Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1024: Big search

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How much energy does a legendary orc royal family have? At this moment, regardless of Ted Turk's combat effectiveness, he simply commanded a word, and the entire city of Orsay Di Colossus was completely mobilized.

However, because of the need to worry about his face, Tedtek did not directly issue an order to find Hess. After all, Tedtek found his true love yesterday, and it became known to the whole city. That 'True Love' is lost, which for Tedtek can be considered as a shame to the grandma's house.

So the order Tedtek issued was to catch a thief, not to find the woman who ran away. As for the specific height and posture of this thief, it was all provided by Gree.

This news from Ted Turk was released through the main palace of the Colosseum in Orsay, plus he had set up a huge bounty of up to 5,000 gold coins in his anxiety, so when this news spread, A colossal city suddenly boiled!

Not to mention the bounty hunters and adventurers who lived on it, even the ordinary residents and leisure guards in the city, all of them were dispatched to join the search.

Roughly calculated, the number of people dispatched for this only reached a staggering 3,000 people after half a hour!

If you overlook the whole city of Orsayi Colossus from a high altitude, the crowds of people running around the streets will almost completely cover the whole City of Colossus.

This situation is quite bad for Zhang Yang. After all, he did not expect Tedtek to be so aggressive.

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who was escaping into the east of the city, was finally forced into the mezzanine under the eaves on the roof of a three-story building by the searchers who were rushing across the street.

This was the result of Zhang Yang being alert enough to find that something was wrong around him and circumventing it first. After all, when he discovered that he was not right and was hiding in the shadow of the laneway, a wolf adventurer on the street in front of him was quite close to him, and he suddenly appeared around A group of bounty hunters directly knocked down and tied up.

Zhang Yang didn't know who this group was from, but when another wolf clan bounty hunter yelled and was taken away by others, Zhang Yang felt the seriousness of the situation.

So he can only put aside his original intention to go directly to the Green Forest Manor, and instead go to the dark place to observe the situation, try to figure out what happened and then plan.

In terms of Zhang Yang's sharp perception and excellent camouflage latent ability, if he wants to hide, it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to find him. Even just now, a few monkey clan bounty hunters passed through the place where he was hiding, and he was not found hiding in the shadows a few meters away.

However, after Zhang Yang waited for half a leak, not only did the situation not improve, but the searchers on the street below became more. If Zhang Yang had not enough concentration and patience, I was afraid that as soon as he appeared, he would be discovered by the searchers in heaven and earth?

Yes, just as Zhang Yangzheng looked down through the gap of the eaves, he suddenly felt as if something just flew across the sky. Zhang Yang now trusts his feelings very much, so he deliberately drilled a small hole in the wooden roof to watch it secretly.

From this point of view, Zhang Yang was a little surprised. At this moment, in the mid-air of about a hundred meters above his head, there are even a few huge flying Warcrafts that can't help circling!

Some of these smaller black warcraft like vultures are better. After all, this kind of flying warcraft domesticated by the bounty hunter Zhang Yang has also been seen before.

However, what really made him more careful was the huge Warcraft not far away like two winged lions!

From Zhang Yang's point of view, the two Warcrafts themselves are at least fourth-order guys, and what really makes him feel tricky is that there are still people on the backs of the two Warcrafts!

Zhang Yang had not seen Warcraft that could fly manned before. After all, among the Silver Pegasus Legion of the French Empire, there were no fewer than five or six hundred Silver Pegasus knights he had seen with his own eyes.

However, he is in the Campas Orc Kingdom at this moment. The flying warcraft that looks like a winged lion tiger in front of him is fundamentally different from the legendary Orc Xiankong riding a two-headed flying dragon knight. !

It is rumored that the adult two-headed flying dragon sat down by the two-headed flying dragon knight, each end is a powerful fifth-level advanced or even sixth-order powerful Warcraft! It's a pity that the number of such powerful flying warcraft is too small, which makes several big air riders in the human kingdom, mainly the Silver Pegasus Knights of the French Empire, can barely contend with it.

Now Zhang Yang is not very afraid of being discovered by these strange flying lion tiger warcraft. What he is really worried about is whether this manned flying lion tiger warcraft is a mount accidentally captured by a few powerful people, or hidden by the Campas Orc Kingdom. What's behind? !

If it is the former, then it is nothing. After all, there are also many powerful people in the human kingdom that can occasionally capture the flying Warcraft surrendered to some permission to tame the ride.

However, if the latter is speculated by Zhang Yang, then the balance of air-riding combat power originally maintained between the human kingdom and the Campas Orc Kingdom may be completely broken by this sudden appearance of the winged lion tiger warcraft!

Thinking of Zhang Yang's heart suddenly, he was also of human origin anyway. Although in the present situation, his body has become a mess, I don't know if it can be counted as a human. But Zhang Yang still insisted that he was a human.

Furthermore, since his rebirth, Zhang Yang has known many friends. Most of them are humans living in the French Empire!

Zhang Yang was not great to worry about the great safety of all mankind, but he did not want his friends to lose their homes and that relatively peaceful living environment.

So thinking of this, Zhang Yang made a secret decision in his heart, that is, after he returned to the human kingdom, he must first pass this news back to the French Empire and back to Ophelia!

But the question Zhang Yang urgently needs to solve is how should he leave here?


Moreover, after Ted Teke sent Mitchell and Gree to inform the city's main government that the wanted order was issued, he couldn't calm down anyway, so after wandering in the hotel yard for a long time, he finally decided to go to the room where Hece had originally Take a look at it, if you can find some clues are not yet known, but that is where the other party has been, after all, maybe she will leave a hint of breath ...

In fact, Ted Turk knew long ago that even if he is a legendary superpower, some things still make him feel powerless. However, through countless hardships to reach the level of the seventh-tier legendary level, Ted Turk's perseverance is absolutely comparable to others, and he wants to do what he wants to do, which is one of his consistent creeds.

But just when Ted Turke thought about something and pushed open the door of the room where Hess had been before, the faint hint of demon in the room did not escape Ted Turk's perception!

(Devil's breath ?! How is it possible? If there has been a demon here, then I can never sense the existence of those guys! Then ... Did someone use items related to the demon? Can it be kept for so long? Devilish breath, I think this item should be of very high grade! Hess, what the **** are you doing? You have too many secrets ......)

Following his own perception, he walked to the most devilish position in the house. At this time, after careful observation, Ted Turke finally found a little black and gray powder on the expensive fur carpet under his feet.

Until here, Ted Turk has been able to determine what high-end items made of demon have been used here. After all, Ted Turk has not seen such things as the essence of the devil.

(What the **** happened? You ...)

Thinking of this, Ted Turk accidentally discovered that there was a very expensive bottle with mysterious liquid on the table inside the house, and besides, there was a light golden liquid in this bottle. Next to the crystal bottle, there is a black face towel that Tedtek is very familiar with!

When he saw this thing, Ted Turk seemed to be teleporting, leaving a residual image directly on the spot, and then appeared at the table. This made the other two soldiers who followed him awe-inspiring. After all, in the past six months or so, they have rarely seen themselves as a powerful master.

(this is……)

Ted Turke will never forget the wonderful night he and Hess experienced together last night. Although he didn't even touch the other person's hands from beginning to end, the other party's words and deeds made him fascinated. As for this aspect, Ted Turk can confirm that it is definitely the one that Heath wore last night!

However, the towel in front of him was not discarded at random, but was stacked neatly and quietly beside the crystal bottle with golden liquid. Seeing here, Ted Turk understood that Heath ’s disappearance was not accidental, she definitely left by herself!

(But how did you disappear? After all, except for the thief, who obviously did n’t fit your body, no one else left this hotel! You could n’t have disappeared out of thin air?)

Shaking his head slightly as if to get rid of the doubts in his mind, Ted Turk turned his eyes to the mysterious and beautiful liquid on the table.

(Is this something you specifically left for me? Sure enough, it ’s as mysterious and beautiful as you are! So what is the bottle you left behind? Would it be ... Can I take the poison of my life? Well, look Looks like this thing should be left to me specifically. By the way, even now I have n’t even given you a gift, but I still have to receive a gift from you. Then ... since it ’s something you reserved for me. , I will drink it even if it is poison! Hess ...)

Thinking of this, Tedtke took a breath of relief and resolutely picked up the bottle of golden liquid on the table, opened the stopper in the flick of his fingers, and then leaned back before the two entourage soldiers could not stop it. The head drank!

"Adult! No!"

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