Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1071: Lucy's trouble

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Hoofs really do a lot for Lucy. Although his strength is not strong enough to defeat all the people who spy on Lucy's beauty, it is an indisputable fact to meet all kinds of challenges without fear.

And even more valuable is that the hoofshell did not claim to be a savior and thought he could directly obtain Lucy ’s heart. While he had been taking care of her, he also kept a sufficient distance from her, which made Lucy feel warm in her heart. It's also a lot easier.

So even if she does n’t say anything, Lucy has already had a good impression and dependence on hoof shells, but she does n’t want to be a burden for hoof shells forever, even if she agrees to be with hoof shells, then she must have enough self-preservation Strength! So Lucy has been working hard to improve her strength, and the fastest way for her is to find a powerful Warcraft pet.

Fortunately, Lucy's wish has been reached inadvertently now, and she can't ask for more if she can get a fourth-order junior Warcraft Gale.

However, the huge capture fee of 10,000 gold coins is really unpredictable to Lucy, who is frugal on weekdays. The three thousand gold coins that Lucy took out are basically all the savings accumulated by her generations, but these It's not enough. If it weren't for the help of the hoof shells at the critical moment, she took out all the savings of 7,000 gold coins that she had desperately accumulated for several years. She was afraid that she would miss this opportunity directly. It is unknown whether she can meet again in the future.

The seven thousand gold coins are a huge sum of money for Lucy and the hoof. If the hoof can be taken out for her return without asking, how could Lucy not be moved?

In fact, Lucy is already considering. Now that his goal has been basically achieved, should this time consider the relationship with the scallop further?

Lucy, who was thinking about her own thoughts at this moment, was already a little distracted, but at this moment, the small wind that was carrying her slowly forward suddenly stopped, and this moment suddenly let Lucy wake up.

However, when she saw what was happening in front of her eyes, Fang Cai's good mood disappeared immediately!

"Oh, hey! Isn't this my care, Lucy? It's just a few days since I saw you, you got such a big gale tiger as a pet. No wonder I always miss you, this charm is beyond imagination. Great! Hahahaha! "

This talking guy is also an old acquaintance of Lucy and Hoof, except that all memories related to him, if possible, Lucy did not want to remember. But as a lack of strength and no strong man to protect the beauty, Lucy had to suffer such harassment. Perhaps this is the trouble and sorrow of being a beauty?

Fortunately, Lucy is no longer alone. Just when she was angry and about to go back and scold, a familiar figure in heavy armor suddenly moved to block directly in front of Lucy. Almost at the same time, Lucy sat down and gazed at the group of blockers with a whisper.

At this time, I saw the hoof shell rare and said with a cold face:

"Murad, you better not spit the rhetoric there! And I have told you more than once, it's better to stay away from Miss Lucy!"

Seeing the hoof shell blocking his sight, the bear clan named Murad suddenly gathered a smile on his face and turned to the hoof shell in a vicious curse:

"It's so **** naughty! How can I meet you as a meat seller wherever you go! What's wrong? Are you Lucy's father? Or her mother? Can you make a decision for my baby? Bah! Do you have this qualification? ? "


"What are you? I am a reasonable person. Is there something wrong with what I said? Huh! Don't pretend to be a good old man. Don't you know what you think in your heart? Why? Want to stay on your own? Eating a solitary food? Hum! You ’re an adventurer, do n’t you know why 'good things' should be shared with everyone? Hahahaha! "

When Murad said the words "good things" and "sharing", he emphasized his voice and emphasized it, which means that anyone who walks outside will understand. Not only did he finish his remarks, he also turned around and glanced at his helpers behind him, and at this time his helpers also burst out with a silvery laugh.

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Speaking of this, not only are the hooves and Lucy very popular, but Zhang Yang, who is acting as a passerby, also feels that this group of guys suddenly squeezed over to block the road. It's just that he didn't need to speak at this time, and Lucy's pet of warcraft, Xiaofeng, already roared, and it looked like he was about to pass.

Fortunately, at this time, the hoof shell is somewhat reasonable. Although he ca n’t wait to smash the dozens of garbage in front of him, he also understands that although Xiaofeng is strong enough, there are still a few gangs on the opposite side. Under the siege of the third-tier fighters, absolutely no good.

Not to mention anything else, Lucy's strength is undefeated against the previous Tier 3, but he wants to win ... that is, to think about it. Moreover, Xiaofeng is just a gale tiger that has always been a fourth-level junior. If you face the siege of three fourth-level fighters at the same time, you will probably lose. If the remaining third-level relocations help, Xiaofeng may die. !

Red Rock City does not allow arbitrary killing, but it does not say that it cannot kill Warcraft! Even though Xiaofeng is the favorite of Lucy's Beast Trainer, it is still not protected by that rule.

Hoofshell can't imagine what a desperate expression Lucy will look when she loses Xiaofeng, and he can't turn a blind eye to the insults and provocations of Murad and others against Lucy!

What about scallops? There are more than ten opponents standing there. There are at least five warriors above Tier 4 and the rest are good players with Tier 3 and above. As far as strength is concerned, even if the three hoops are combined with the strong wind and tiger small wind, they are not their opponents.

However, at this time, even if he knew that he wasn't doing hoofs, he had to stick his scalp up, so he saw him take off the giant tower shield behind him, and then slammed on the ground with a sharp pestle:

"Just your group of **** is not worthy of mentioning the words adventurer, and besides, you are a bounty hunter who dares to do any dirty work, but also mention the adventurer's motto? I am ashamed of you! Rad, if you are a breeder, come out and single out with Grandpa Hoof, otherwise, hurry and leave me! "

As a hog orc, the hoof shell is already strong, and now standing in front of him, he is really a bit heroic. It ’s just that the shield warrior is also famous in Red Rock City, so unless the strength is much higher than the hoof shell, or the brain is burnt out, otherwise it will never be interested and a person wearing heavy armor has almost no place to play. The mouth shield warrior singled out.

Murad is not stupid though he has a bad character. He would never do such a thankless single with Hoof Shell. And as a tasteful rogue, he has his own reason.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! What a great majesty! What's the matter? The shield warrior is so amazing? I can't be fooled by you! What a big vote of brothers behind Lao Tzu, why do you succumb to this silly one with you Identity? Huh! Today I tell you, if you know me, you and me will be a good thing to be careful of your liver, otherwise be careful that our brother will break your bones, and you will be asked to survive not to die! "

Most of the reasoning with rogues and rogues will be mad at the other side because they will only talk to you about reasoning. Hearing this, Zhang Yang was almost smirked. He vaguely remembered an allusion he had heard before when he was studying. Although simple, it was far-reaching.

The specifics are this: Some people don't understand why some men like to study, and some men like to exercise? The answer is actually very simple. Those who like to read books are for talking to the brain disabled, while those for fitness are for the brain disabled to listen to him ...

Is it very simple?

Zhang Yang feels that this is especially true on the Orlando continent. In order to let all kinds of brains and rogues obediently listen, appropriate violence is really essential.

In fact, seeing that Zhang Yang has decided to help Lucy in his heart, no matter whether it is out of friendship or the principle of his life, Zhang Yang will not clearly have the strength to lend a helping hand, but still watch this happen regardless of .

But he did n’t want to be the first one to do it. Know that his disguise ca n’t be compared to the reality of the fraudulent orb transformation. Although it looks like it is on the whole, but if it really meets the eyes Poisonous, in case of a leak, Yang Ke would be in trouble.

Although in the end there was the trick of using the fraudulent orb to transform into ‘Miss Hess’, but as long as there was a silver lining, Zhang Yang would never become that misleading ...

And when Zhang Yangzai waited for the situation to develop, even if the hoops were angry, they would still use Murad's rogue theory. After all, strength here is everything, as long as there is enough power ...

Thinking of power, the hoof shell recalled involuntarily the scene of the mysterious man Volgin helping Lucy to subdue the strong wind and the small wind a few days ago. The unparalleled power, the speed enough to produce afterimages, was not exactly what he needed ? !

But in order to help Lucy to conquer the strong wind tiger as a darling, the hoof shell has spent all his savings. Now he wants to hire a sixth-order strongman. Hoof shell really does n’t know if he has enough money to do it. Into this matter!

In desperation, the hooves had to bite their scalp slightly and squinted at their good friend Boyle, asking:

"That ... Brother Boyle, do you have any money left?"

"Ga? What do you mean?"

Boyle is actually ready to fight, but now a word from Hoof Shell has asked him. This is clearly the time when he is ready to start fighting. Ask him if he has any money. Could this be the case, and what are you going to buy the other party for?

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