Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1093: Terrace under the stars

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The three of Dave eventually lived in the last room of the Red Classic Tavern and were seriously told that they could not leave for the next two days. After all, Dave ’s sword caused a lot of trouble. If he killed someone, he would still be able to leave. The ground appears in the city and the tavern, isn't that equivalent to openly challenging Baker's authority?

In fact, in Zhang Yang's opinion, the restricted movement of the three Dave is actually not bad. Now that it is known that there are killers who want to kill Dave, then going out and wandering outside is almost equivalent to finding death.

And the room at the back of the red classic is not a prison. On the contrary, it is quite gorgeous. Even in terms of comfort, this room with a length of 10 meters each will never be worse than the luxury box.

As far as food and wine are concerned, as long as Dave pays for it, Baker is naturally willing to provide it. From this point of view, Zhang Yang even thinks that some aspects of this guy in Baker are more like a businessman than a pure warrior.

In fact, don't look at Dave's mouth for objection, but he actually quite agrees with this decision. Even if it is under house arrest or imprisonment, as long as it can safely pass these two days and wait until Dave's strong aid arrives, then these will no longer have any problems.

Because this quiet place behind the tavern was originally prepared for special guests, so that you want to enter the room where Dave and others are located. There is only one way to go. The entrance is the highest platform in Redstone City where everyone spoke before.

So when Baker opened the secret door of this room, even Zhang Yang was a little surprised, and it was at this time that Zhang Yang and Dave wanted to understand that I was afraid that Baker did not plan to deal with Dave from the beginning. The temptations and scams of the strong ethnic groups.

The sky finally became dark. At this moment, the Redstone City towering over the wasteland had already lit up countless fires, which made the Redstone City suddenly become a torch in the night. Because of the height, it is either mottled or bright fire, even if it is more than a dozen miles away, it can be clearly seen.

This is a confident and arrogant display and a trap in the light. And its target is naturally those human predators who have broken through the front line of the **** battle. As for whether they will be fooled, the history of hundreds of years in the past seems to have given the answer ...

Zhang Yang didn't choose to stay in the secret room at this moment. Well, although the room was not a secret room, it was not much different. The point is that since the first time I saw Dave, Zhang Yang had to be irritated by the man and woman, swallowing dog food helplessly.

And it is already late at night. If he stays in the house again, besides becoming a huge light source, he may have to watch the other party doing embarrassing things embarrassingly. In contrast, Zhang Yang really likes to lie on his back on the highest platform of Red Rock City, feel the cool night breeze, drink hot red star wine, and watch the clear night sky overhead quietly.

In fact, Zhang Yang was a little puzzled. He really couldn't see exactly what kind of person Dave was. Although this may not be necessary, anyway, after the past two days, he will leave here to go to the front line of the **** battle, and then return to his familiar human kingdom.

But without knowing why, he always felt that Dave was not credible and even felt fake. Even when the other party looked at Daier and Lier with spoiled and eager eyes, Zhang Yang vaguely felt that it seemed to be pretending to be ordinary, but it seemed to be affectionate but only desire.

If this is the case, then this guy who looks handsome and incompetent but not very good is probably more difficult to deal with than everyone thinks. After all, Zhang Yang can feel that Daier and Lier really put all their body and mind on Dave ...

(But what does that have to do with me? The thing you love is what I want. Could it be that I ate too much dog food today, so I inevitably developed a little jealousy in my heart? No, that ’s not jealousy. Sad for the two of them, I just hope that all of them are too much ...)

At this moment, a stone brick on the ground not far from Zhang Yang suddenly pushed upwards, and then as the light inside showed from there, a pure woman who was slightly shy but had a pair of **** was actually red He walked out of the secret room below, and then walked towards Zhang Yang.

Who is this besides Lier? But she is not ...

"Then, that, Lord Woking, my host asked me to send you some wine and food, and this is two thousand gold coins, please accept them."

I don't know why, Zhang Yang feels that Lier is a little afraid of herself, or that she will easily get nervous when facing herself.

"Let's put things aside, thank Dave for me, but I have already withdrawn 500 gold coins before I bought things. He doesn't need to give me two thousand gold coins."

Although Zhang Yang just glanced at Lier lightly, the girl's face turned red. So when he said this, Zhang Yang simply closed his eyes and lay on his back on the platform.

"But, but my host said, you not only saved him once, but also saved my life, so, so these five hundred gold coins are ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang interrupted Li'er's words lightly, only listening to him still calmly saying:

"I promised to protect not just Dave alone, but the three of you, so there is no need to give money separately. Each of these four bags of gold coins is the number of five hundred. Take it back. One should get it. I wo n’t be polite, nor will I want what I should n’t take. ”

"But, but, I, I am also very grateful that you saved me."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang heart sighed somehow, but he still did not open his eyes, but after a little while, said gently:

"Actually, you don't have to thank me. This is just the task and responsibility. But if you insist on thanking me, I would like to ask you to answer a question if you can."

Perhaps it was because Lier felt it was impolite to stand beside the other party, and it was easy to give people a sense of standing up or down. Therefore, by the opportunity of putting down the items in her hand, Lier was already kneeling nervously in Zhang Yang On the ground one meter away, holding his knees with both hands, the whole person looked nervous and respectful.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't open his eyes, otherwise, if Li'er saw this posture at this moment, Zhang Yang would become a big red face.

You must know that the towering height of Lier ’s chest is really magnificent. Now, when she is squeezed by her two arms, she is getting bigger and stronger. In addition, Lier ’s pure face and the face of her face are not due to tension or shyness. Coming to Tuohong, that full of temptation, in an instant, reached the point where most men would have nosebleeds when they saw it.

In this way, Zhang Yang, who has always closed his eyes, is really hard to say whether he is lucky or unfortunate ...

"Please, please ask Lord Woking, no matter what questions you ask, I will tell you the truth!"

(Are there any strange places that I thought of going to? Er, why did I suddenly have this idea?)

Zhang Yang thought a little helplessly, he felt that he was indeed prone to gaffe in front of Lier, but Zhang Yang also knew that he had no other ideas and no desire for Lier, maybe she was pitiful but strong and strong, making him Feeling soft?

"Why would you call Dave the master? Or in other words, what is your relationship with him? If you can, please tell me."


After Zhang Yang asked this question, Lier lost her voice, but when Zhang Yang thought that the other party would not answer his question, Lier slowly replied in a tone that seemed to be immersed in memories:

"When we were very young, the master bought us back. I vaguely remember that we were all just slaves at that time. The master used his power to protect us and let us live a good life. We know, and even spend a lot of money to awaken our blood energy. So the master loves us, and everything we give is given by the master, so we not only love him, but also willing to pay everything for him! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang also felt a little emotional and silent, but this emotion lasted only a short moment, and did not even make Li'er notice the change in his mood.

"Understood, then if I can, I want to take the liberty to ask one more question."


"Are you talking about" we "just you and Miss Delil? Or, this" us "actually represents a lot of people?"


This time Lier's silence lasted a lot longer than last time. Even if Zhang Yang still didn't open his eyes, he could feel the slight tremor on Lier's body and the possible struggle in his heart.

After Zhang Yang heard the sound of Lier getting up, she did not take one of the four bags of gold coins, so she walked slightly and step by step toward the dark door behind her, and at this time, Zhang Yang was even able to listen indistinctly. To the depressed gasps and ** from the secret room.

But when Zhang Yang thought that Lier would not answer this question at last, Lier, who had walked out about five meters, suddenly sighed, and then left two words very quietly as if muttering to himself, and then left The entrance into the secret room eventually disappeared along with the lights on the platform under the starry sky with the closing of the secret room door.

(Sure enough ... a lot? So Dave is just one of countless cold-blooded aristocrats, and judging from the age at which he is not much older than Lier and they, even when he was a child, he already had a very deep mind and Ruthless means. If I guessed right, he has been hiding and disguising himself? Is he also planning something, but what does this have to do with me? Just ... really disappointing ...)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang's mind suddenly flashed the image of a domineering tiger clan. Compared with Dave who looked super handsome, timid and kind on the surface, Zhang Yang suddenly thought that Ted Turk was a real orc noble Even if his character is a bit irritable, his etiquette and manners are simply worse than Dave, but Ted Turk ’s true temperament is many times stronger than Dave.

(I hope you will find your happiness in the end, whether it is Lier or Ted Turk ...)

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