Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1045: Amazing words

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Neil Jielina is also a genius in a certain sense, but her talents are developed later, and more is reflected in her own grudge training and fighting.

Neil Jelina often thinks, what would her life be like if she hadn't encountered those things and Master Wright? Is it like eating a lady like other people and eating and waiting to die and then find a little nobleman to marry yourself, or silently disappear in this increasingly chaotic years?

In that case, will her cultivating talent and combat talent still have a day to shine?

Neil Jelina does n’t know, she only knows that even though she has experienced a lot of pain and suffering today, she can see the different landscapes on the Orlando continent, and can live a lot of life, but it is more like a stable and comfortable Missy is much better.

The most important thing is that there is that adult in life now, even if he is always not by his side, but Neil Jelina thinks that she is protecting his career, the home he built, Neil Jelina There will be a huge power and happiness in my heart.

However, Niel Jielina also knows that she has many shortcomings, such as the overall situation and strategy, she is really not talented. Fortunately, when she was next to Zhang Yang, almost every sentence Zhang Yang said was deeply imprinted in her mind, so at this moment Neil Jielina thought about her position, if it was an adult, What will he do?

When I thought of the figure that was deeply impressed in my mind, Neil Jielina, who was still slightly nervous before, suddenly relaxed slowly, and at the same time, everyone's eyes were all focused on her to see what she said At that time, Neil Jielina finally said:

"In fact, when I heard the decision of Lord Ophelia, I felt more respectable from the bottom of my heart. How many of the nobles of the French Empire can really think of civilians? Everyone knows me. It is the civilian origin, so I sincerely thank you for those civilians! "

"Uh, Neil Jielina, what are you doing, I just want to do what I think is right ..."

Seeing Neil Jelena saying that she stood up and greeted herself deeply, she was a little embarrassed even if she was calm as Ophelia.

Neil Jielina's move inadvertently wiped out the last indifference in the eyes of the generals of the Silver Pegasus Legion.

(Sure enough ... it can be done! Adults are right, if you want others to listen to your opinion, the first step must be to get approval from others! Then next ...)

"In fact, if you change the angle and method, the remaining time should be sufficient at this time, but if it is really done, you may be more difficult, Master Ophelia ..."

"Neil Jie Lina, do you really have a solution? It doesn't matter what the hardship is, what's the point?"

Ophelia didn't have much hope for Neil Jelina. After all, she knew that Neil Jelina was not very good at planning. Even in today's Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, most of the suggestions are also They were all done by Sean, Anna and others, so at this moment Neil Jielina said that there was a way, Ophelia was really surprised.

"In this case ... In fact, Lord Ophelia didn't need to care too much about the orders and ideas of the Franks. Since you are ready to do something for the empire and people with your own strength, then you only need to bring your own team and the total It ’s enough to pay 20% of the supplies one by one in order to visit the realms of His Royal Highness. "

"This, Neil Jielina, you mean ..."

Ophelia had already understood something in her heart, but the thoughts and practices were somewhat ... bold, so that Ophelia never thought of this method. However, the next words of Neil Jelena almost made Ophelia refresh her knowledge in her heart!

"Master Ophelia, you should understand better than anyone else. It can be said that this is a very sensitive period. For the throne, several princes are competing to expand their strength. What about you? As the heir of the Camod family, The commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, your attitude can almost play a decisive role in a sense! This is easier to use than anyone ’s command! "

There are some things that everyone or Ophelia do n’t understand, but they just did n’t think in that direction. Now Neil Jielina said so, the general of the Silver Pegasus Legion here looked at each other in horror, but if you look closely, you will find, In addition to the surprise in their eyes, there was a deep sense of pride and excitement!

So when Neil Jelena continued, the expressions of everyone present became serious.

"But the problem is that it almost completely ignores the existence of the imperial capital. Adam the Great Prince is not a fool. At least he is very keen on this kind of thing. What should I do with the existing materials in case of comparison?"

For Ophelia's concerns, Neil Jie Lina naturally thought of it.

"In fact, things are not as complicated as Master Neil Jielina thinks. Raising front-line supplies is a matter of survival for the French Empire and even the kingdom of mankind. If the prince wants to inherit the throne, all other princes will contribute. In this case, you will never be embarrassed. At this time, you only need to write to tell the ministers and high princes of Franks to let them prepare the materials and wait for you to raise the materials and go on the road. "

"But even if I do n’t mention it in a short time, after this incident, the Prince Adam will definitely resent me and even the Silver Pegasus Legion. After all, if I can really transport the materials to the front of the **** battle, it represents the impact. The force is even greater than that of his great prince, I am afraid that by then the two sides will be a deadly thing ... "

Neil Jielina just smiled at Ophelia's remarks, and then only listened to her and asked:

"Then Lord Ophelia, I would like to ask, if you don't do this, would you choose to support Adam the Prince?"

"……alright, I got it."

Niel Jielina asked Ophelia's speechless words directly. The facts are there, everyone here understands that Ophelia had no plans to support the succession of the Grand Prince. Not only that, but now it is not only that the Grand Prince Adam has not become the new emperor of the French Empire. None of the other princes were decent!

At this point, things are almost settled, and as long as Ophelia puts forward the big policy, then the remaining complicated operations that are specific to the operation can be handed over to the generals of the Silver Pegasus Legion.

After the meeting was over and all the generals of the Silver Pegasus Legion were left, Nilfelina, who was specifically ordered by Ophelia to stay, and everyone in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, saw Ophelia rushing towards the balcony alone. The outside scenery stunned the three-pointer with a glass of wine.

"That ... Master Ophelia, we will retire if nothing happens."

It wasn't until Niel Jielina spoke that Ophelia seemed to react.

"Not in a hurry, Miss Neil Jielina. In fact, your remarks today really surprised me! Not only that, I think Mr. Sean and everyone, should I think like me?"

Of course, Ophelia was right. At this time, not only did Sean look at Neil Jelina with the eyes of the "seeing the undead", but even Anna also had a splendid look in her eyes. In the final analysis, everyone did not expect that Nier Jielina, who was not good at planning, could speak the words just now.


In fact, without Ophelia, Neilina feels the difference in her surroundings, but Ophelia is not satisfied with her silence, but closes her face intimately. Before, softly said:

"Speaking of Neil Jielina, your performance today has almost subverted my previous understanding of you. I knew you had such talents, so I should grab you from Wright's guy. But Is this the method you came up with? Do n’t get me wrong. I do n’t mean to ask this question. I just think this method seems familiar ... ”

Hearing this, Sean, Anna and others also showed some thought on their faces. At this time, Neil Jielina was relieved, but she saw a shy smile, and then said with a slightly red face:

"Sure enough, it was discovered by Lord Ophelia, this method should not be considered by me ... I was just thinking how if the adult is here, how would he decide? After that, I thought back to the adult to deal with this in normal days What it looks like, and then think about it from his perspective, so ... do n’t be angry if you say something wrong, Master Ophelia! "

(It turned out to be like this ?!)

At the moment, Ophelia was too surprised to be too late. How could she be angry? If you did n’t know that Neil Jelina would n’t deliberately deceive her, Ophelia even thought that this was a joke after listening to this!

She couldn't imagine that someone could make herself completely different by simply recalling another person's words, deeds and habits. How detailed and meticulous observation, memory and thinking are needed to achieve this step!

In fact, this is no longer the level of ability or talent, which is like a kind of faith! Suffering from this, Ophelia suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration, and only the contrast could tell the difference.

Ophelia once thought in his heart that the commander of the silver Pegasus Legion and the heir to the Camord family, the oldest empire in the empire, are much better than Neil Jelina in terms of talent, appearance and background But why did Wright choose Neil Jelena instead of her?

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