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Zhang Yang has faced many enemies, but even the powerful demons, under the same height and body type, can't exert more powerful power than the orcs.

Although Zhang Yang had already prepared enough for this, when he really experienced the power of the orc strongman with his fist and body, he was still greatly shocked!

In fact, at the moment just now, Zhang Yang seemed to be caught in the middle and at the same time underwent the attacks of Baker and Termish, but because Termish's strength and speed are superior to Baker, there is no room for it. In an instant, it was still possible to sort out the order.

That is, Zhang Yang first punched his right fist and the tiger female warrior who was full of inconsistency in appearance, and then his left fist blocked Baker's heavy blow.

However, it is too reluctant to achieve this with Zhang Yang's strength. Even if he has already used the strength, the result is at best to make him reach a level similar to that of Baker-Bloodhoof.

Therefore, it is difficult for Zhang Yang to cope with Baker and Termish at the same time. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's own strength is enormous. Now, with the double increase in skill and skill, he finally resisted the attack.

However, Zhang Yang also paid some price for this. Just when his double fists were against Baker and Termish, the force derived from the joint exertion of the two orc strongmen was the reaction after Zhang Yang himself punched. Shock force, concentrated into his body together!

This is not a trivial problem, if one is not handled well, even if Zhang Yang can resist the impact with his incomparably strong physical quality, he will not be squeezed by the two forces from the left and right sides, but The severe impact on the body caused Zhang Yang's relatively fragile internal organs to be injured somewhat.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's understanding and control of skills are already quite strong. Therefore, before the impact of the body caused more damage to his body, Zhang Yang used the peristaltic movements of his body muscles and bones to introduce the remaining impact of the body. Underfoot.

So the platform that had been cracked and even almost fragmented in the previous battle, finally could not bear the force transmitted by Zhang Yang, and collapsed in a bang!

Zhang Yangxin was gratified at the moment that it was not because of his appearance that both Baker and Termish were worried about it, or whether the collapse caused the two guys who were almost crazy to understand what they were doing.

Anyway, when this once the highest platform in Red Rock City became history, Baker and Termish unexpectedly gave up their plans to continue fighting at the same time, and instead jumped back without a word, just Instantly appeared in a place where there was no collapse.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang couldn't be as relaxed as Baker and Termish at this time. Because he dealt with the shock just passed into his body, he didn't even have the extra force to jump out of this collapse and collapse in a short time. Big pit.

In fact, Zhang Yang was distracted and focused part of his attention on the relationship in the body, but more still he thought that Baker and Termish would continue to attack, this is because they put more power and energy on the defensive counterattack Instead of dodge and move.

However, in just four or five short moments, Red Rock City, which stood on the vast wilderness of the orc kingdom of Campas, has not changed its height for hundreds of years, but the top is suddenly at least three meters shorter!

Of course, this step can be achieved because the bottom of this square stone platform was hollowed out by Baker and converted into several secret rooms, but I am afraid that Baker did not expect that the thickness above these secret rooms is as high as 1.5 meters. The roof of the stone platform suddenly collapsed, and even he himself became one of the initiators that directly contributed to this.

When the dust rising in this collapsed place was quickly taken away by the wind blowing across the city, the situation there finally appeared. The original platform has now become a big pit full of broken walls, and in the heavy red gravel pile, Zhang Yang's shadow cannot be seen at this moment.

For this, neither Baker nor Termish seem to care, or that they are not worried about that person. After all, how can a guy who is able to pick up two of them unexpectedly join forces and hit it?

In fact, while Baker was breathing heavily and still staring at Termish a dozen meters away, the pile of ruins in front of him suddenly broke a hole from below, and a dusty figure appeared suddenly. In front of the two.

Who can be besides Zhang Yang?

But at this time, Zhang Yang didn't even look at Baker's two eyes. After the whole person got out of the ruins, he completely ignored the two sixth-order strongmen who were staring at him next to him. Instead, he jumped out of the big pit in an instant, and then in Bakery With a puzzled look, he jumped down the cliff outside the city wall!

(Is this guy Wojin crazy? Or was his brain shattered?)

Zhang Yang's actions were really unthinkable, so that even when Baker still faced off with Telmish, he could not help but glance at Zhang Yang.

"Baker-Bloodhoof! You dare to be distracted when fighting me, aren't you afraid that I will take the opportunity to defeat you ?!"

Termish's face was still full of surprise before she was completely faded, but compared to this, the anger on her face at this moment had made her pure and beautiful face slightly distorted, and it looked like real It is a tigress that is angry.

However, in the face of the irritating question of Termish, he was still a furious and desperate bull Baker who defeated Termish immediately. At this time, he calmed down after being silent for a while. On the contrary, it made Termish, the Tiger female warrior who was glaring at him, a little confused, and even incredible.

But at this time, Baker, who had recovered from the past in the tavern, even said with a little self-deprecation and loneliness:

"There is no need to fight anymore, I will still be a bit behind you, but you can't do it in a short period of time if you want to win, and Red Rock City can't afford the damage caused when you and I fight, in fact This battle shouldn't have been going on! In the end, I still couldn't restrain the anger and jealousy in my heart. From this point of view, I probably won't be able to advance to the level 7 legendary level in my life. "


After Termish heard this, she hardly believed her ears. Baker in front of her seemed to suddenly change into a person. This looks like the red eyes just now. The contrast is too huge to make Termi. After that small mouth repeatedly opened and closed a few times, he suddenly thought of a possibility, and then whispered and asked:

"You, did you break through in the battle just now?"

"Finally, although there is still a little distance from the real entry into the sixth-level advanced, after all, it is only a step forward in spiritual will. The blood energy in the body needs to be purified and condensed again, but I believe it should be successful within ten days."

Hearing this, Termish finally opened her mouth in shock. At this moment, she has lost her interest in fighting again. In comparison, she suddenly felt that Baker might not be as bad as he said. After all, he can be so open and simple. Admits his failure, and at the same time can also advance from the sixth-level intermediate to the sixth-level senior in less than two years. As this continues, Baker may really be able to reach the seventh-level legendary level!

"Okay, then this time, even if you are a tie, when you really become a sixth-level senior strongman, let's find a place where no one will play again!"

"my pleasure!"

At this point, a person jumped from the cliff on the edge of the city wall! This immediately attracted the eyes of Baker and Termish together.

"Walkin? Didn't you just jump down? Why ..."

Baker was somewhat reluctant to know Zhang Yang, and his mental strength had just made progress, so even the tone of speech was relaxed a lot.

Only Baker said half of the words and he couldn't ask any more, because at this moment he had already seen the figure he was holding in his arms, and then he wanted to understand what Zhang Yang had done before.

"You took the risk to jump down just to save her? Don't you know that she is Dave's woman? And she is still a slave! She is Dave's property! It makes no sense to do so!"

"is it?"

After Baker said this, he regretted it a lot. After all, he suddenly remembered that the Tiger Crazy Woman Termiesh was not only Dave ’s companion. The reason why she was given the nickname “Crazy Man”, except because She was crazy when she was fighting, but also because Termish had fought against a big man!

That should have been two years ago. At that time, Termish was already a powerful fighter who was about to enter the sixth level of advanced level. Coupled with her noble status as a royal family, many people even think that she is likely to be the second royal superpower who can enter the legendary rank at a young age after Princess White Tiger.

Unexpectedly, however, this future star had an early encounter with her aunt!

Termish is special. Although she was born among the orcs' royal family, she did not have the contempt and prejudice of other races orcs of the big nobles. Not only that, Termish even showed almost the same for all orc races. Attitude!

Anyone who has been in contact with her will know that there are not so many frames in Termish ’s eyes. As long as she looks at the orcish people who are pleasing to the eye, she will treat them as equals, whether that person is a strength A powerful warrior, or just a most common Meng slave ...

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