Yang not only carefully controls his own power. He can also achieve almost meticulous degree of insight, vision and judgment.

Anything he has seen with his own eyes, Zhang Yang can instantly estimate the basic information such as its length, width, and height. Because of this, when Zhang Yang thinks of Ophelia, even if Zhang Yang has never seen Ophelia's physique, he will gradually show the appearance of Ophelia's whole body in red!

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