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Although Zhang Yang said coldly, he still toasted and touched Termish gently, and then he raised his head with the other party to drink the wine in the glass, and learned how to empty the glass. Hanging upside down to show politeness, it wasn't until Termish's delicate face finally showed a sigh of relief.

"Well, the grievances are very deep, but I guess you must not have paid for the alcohol, as long as I settle the bill later, isn't it that I asked you to drink? Should this be considered sincere enough?"

After saying this, Termish was a rare and playful smile, which almost made Dave aside to stare his eyes. In contrast, Zhang Yang, who heard this, raised his eyebrows, and eventually nodded slightly as the default. After all, people whispered as a sixth-order senior royal family to give him a face, and Zhang Yang struggled with that little thing, and it seemed that he was stingy.

However, if you think that you can use the "beauty plan" to pay for it, you will make a wrong calculation, not to mention the likes of Termesh like "Vajra Barbie", after all, are they a few? At least Zhang Yang was not interested at all.

"Okay, the previous things are fine, so are you here to pay me?"

Zhang Yang feels that they have nothing to talk to Dave and Termish, so speaking directly is straightforward and there is nothing to say, but this sounds a bit profitable in the ears of Termish and others. Too. Surprisingly, Termish was still not angry about it, as if she were a good-natured person.

"What I promised counts naturally, but I wonder if Mr. Wojin is really short of money? Don't you think that the friendship of a strong royal family is far more important than gold coins?"

Dave, who heard this, was not so surprised at this moment. Although the strong cousin in his memory seemed to have never taken the initiative to make friends with anyone, he was so stimulated by these two days that he Up to now, Dave even has a feeling of being almost used to it!

The things that were supposed to be surprising can now be accepted openly, and Dave, who has discovered this change of his own, really does not know whether he should be lucky or sad. Is it irritated by numbness?

However, Zhang Yang's answer was still so unexpected.

"Is the friendship of the royal family? Maybe, but I think friendship should be based on mutual trust at least, and I find that you are always in trouble, so it seems that making friends with the royal family is very dangerous. Things. Besides, I ’m not telling you that I ’m going to the front of the **** battle in the north, and I can say whether I can come back alive afterwards. I think you still do n’t have too many expectations. "

"Are you going to the **** battle front? Why? In terms of your strength, even the kingdom's call order should not be able to order a strong man like you, right?"

"Yes, so this is just my private business. I'm going to find someone over there, even if he is likely to die long ago."

"Understood, that man ... should it be your loved one?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang did not answer. Wright ’s father was called to the frontline of the southern **** battle for more than ten years and still has no news. Although their family is no longer here, including the original Wright, Zhang Yang feels that if there is a chance, he still It ’s time to look for Wright ’s father, Rice, even if this person is likely to have died in battle more than ten years ago.

After all, Zhang Yang learned from Ophelia that all soldiers of the French Empire will have relevant records even if they die in battle. This seems to Zhang Yang to be the last thing he can do for 'Wright'.

Seeing that the other party suddenly became silent, Termish regretted mentioning the incident, so she quickly changed the subject and talked about the previous battle.

"The war lizard Elmont is dead."


"Thank you for your help, but are we here to pay the rewards? Two hundred thousand gold coins are not a small amount."

Speaking here, Termish found that Woking, who had always had no expression, suddenly showed a smile-like expression, and at the same time only heard him say:

"Why? Are you still worried about the insecure delivery here? I don't think there is a royal who is strong in your presence, what other thieves dare to hit those gold coins."

After being said by the other party, Termish realized that he had asked a silly question. At this moment, besides her, there is a guy who is likely to be stronger than her! Counting the entire Red Rock City at this moment, I am afraid there is no place that is safer than this tavern where the two of the sixth-tier senior strongmen are?

"Uh ... Dave! What are you still doing? Don't hurry to get the money!"

(I knew it!)

Dave, who had been sitting honestly on the side, was almost shocked by Termish's sudden voice, but he did not dare to neglect him in the face of his cousin, who was already deep.

So I saw Dave bitterly opened his space bag, and then a bag of gold coins took a long time to stop. At this time, the aisle next to Zhang Yang had already piled up a hill surrounded by pockets of gold coins!

"Well, you promised that your 200,000 gold coins are here. Would you like to count them?"

"No need."

After a faint reply, when the drunkards in the tavern stared at the hill of piles of gold coins stunned, Zhang Yang's left hand wearing the ring of space suddenly opened his palms down suddenly, and then followed the powerful soul in his body. With the injection of force, the ring of space suddenly opened an unseen Mi Xu hole!

At the same time, under the effect of a mysterious attraction, the hill-like pockets of gold coins in front of Zhang Yang suddenly vacated one by one and submerged into the hollow above! However, just a few moments later, the large pile of pockets containing 200,000 gold coins disappeared completely, as if never appeared!

(Sure enough it is the power of the soul! Otherwise, even if he possesses space items, he will never be able to do such a thing! But how can I not see what kind of space items he possesses? Can the treasure itself be invisible? Or Say this is also from his power?)

Telmish knew that this mysterious Woking possessed space items when Zhang Yang took out the pair of iron ball warhammers, but it was only now that she confirmed the two things by the opportunity of delivering gold coins.

However, as more secrets were known, more mysteries appeared. So Termish became more curious. What was the origin of this sudden Woking?

Unfortunately, the Tiger female warrior Termish also knew that the other party was obviously not prepared to tell her. It seemed that she wanted to know more, and she had to wait for Dave ’s affairs to be resolved before asking Tedtek for a clear answer. But before that, maybe ...

"When are you going to leave Red Rock City?"


"Take those fox slaves to the **** front?"

"Of course not, they have other arrangements."

Hearing this, Termish seemed relieved a little, and then he tilted his head and thought for a moment:

"Well ... I want to go to the front line of the **** battle, so how about everyone walking together?"

"Can I refuse?"

"Yes! Anyway, there will always be encountered."


(Women ...)

It's as if every time Termish would win in a conversation with Zhang Yang, this time she also achieved the results she wanted, at least basically. So they drank a few more glasses of wine, and after Dave paid a long list of bills including a dozen rooms for Zhang Yang in surprise, the powerful Tiger female soldier politely left.

Zhang Yang wanted to disregard the agreement to deal with his own affairs and secretly leave alone, but that was not his style of conduct on the one hand, on the other hand he believed that Termish would definitely spend money to hire someone to monitor his every move, so wanted to It's not easy to steal.

Of course, if Zhang Yang changed his camouflage outside again, all this would not be a problem, but once that was revealed, with Termish ’s mind, she is likely to have the same suspicion of the identity of 'Wokin', in case Zhang Yang's human identity was discovered, and things were really troublesome.

So Zhang Yang could only drink alone in the end, even if he couldn't get drunk at all, but the spicy and hot feeling still made him feel better.

It wasn't until night that there were more people in the tavern, and when he lost the quietness of the day, Zhang Yang brought the remaining small half barrel of spirits directly to the house reserved for him.

Eure's body is very strong, but Zhang Yang is still not out of the category of a creature, so he also needs to eat, sleep and rest, but compared to orcs or humans, Zhang Yang needs much less sleep time. The energy is also more vigorous.

If necessary, Zhang Yang after the physical load is completely restored even feels that he can continue to stay up for ten days without sleeping, but he will not choose to do that unless he has to. After all, for him, the normal law of life will make him feel himself It's still an individual, not some kind of inhuman monster ...

Not only intentionally or unintentionally, the room reserved for Zhang Yang by the proprietress of the Yang ethnic pub is quite spacious. Although the decoration in this room can only be regarded as simple and clean because of the size of the entire pub and the hotel, this is for Zhang Yang Is enough.

So after placing the huge wooden wine barrel at the door, Zhang Yang fell directly onto the big bed covered with thick fur.

At night, it gets deep soon ...

However, just halfway through this supposedly peaceful night, Zhang Yang suddenly heard a soft knock on the door. In fact, even though Zhang Yang has fallen asleep, his perception can still detect any sound within a range of tens of meters.

So long before the knock on the door sounded, Zhang Yang knew the identity of the outsider, although he never thought she would come in the middle of the night ...

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