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Hearing this, Zhang Yang was suddenly certain that the handsome lion named Dave definitely had something to do with himself. Otherwise, who had heard of which guy would spend money to hire someone to eat with him? Does Zhang Yang look like a singer? Or is this guy Dave who has a strong taste for men and women?

Thinking of that one in 10,000 chances, Zhang Yang felt a sudden chill for no reason, and even with Dave's super handsome face, it seemed that some people wanted to be closer and farther away.

"Forget it, not interested."

"Really? What about two hundred gold coins?"


"Or five hundred gold coins?"

"Are you rich? And are you bored?"

Zhang Yang is not short of money, but Dave has raised prices several times in a row, but he looks like he wants to win. This look finally made Zhang Yang a little bit angry, what is the matter, is it amazing to have money?

However, just when Zhang Yang coldly said this to Dave, the fox beauty Dyer who had been completely hung on Dave, turned his head to take a look at Zhang Yang and said angrily:

"You guys are so weird! My master kindly asks you not to appreciate, you know you are fighting ..."

"Dair! Irrational!"

"Ah ~ people just don't talk ..."

Dave was interrupted by Dave only half of the words, but listening to the little meaning revealed in the second half of the sentence, this Dave's identity was really not simple.

(Does that war character refer to the City of God of War? So this Dave is really a direct descendant of the orc royal family? So does he know the guy Ted Turk?)

Although thinking in this way, Zhang Yang did not speak. He wouldn't have competed with women, and no matter what Dave had tried to him, at least for now, it was not as irritating as ordinary nobles, so Zhang Yang did not speak out.

It was just that after the trouble with Daier, the atmosphere was suddenly awkward, so that even Dave, who had prepared a lot of speeches, did not know how to continue to speak for a while. But at this moment, the badminton girl who had been blushing quietly in Dave ’s arms seemed to have made up her mind. She actually knelt down with red face and bravely sat down to salute Zhang Yang. Then, with that soft and glutinous voice, she said:

"Master Wo, Wo, Woking ... I, I think ... Please sit down and drink with your master, please!"

But after just saying these words, the Yuzu girl trembles nervously, and even with the soft and loose relationship of her clothes, the pair of majestic peaks, at the moment, also tremble slightly. When she finally finished saying that, and then bowed down deeply on her knees, Zhang Yang couldn't bear it, and nodded helplessly after shaking her head slightly:

"Forget it, get up. I just sit down."

In fact, because the decoration in this box is already quite advanced for the Campas Orc Kingdom, the original icy ground was now completely covered by a thick layer of long-haired carpet.

Moreover, there is a difference between this box and the outside tavern. There are no chairs in the room at all, not to mention that the table in it is only the height of Mi Xu. It looks like this is a sitting and lying pattern.

Originally, Dave felt that there was no hope of having a relationship with this mysterious strongman this time, but who could think of the feather girl Lier who almost only wanted to be beside him and almost never talked to others, even he reached his goal. Things that Dyer didn't do.

So Dave, who couldn't hide the surprise on his face, didn't even care about the two daughters on the side, actually got up and filled a glass of wine for Zhang Yang, and then he sat back on the floor cheerfully.

"Hahaha ~ I didn't expect Lier's face to be much bigger than me this time. I must reward you for turning back!"

Speaking of which, Lier, a feathered girl who had already got up and hid back in Dave's arms, was already red as if she was about to bleed. At this time, she had no courage to find it, and even looked at the sitting posture, as if she had no strength.

(How can Dave Howard actually make the two women love him so much? And looking at his usual appearance, I am afraid that such a situation lasts for a long time, so let him be accustomed to it? Only I hope this person knows how to cherish possession, and do n’t play with chaos and abandon that set of hearts that have failed them.)

Zhang Yang looked in his eyes at this moment, and sighed in his heart. But if you want, what can he do besides stuttering ‘dog food’?

It ’s just that even though Zhang Yang is now stronger, his heart is still just the heart of an ordinary person, so he will make low-level mistakes, just like he said: do n’t disappoint the beauty, but he only sees the problems of others. What about your own problems?

There are flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded. Years are ruthless and time goes by, even if the women on the Orlando continent are stronger than ordinary people, they can slightly slow down the rate of aging. But in addition to the geniuses among those geniuses, who attained the legendary rank at a young age, the most beautiful years of most women can continue for several years?

Moreover, as professionals, they always face dangers and challenges of one kind or another. Who can guarantee their safety all the time?

Dangdang is constantly being counter-inflicted, not to mention Zhang Yang is getting stronger and stronger, but when dealing with his feelings, he is too cautious and indecisive.

After all, once something is missed, it will never come back ...

Two flowers bloomed on each table, and when Zhang Yang was full of doubts and stayed in the red classic tavern to drink with Dave, he had returned to Boyle of the "Hook Claw" bounty hunter's headquarters. Accompanied by carefully listen to his nephew Murad about why he caused trouble, and then how he was knocked down and caught.

"Uncle! I really do n’t exaggerate at all! That guy really dragged an afterimage when he was moving, only for a few moments, and a dozen of us did n’t even see his attacking action, just I was knocked down one by one. And I do n’t know what method the guy used. Until now, the blood gas energy in our body is still very scattered. Although it has not disappeared, it ca n’t be gathered. Uncle, you can help me! Woo ~ I Was it because the guy had lost his strength !? "

Originally, Boyle held a wicked fire in his heart at this moment, and now seeing Murad's egg-like appearance, he suddenly stopped fighting.

Obviously a bear family with a height of more than two meters, but at the moment it is like a little girl who is angry, and she is in the tears. If it is not Murad, he is the nephew of Boyle, otherwise he will rely on the bear like him at this moment. Er had already slapped him directly with a slap, so it was shameful for the weak guy to stay in the 'claw'!

But when I think about it, Murad is justified in fear. If he didn't lie, then the guy who couldn't even see the depths of Boyle before, I'm afraid at least he is also a strong man with sixth-order strength!

For Murad, who has only fourth-order strength, the sixth-order strongman is simply an invincible existence. Moreover, it can make the blood energy of the enemy's body indifferent, what kind of meaning does this ability represent, I am afraid Boyerbimu Rad must be more aware of the power.

Thinking of Boyle breathing out a deep breath here, he calmed down a little before he said:

"This time you really did have bad luck and kicked the iron plate, but you can rest assured that although this will make you a little unacceptable, in terms of you and the strength of your men, the name is Woking If you guys want to kill you, you can't resist at all. As for the problem that the blood gas energy in your body can't be used, this should only be a temporary phenomenon. At the latest tomorrow morning, the blood gas energy in your body will return to normal, so, go back Well, stay in the headquarters with your men and wait for the strength to recover before going out. "

"Bright and understand. But uncle, today we are hooked on the face of this thing by the guy! We really forget it?"

After being comforted by Boyle, Murad finally let go of his nervous and hanging heart. After all, Boyle has always been the strongest synonym in his heart. Now that Boyle says he will be fine, then Murad It is logical to rest assured.

It's just that Murad has been bullying others. Why have they been bullied by others like today! The fear of being knocked down instantly, and the shame that would later be sold like goods and animals, Murad would not be reconciled anyway. But he was not stupid. He was too strong for the opponent, so he could only think of instigating Boyle.

However, since Boyle was able to set up a ‘hook claw’ bounty hunter organization with one hand, his vision and wrist are naturally not comparable to that of Murad.

In fact, based on Boyle's understanding of Murad, it is no exaggeration to say that when Murad poked his **** here, Boyle knew that he would pull a few dung eggs! So when Murad opened his mouth, Boyle immediately knew what he was thinking.

(Stupid guy, if it were n’t for my sister ’s face, just because you dared to pay attention to me, I would tear you apart! And with your grain-sized brain, would you want to bluff me? I do n’t know. Life and death, from this point of view, Wojin's **** guy beat you a little bit lightly.)

Despite the sneer in his heart, Boyle did not directly refuse. After all, even if this is all the mess messed up by Murad, from the point of view of the 'hook claw' organization, it has indeed been severely faced. Therefore, if his boss is not tough at this time, then people's hearts will dissipate in the future.

"Relax, when I finish the big deal at hand, I will not easily let go of the crazy guy who dares to face off in public!" Okay, go on. "

"Uncle, uncle! You must kill the **** hard before you get angry!"

At this point, Murad, who was beaten as a pigman, finally left. Until then, Zuo De, who had been respectfully standing next to Boyle, stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

"Master, have you finally decided?"

"Yeah, otherwise you think I was so forgiving just now? Do I fear that **** named Woking? No! Even if there is Beck's nosy little **** next to me, but the reason why I don't The shot is just to retain all the power to complete this big sale worth 100,000 gold coins! After all, the goal this time is ... "

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