Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1097: Baker's attitude

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Speaking of course, this is not the first time Zhang Yang has seen this so-called skill. In the battle before he left the Orsay City Colosseum a few days ago, he also experienced this powerful skill in the Elephant Warrior. 135% 7924? * 6/810 ..

It's just that when Baker released this trick now, although the momentum did not look as great as the elephant warrior at the time, when it comes to the effect, it seems that the power of a few feet can be directly along the ground to the underground chamber, which is More powerful than when the elephant warrior used it.

During this time, Zhang Yang found that this technique is only used by orc warriors who are tall and powerful, such as the wolf orc and the monkey orc, who have never seen them use it. Of course, it may be that Zhang Yang did not Contact the strong among these races.

However, if you want to use Zhang Yang's strength and power, you should be able to exert similar strength. But after several attempts, he always felt that there was something missing. Although he could step on the ground with his own strength every time, the power and momentum were not even as good as that of the Elephant Warrior.

It was not until today that Zhang Yang saw Baker using this technique on the slate floor in a panic manner. He only wanted to understand that this trick is only afraid that in addition to the need for a strong enough body, it also needs energy in the body as an aid, otherwise it is up to ** As far as strength is concerned, even Lord Baker is definitely not the opponent of Zhang Yang.

However, there is a problem. Zhang Yang does not have energy like blood gas or grudge. If you use the power of thunder and lightning to perform this trick, I am afraid that the result may be just to use your feet. At that time, the power will be quite powerful, but because The power of thunder and lightning is mainly reflected in the penetration, that is, the destructive power of the point, so I am afraid that if it is not used, the effect will not be wasteful.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang felt that he had to work hard to control his strength by trying to learn this trick. After all, now he can already use a deeper level of subtlety, so if he uses a stronger force to release it in a concussive manner Go out? Zhang Yang thinks it is very likely to succeed ...

Since the three of Dave came out of the underground chamber, Zhang Yang immersed himself in his thoughts and ignored what Beck and Dave had said.

Anyway, Zhang Yang knew clearly, don't look at Beck's fierce look at the moment, it was a posture to come over to find trouble, but in the end he would never kill Dave.

Of course, if you just want to beat him out, it is very possible. After all, for a strong man who is about to advance to the sixth rank, if he does not take into account the future of his own ruling Redstone City and the development of the Bloodhoof tribe, For Baker alone, there is no need to worry about any royal revenge.

The Campas Orc Kingdom has a vast territory. You can hide wherever you want. If you want to find him alone, it is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. If Baker is lucky enough to successfully reach the seventh-tier legend during the period, naturally there is no need to be afraid.

After all, no matter in which country, once the strength reaches the level of the seventh order legend, the status will suddenly be different. As long as there is a cause, let alone kill a prince, as long as it is not a treason, it will definitely be forgiven!

However, Dave did n’t want to be beaten by angry Baker anyway, so when Zhang Yangwu was thinking about how to use this trick, Lier, who was frightened and begging, did n’t know when he had come to him. By his side, he was now eagerly pulling his sleeve to say something eagerly.

"Uh, what happened?"

Because he wasn't aware of the danger in his perception, Zhang Yang, who was thinking, did not know what was happening in the outside world, so when he saw the appearance of Lier crying, he felt a little dazed.

"I beg you to help my master, Lord Woking! Otherwise, he will be injured!"

In fact, it is not necessary for Lier to say that Zhang Yang also sees what's going on. I don't know why. At this moment, Dave has been caught by two Baker's strong guards on his arm. Not only that, the fox girl Daier beside Dave was also restricted by a strong cattle guard.

Although he didn't make any excessive moves for a while, but looking at Baker's angry face, I was afraid that Dave might be repaired.

In fact, there was originally a strong city guard who came to catch Lier, but maybe it was because of the fear of Zhang Yang, that the strong Niu city guard strongman with fifth-order junior strength ran to Zhang Yang when he saw Lier Afterwards, he finally stopped with frowning.

At the same time, Baker's eyes turned out to bet.

"I advise you not to get involved in this matter, Woking."

When Dave was caught before, Baker had deliberately paid attention to the expression of that mysterious Woking, but at that time he saw that the other party didn't even lift his eyelids, which only slightly relieved.

Baker is very strange. Obviously it is the guy who can't perceive the existence of the slightest blood energy in the individual. How can he be so feared?

It's a pity that all three of Dave are about to be caught soon. The girl closest to Vol'jin even ran to Volgin's side in a first step, and the Volcano's strong guard has been in Volgin's mind from just now to now. It turned out that he had recovered, which made Baker feel that things would not be as smooth as he had imagined.

"Master Baker, what do you do to catch them?"

"Huh! Because they always cause me trouble, so I think it might be better to be in a dungeon!"

"Well, do you want to shut me in too?"

"This is not necessary, after all, you are not their gang, just use money to do things."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. After all, it seems that Baker is not the kind of reasonable person in the present situation?

"But I killed this man, doesn't it matter?"

Zhang Yang was still calm at this point, but this made Baker's heart burn. It was said that he was clearly not going to pursue it. Unexpectedly, this guy even brought it out himself. Could it be that Woking specifically wanted to face him?

"Huh! You don't say I have forgotten, so what does Brother Woking mean? Would you like to go to our dungeon in Red Rock City to see the scenery and experience it?"

"No, I'm not interested in any underground buildings. In fact, I just don't understand. You are not going to kill them. Does it make any sense?"

"You don't understand! I'm preventing them from getting into trouble again! After all, the dungeon is not the same as the hotel. People who want to go there have to worry about my attitude!"

"So you are protecting them?"

"Huh! I just want to teach the guy who dares to cause trouble on my site!"

Zhang Yang understands everything here, don't look at Baker's aggressiveness, but he is still protecting the safety of Dave's three people. However, after seeing the obvious large dark circles on Dave's face, Zhang Yang understood that Baker was actually resentful of his death, but he couldn't really attack it.

Thinking of this layer Zhang Yang suddenly shook his head helplessly, and then only listened to him again said:

"Well, Master Baker, since you have already punched him, let them go. Otherwise, you may regret it ..."

Zhang Yang didn't say this, but he said Baker's anger suddenly rose again.

"What's the matter? Could you be ready to make a difference for them? Huh! I have to say that I really can't understand you, obviously I can kill the snake-beauty beauty after refreshing, how could a person like you be killed by that? Yuzu big breasted little girl begged to change her position? Could it be that you deliberately found a chance to challenge me? "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang didn't feel anything special. When the naked woman of the Snake Race died naked, he knew that someone must have misunderstood. But Zhang Yang didn't care, after all, he had a clear conscience. It's just that not everyone in the field can be as calm as he is, especially the feather girl Lier who is standing beside Zhang Yang and is pulling his clothes.

After hearing Baker's words suddenly, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that she was suddenly stiff all over, and then trembling slightly involuntarily.

"People did kill me, but it never happened."

Even when defending himself, Zhang Yang's tone was as calm as before, but his attitude calmed Lier gradually. But for Baker, Zhang Yang's explanation is really pale.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

"Believe it or not is your problem, but it doesn't matter. By contrast, if you don't let them go right now, you will be in trouble right away, trust me."

Zhang Yang never felt that it was a hatred to say these words calmly, but it turned out that the result was always the opposite. So that Baker finally changed his previous attitude and took a deep breath, then stared at Zhang Yang and said:

"Are you threatening me? Although I can feel that you are hiding strong power, but if you want to threaten me, you may not have this qualification yet!"

"No, no, no, you think too much. I don't mean to fight with you at the same time, and I don't mean to threaten you. Of course, you can't think of it like that, and immediately you know what I said What does it mean. "

"Humph! Mouthless ..."

Baker didn't believe Zhang Yang's words at all, but just before he loudly blamed Zhang Yang's words, a huge and fierce momentum suddenly came from the entrance of this platform, and it seemed to be overwhelming in a flash Envelop this whole platform!

"Huh! But I haven't seen you in two years. Baker, your stubborn bravery is so big. Have you no longer regarded the royal family in your eyes?"

hp: .. bkhlnex.hl

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