Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1040: White lie

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"I have to admit that in many places you are really like Sis. You just need to understand that I can tolerate all things of Sis, but this does not mean that I will tolerate your provocations over and over again. ,Understand?"

Whether it is the strength of Ted Turk ’s legendary super power, or his identity as the orc royal family, there is always a demand for existence, but no one dares to defy anything he says or commands, let alone like Zhang Yang He always let him touch the nail in words.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to provoke your majesty, in fact I just told the truth."

Zhang Yang's answer made Ted Turk really angry and helpless. He had already felt that this Woking was actually a kind of person like Sisi. Except for the very similar behavior, he even had the ability to make people angry.

So now Ted Turk doesn't want to embarrass this guy, after all, someone who can understand so many secrets of Heath, at least it should be friends or important subordinates around her. Ted Turk ’s goal was to win the hearts of Miss Heath, and it would be bad if one day she knew she was too difficult for her friend.

So after thinking about it, Tedtek no longer delves into the secrets of Vol'jin. Besides, this secret is nothing more than Hess's.

"It's fine this time, but you'd better pay attention to your words and tone. Then ... Since Hess used space magic to teleport the scroll away, does she still have a scroll that she can teleport back? You just mentioned What is her mission and mission? "

As for Ted Turk ’s first question, Zhang Yang answered it very well, but the second one, he had to think about it.

"Because the technology of making the space transmission magic scroll has been completely lost, at least as far as we know, no one can make it, so now all that remains is the ancient inventory that has been saved by special methods. Not only that, Among the remaining space teleporting magic scrolls, there is no one that can teleport from the devil world to the Orlando world. I even have reason to believe that even in the ancient times thousands of years ago, His Royal Highness asked someone to make this powerful scroll. At the time, it is likely that there is no reel to make at all, so ... "

"Then there should be some way to return from Demon Realm? This may not be clear to others, but I believe you must know something, say it! Tell me! Hurry!"

How could Ted Turk, who is a legendary superpower, not know the value of the teleportation magic scroll? If you want to make this kind of thing, it is said that you must have at least six levels of strength and skills, and you have to match many rare materials to succeed.

And Tedtek knows that if this Woking's statement is true, it can span thousands of years and retain the magic scroll that was kept for a short time after it was made, which is enough to explain the preciousness of this magic scroll. For such a precious thing, it is normal to have a smaller quantity.

It is a pity that almost all the methods of making space transmission magic scrolls are lost in the long history of history. Perhaps some records can be found in the long-held magic kingdom of Pompeii, but they have the magic talent of space and are good at making. The powerful magician of the magic scroll has not heard of it for a long time.

However, Tedtek also firmly believes that if Wojin, who is suspected of being a wolf orc, can successfully complete the trial and obtain the strength left by the **** of war Campas, then his beloved Miss Heath will also be able to return from the devil world. Of course, Ted Turk definitely has the more attitude he knows about Heath.

"There are indeed many ways to return to the Orlando continent from the demon world, but this is all for the caster who can use the magic. If you can't build and use the magic circle yourself, then you will have luck if you want to come back. After all, In the Orlando world, there are still many people who want to summon demon creatures, even if the purpose is likely to be to deceive them to be used as slaves, pets or experimental materials. "

"So you came back this way?"

Ted Turk once again keenly discovered the information inadvertently revealed in Zhang Yang ’s discourse, and Zhang Yang naturally could not take the initiative to admit it, so he could only keep his mouth closed, and let Ted Turk guess wildly anyway. .

"Okay, let's put this question aside for a while. You said that Hess, who is a clan of God of War, must bear some responsibility. What does that mean?"

"I feel like I need to guard something. She almost never mentions this aspect. I know very little about it. But I guess it should be related to the safety of this world."

"The safety of this world? Is it related to demons?"

"I don't know. After all, this should be something that only descendants of God of War can know. If you really want to know that, then ask her personally."

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Ted Turk's expression suddenly became lonely. He had never loved a person so deeply, even if he had only been with her for less than two days. But what troubled Tedtek was that he couldn't see any feelings for himself in the other person's eyes. She was so special. There was always a calm in her eyes, which was chilling.

(Is this why she is so different? Inexplicably carrying the identity of the descendant of the God of War, she is obviously a weak girl, but has to take responsibility beyond her ability. If it is me, I am afraid that there is no extra thought. Do you care about emotional problems?)

Thinking of the heart that Hisi was hiding under her beautiful face, forcing herself to be strong, Ted Turke thought she should do something for her. So when Ted Turke looked up and looked at Zhang Yang again, he said firmly:

"Based on my understanding of her, I am afraid that she wouldn't take the initiative to find me even if she came back from Devil Realm successfully. But there is a word that I hope to tell me when you see her again: I will not change my mind about her, but The next time I meet, I wo n’t be as demanding as this time. At the same time, if I can do something for her, I will definitely go all out! "

Ted Turke's words were so sincere that even Zhang Yang felt a little moved after hearing it, but in the end it only turned into a sigh.

Originally Zhang Yang's plan was only to deal with what was in front of him, that is, to defraud Ted Turk. After all, Zhang Yang had secretly vowed before that he would never use the Rush son to "fraud the treasure". But now he hesitated for a while, and finally failed to speak the perfunctory words, so while screaming at his fool, Zhang Yang said:

"Look at the arrangement of fate, if I see her, it will be conveyed to you. But ... if you can become the king of the orc, maybe in the future ... I just say it is possible, she will need you May also help. "

"Is the King of Orcs ... well! If Hece needs that power, then I will fight for the throne!"

"So, I hope that this day will come sooner, so she should be more relaxed."

The Ted Turk that Zhang Yang has seen all the time is either overbearing or strong. Although there is also a gentle and tolerant aspect, it always looks depressed. Perhaps it's because of feelings of emptiness because of emotional problems. This powerful legendary orc royal family, in Zhang Yang's memory, has almost never had such a spirit at this moment.

It is the feeling that after the goal of struggle is no longer confused, the whole person seems to be burning and shining. Even Zhang Yang, who is also a man, has to admit that Ted Turk is really charming at this time.

(It ’s just that there ’s no way, buddy, you ’re really wrong! But if you can really use this as a motivation to go to the throne of the orc king, then you may change your mind when you become the king. ... hey ... really ...)

Unconsciously, Zhang Yang and Ted Turk had been standing in this small square for a long time. At this time, Zhang Yang felt that a group of people were approaching here in the distance. If Zhang Yang doesn't leave anymore, I am afraid that there will be no accidents.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang said to Tedtek:

"Master Tedtek, I have already said what I should say. Can I leave now?"

"What I said naturally counts, but before I leave, I hope you answer my question truthfully!"

"it is good."

Seeing Zhang Yang agree, Ted Turk's energetic face suddenly showed a solemn color, and then he only asked him to ask:

"What is your relationship with Heath? Do you ... also like her?"

Originally Zhang Yang thought what Ted Turke was about to ask, and he almost fell to the ground at the moment! That's right, everyone has a heart for beauty. In terms of the beauty of "Miss Hess", it's true that men and women can't kill each other.

However ... how could Zhang Yang like himself? ! Isn't that becoming narcissism? Think about it and feel collapsed!

But he couldn't speak directly with Tedtek, so it was easy to suppress the urge to roll his eyes in his heart. Zhang Yangshu shook his head before answering:

"It seems that I don't make it clear that you may not be able to sleep in the future. Tell you the truth. Hess is my cousin sister and grew up together. You should rest assured now."

"Sister cousin? Isn't it a sister? That's the case ..."

Zhang Yang Ke did not expect that Ted Turk, who was still aspiring at the moment, suddenly became suspicious and suddenly turned into a stomach. But it is said that love is selfish, and the IQ of people in love is basically negative, Zhang Yang will be relieved.

"You can rest assured, I always treat her as my sister-in-law, and ... since childhood, she has never touched any man, let alone my brother. And want some of her heart? At least you have to wait for the task carried by her to be completed before you have any hope, and this matter may not be much simpler than you to gain the throne of the Campos Orc Kingdom! "

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