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However, at this moment, Zhang Yang and Termish, who are fighting each other with equal strengths, have come and gone, but inadvertently have more and more physical contact.

So that when he missed nearly three points, Termish originally intended to use his height and strength to push Zhang Yang down. How can Zhang Yang, who knows all kinds of fighting skills, capture, hold and fall The clavicle's skill is really much better than Termish.

So when Telmish quickly flew back from the back of Zhang Yang's side, Zhang Yang took the opportunity to lock Telmish's wrist, and then the next step of the foot was pressed against him. !

When the strength is equal or the difference is not particularly disparate, skill and reaction speed become the key factors that determine the outcome of the battle. Therefore, under the premise that the response speed of Zhang Yang and Termish is not much different, the magical skills of Zhang Yang Yuan over his opponent have become an important weight for winning at this moment.


This should be the first time Zhang Yang 'hugs' Tiger female warrior Termish? But still in this comprehensive contact, ambiguous postures without tangles are intertwined.

So at this moment, Zhang Yang, who was struggling to suppress Telmish's struggle, inadvertently realized a different kind of physical grind. To know that Termish is extremely strong, as far as the muscles of his body are concerned, it is definitely not worse than Zhang Yang, and even seems to have passed it!

Therefore, compared with the soft, water-like beauty of the fox beauty Xiria, who once embraced, Termish felt like a very explosive flame!

And although Termish is physically strong, she is still a female warrior in the end, which makes her light and clear body fragrance naturally after she begins to wrestle with Zhang Yang. Emitted, and now I can't stop drilling into Zhang Yang's nose.

Perhaps it is for maximum freedom of movement, or it may only be due to comfort considerations. The leather armor on Termish is really light, thin and very tough.

Zhang Yang could not recognize what kind of Warcraft leather it was made of, but this did not prevent him from admiring this set of leather armor outside Termish. After all, people can feel the skin texture and body temperature of each other through a piece of leather armor, which is surprising enough.


Zhang Yang really hopes that the leather armor on Termish's body is inferior, so that he will not feel the amazing elasticity and flexibility of the other party's body so clearly, nor will he accidentally touch some relatively soft parts. And secretly shocked ...

(Is this a cocoon? Self-controlling who is at the moment!)

After such a stalemate about five points missed ...

"Uh ... Termish, how about we tie this time?"

Zhang Yang had to take the lead at the moment, after all, if he persisted for a while, he might not be able to control the original reaction of the body's instincts, then the situation would be really embarrassing.

After all, everyone said that they would not use weapons, but in the end, Zhang Yangnong put the ‘gun’ against others.

However, Telmish didn't seem to appreciate it. I saw that she was still struggling to get Zhang Yang back down to grasp the initiative and the situation. In this way, like a child fighting, you will be on the top and I will change my wrestling on it for a while, and it has been circulated dozens of times in less than five minutes.

The problem is that Telmish obviously disagrees with Zhang Yang's proposal.

"Draw a tie? Why? Are you running out of energy? Can't you do it so soon?"

"No, if you really insist on this, in terms of my physical strength, it will be fine enough to spend a few days with you."

"Huh! Who knows what you said is true or false? I admit that you are indeed better than me in terms of skill, but now our strength is comparable, and my endurance is definitely much stronger than you! Unless you admit defeat, otherwise I do n’t believe in you! ”

(Women ...)

Perhaps it was precisely because Termish always loved to be strong, so that she gained the strength she is today. But this is indeed a trouble for Zhang Yang's situation at this moment. After all, a tie is the best result. Otherwise, in case of excessive demands made by the winning side, Zhang Yang may not necessarily agree.

"You should be aware that in terms of your strength and my strength, there must be enough forbidden spells to defeat, but today it is just a fight, and there is no deep hatred or hatred to fight for life, so everyone does not use it. So continue to consume Does it make sense to continue? Or ... How long will the blood gas energy in your body support you like this? "

Zhang Yang can't be more straightforward, and Mo said that Termish has no great power at this moment under normal conditions. That is, Zhang Yang is now relying on two consecutive use of [Lightning Enhancement] to support it!

Looking at Zhang Yang's current trumpet Chengdu, if it can't be over quickly, and don't mention the problem of not using a "gun", his current body can only use up to two times [Thunderbolt Enhancement] at present. At most, it will be the end of the 13 or 4 points, and Zhang Yang, who lost the power of thunder and lightning to strengthen his body, is really a sure loser.

"What you said seems reasonable, but I also don't believe how long your current strength can be! Would you like to try it?"

"Okay. You seem to make sense, but after all, it's not long before dawn now, plus the sound of the two of us fighting, you should also be able to hear it from Red Rock City. The one Baker guy ran in curiosity, and I'm afraid it's not good to see what we are like now? "

"This one……"

After hearing Zhang Yang say this, Termish suddenly hesitated. You should know that although she is not very discreet, she is also a powerful royal family and a girl with good criticism! If someone really saw her and Woking wrestling or even rolling together, it wouldn't be nice to say it in case!

"Okay ... I admit that you said something a little bit reasonable, then this time we will barely draw a tie! When we get a chance later, we must fight again!"

"Uh ... alright ..."

Now that a consensus was reached, Zhang Yang and Termish finally relaxed and slowly separated. At this time, as Zhang Yang expected, from the direction of the gate of the Red Rock City, there were dozens of torches.

After seeing this, Zhang Yang and Termish exchanged glances, and suddenly left the position at the moment, and then after a long circle, they re-tracked along the high outer wall of Redstone City, easily pedaled a few times and then over In the past.

Perhaps after a fight, Termish ’s mood really improved. When the two stood on the streets of Redstone again, Termish gathered his hands and shoulder-length hair with his hands, and then tied freely With a ponytail, as if nothing had happened, Zhang Yang asked at a glance:

"Walking, where are you going next? Anyway, it's a little while before dawn, so why not find a place for a drink?"

Zhang Yang was startled when she heard the first half of her sentence. Fortunately, Termish didn't say another fight, and that made him feel relieved.

"It's fine to have a drink, but these taverns in the city always have a smell, and the dark room is also depressed. How about finding a quiet place with a good view and a quiet drink?"

For Zhang Yang ’s proposal, Telmish definitely raised his hands in favor, only because the Red Rock City was so large that most of the location was occupied by dense houses, and the vacant space that was easily left was either a street or It is the place to visit the city defense equipment.

So after searching for half a circle, Zhang Yang and the two finally chose to meet the platform that had collapsed for the first time. Although it has been mostly ruined, find a ruined wall where the two can sit and drink. It's not a big problem.

As for wine, Zhang Yang, who has exposed his secrets of owning space equipment, naturally has a lot of stocks on hand. Let me say that if most of them are all kinds of wines from the human country, it is not convenient to take them out now. In general, it is probably comparable to the total inventory in Baker ’s tavern.

Zhang Yang and Termish are not particularly picky about wine. After all, it is no easy matter for their strong level to want to be drunk, not to mention Zhang Yang ’s physique is not drunk, and Thai Hermish, she does n’t drink too much, as long as she does n’t go crazy, she is still very restrained ...

Therefore, Zhang Yang and Termish, who laid their legs on the outside of the city wall casually with the evening wind that tended to be gentle but more chilly, carried a wine bottle and chatted with the little wine. stand up. Perhaps it was after the fight that the two were more familiar with the relationship. At the moment, the two sitting together seemed to have the taste of an old friend, and even talked about a lot of random topics.

"Telmis, have you been to the frontline of the **** battle?"

After drinking a small sip of wine, Zhang Yangyao looked at the direction of the **** battle front in the distance and asked gently.

"Well, I've been there a few times, but because of my special status, the frontline warlords almost didn't let me rush to kill at random. It's almost like a mascot standing under the banner and watching dumbly, so after a few times I not going."

"Well ... I have never been to the front line of the **** battle, but why do you seem to feel less nervous when you say that?"

After Zhang Yang said this, Termish even shook her head and smiled bitterly. After she also poured a sip of spirits, she sighed and explained:

"Most of the time, it will be boring, and the soldiers will retreat on both sides. After all, this **** battle has been fought for hundreds of years. It is a piece of pig iron that has been pushed back and forth like this and rolled over. I am afraid that it will become a ball. ? "

"Really? What do you think of the **** battle?"

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