Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1035: Whirlwind

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[Whirlwind] As the name implies, it is the technique of using oneself as the eye of the whirlwind, and then wielding the weapon quickly to rotate the whole person to attack a large number of enemies around.

The reason why it is called a high-level skill is not only because of its great power, but also because of its higher practical difficulty and harsher use conditions.

In fact, it ’s not just a weapon to turn around in place and it ’s called [Cyclone Cut], it should be called a fool ’s circle. After waiting for a while for the enemy to be killed, he collapsed and fell to the ground.

The real [whirlwind] is almost all the skills used by powerful warriors of order five or more to deal with a large group of enemies. In addition to enough to withstand the aftermath of crazy rotation, if you want to fully exert the power of [Cyclone Slash], then the greater the user ’s own weight and the heavier the weapon used, the greater its power will be.

Moreover, [Cyclone Slash] is not as simple as turning around in circles, high-level fighters can control their direction autonomously when performing this trick.

In addition, if the user's strength is strong enough, you can also release the isolated grudge when using [Cyclone Slash]! As a result, its power suddenly increases, not to mention, the attack range will be expanded several times accordingly!

In addition, the user's own attributes will also affect the effect of [Cyclone Slash]. For example, in the human kingdom, if the warrior who cultivated the qi is using the qi while performing [Cyclone Slash], then the power of [Cyclone Slash] will be exerted. At the maximum, even a whirlwind will appear!

For example, when a warrior who cultivates a fire fighter is performing a "whirlwind", when the speed of the battle reaches the extreme, it looks like a whirlwind of flame is blowing from the ground, ordinary soldiers don't say close, the high temperature even with the Will ignite the surrounding combustibles.

While the fighters who practiced the grudge of the ground system looked like a sandstorm when they performed [Cyclone Sword], they also increased their physical defense capabilities. As for the fighters who cultivated the grudge of the water system, when they performed the [Cyclone Sword], In addition to injuring the enemy, the wind and water flow will greatly speed up the recovery speed of his own grudge.

However, those who can really exert the power of [Cyclone Slash] are actually warriors who cultivate the wind-style grudge. When they use [Cyclone Slash], the speed is the fastest, and a large number of wind elements will naturally gather outside the blade to assist the attack! This is like a plain white with a layer of air blades, which is amazingly powerful!

As for the "whirlwind" performed by warriors who practiced the light-struggle, it is said that in addition to quickly recovering from injury, it can also increase damage to undead, demons, and dark creatures. It's just that most of the warriors who practiced the light sect of the light system are soldiers of the Light Temple, so the scenes of their battles are rarely seen by people, and their knowledge of their skills is more speculative.

Compared with the combatants who practice the grudge of the light system, the combatants who practice the grudge of the dark system are not so mysterious. When the fighters who practiced the dark fighting spirit cast [Cyclone Slash], they could bring a little vague effect to themselves, so that various individual attacks could not hit with a certain probability.

It's just that not all fighters with Tier 5 and above can use [Cyclone] to exert the most power. In addition to the necessary practice, physical fitness and talent are also very important.

When Zhang Yang was at Beidou University, he had seen some high-level fighters demonstrate the appearance of the whirlwind for the students, but compared with what Zhang Yang saw at the moment, the whirlwind slashes performed by the elephant warrior Burson, Whether it is power or when it is used, it is much stronger than the kind that Zhang Yang has seen!

In fact, at the moment when Bursane launched [Cyclone Slash], Zhang Yang felt a strong crisis! And after Bossien completely spins up, Zhang Yang finds that he has no chance to attack at this time.

Because the warriors of the Campas Orc Kingdom are all related to blood energy, so after the whole person spins up at the moment, it looks like a thick **** whirlwind from a distance!

Moreover, the huge elephant clan orc seemed to be extremely nimble when performing [Cyclone Slash]. The **** whirlwind kept moving with Zhang Yang. During the period, Zhang Yang also felt a faint suction from it!

This made the Elephant Clan fighters, who were extremely powerful in defense, seem invincible in a short period of time. After chasing Zhang Yang, he could only move around in a circle in this city gate and could not attack.

However, this scene looks as if Zhang Yang is completely passive, but in fact Zhang Yang is still calm. He is quite clear in his heart. In terms of the huge size of this elephant warrior, even if the opponent is strong enough, he still ca n’t do it if he wants to maintain the high-level skills such as [Cyclone] for a long time.

At this moment, as long as Zhang Yang continues to move around the field, it is absolutely impossible for the Xiangzu warrior to catch up with him in the state of [Cyclone Slash], but now it is not the result that Zhang Yang wants. If you do n’t even try it, would n’t it look too ugly?

Thinking of Zhang Yang's running hands here, he took off a flying axe from his belt, and then threw it directly at the huge whirlwind of blood-red light behind him without looking at it!

Although Zhang Yang could not practice energy such as fighting energy or blood energy, his body has become quite powerful under the strengthening of the three major sources of energy. Now the power of throwing at will is already comparable to the damage that a fifth-tier intermediate soldier can throw with a flying axe!

But just when the flying axe carried the whistling sound and shot directly into the **** whirlwind behind him, I only heard a crunch. This flying axe made of cast iron was directly after a ray of Mars. Was broken into pieces of sky!

This situation can surprise Zhang Yang Xiaoxiao! If it was just knocked off, it was entirely within Zhang Yang ’s expectations. After all, even without the **** whirlwind ’s resistance, Zhang Yang ’s power-filled flying axe could not remove the super-heavy piece outside the elephant race soldier The spiked armor shattered.

But the flying axe burst into pieces at this moment, which made Zhang Yang pay attention to it!

You have to know that even if the flying axe needs to withstand the impact of two forces at the moment of being hit, but the force that can break it up in the sky, according to Zhang Yang ’s judgment, it must at least reach the level 6 or above. !

This made Zhang Yang suddenly understand that it was not only him who could use the power beyond a large order! At the moment, the elephant warrior Bethan, who is chasing after him, has the same power!

After getting this understanding, Zhang Yang also felt a little difficult. The elephant warrior Bossien ’s original strength is around the fifth-order advanced level. If he can really use the power beyond a large-order position, then this guy ’s attack power is not the original fifth-level advanced level, but the equivalent of six. Forget it!

So for Zhang Yang, even if he uses "Thunderbolt Enhancement", he can at most increase his strength to the sixth-level intermediate level but less than the sixth-level advanced level, and this is still in Zhang Yang's best efforts. This can only be achieved under the premise of level force application skills.

Therefore, unless Zhang Yang is out to use [Lei Ji Burst] this trick at the bottom of the box, he can never compete with the Elephant Warrior Bossien in terms of strength alone!

(It's a tough and troublesome guy ... It seems that he can't let him hit it anyway, otherwise I'm afraid it's not as simple as a point injury.)

In fact, Zhang Yang has forgotten one thing, that is, the Elephant Warrior Bethane is now performing [Cyclone]! Because the blood energy cultivated by the orc warriors does not have any elemental attributes, they cannot add elemental attributes like the human warriors when they cast [Cyclone].

However, if there is a disadvantage, there is a natural advantage. When the orc warriors who practice blood energy exert a whirlwind, their power will be enhanced to a certain extent! Fortunately, the degree of this power increase is not as simple as directly upgrading a level, but increases in proportion to the user's own strength.

Therefore, the stronger the strength of the orc warrior who uses [Cyclone Slash], the greater the improvement! Because of this, the elephant warrior Bethann, who originally had a sixth-order intermediate strength, exerted a powerful power almost equivalent to a sixth-order advanced!

It is a pity that Zhang Yang did not know this, and even if he knew, he would not choose such a huge elephant warrior as hard to shake. After all, if Zhang Yang really did this, would n’t it make Tedtek suspicious behind him?

Imagine it.

A guy without blood or grudge in his body not only has the speed equivalent to the fifth-level intermediate level, but also has the power to confront the high-level fighters of the Xiang clan! In the face of such a guy, Tedtek will definitely catch it desperately, even if it is for the future of the orc kingdom of Campas, he must torture the secret!

So Zhang Yang, after trying to attack for a while, turned around and continued to circle around without hesitation, which made the elephant warrior Bethann who was still able to keep the whirlwind behind him still very depressed.

In fact, the fighting power of the elephant warrior is extremely strong! In a large battlefield or in a relatively narrow environment, the strength they can exert even exceeds the lion and tiger royal family!

It's a pity that the elephant warriors have inherent shortcomings in terms of speed, and it is extremely difficult to advance to the seventh-tier legendary level, which makes them ranked under the lion and tiger clan in the orc kingdom of Campas.

So, at the moment, chasing behind Zhang Yang has turned a little dizzy, and at the same time, the rather helpless Elephant warrior Bethan is thinking about a very serious question, that is, whether to stop, stop, or stop? ?

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