Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1139: The power of continuous shooting

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No one ever thought that Zhang Yang had such a huge killing radius. You know that the distance between the two sides is a thousand meters! Even if two powerful casters confront each other, they cannot guarantee that their single powerful magic can hit, so they will choose to use range attacks to make up for this deficiency.

For most ordinary fighters, it is impossible to say that they are attacking each other thousands of kilometers away, and they haven't even reached the position where they are ready to charge.

Generally speaking, for the warriors of the orc kingdom of Campas, although it is already possible to throw a spear, throw a spear, and throw axe two or three hundred meters away, the actual distance at which the charge can be launched is only the last one hundred meters.

Therefore, Zhang Yang's continuous four arrows requiring strength, speed, distance, and distance really surprised both parties present!

You have to know that Zhang Yang failed to hit the target because the first arrow failed, so that the next three arrows have made slight adjustments to the landing point, so when the four arrows hit the air quickly, the sound of friction continued to spread. When he came out, the ancestor orc behind Zhang Yang was injured by an arrow by Zhang Yang, and his spine was injured. At this moment, after landing, although he has not died for a while due to the powerful vitality and strength, but he looks twitching. The law continued to fight.

However, Zhang Yang ’s good luck ends here. When he continued to turn and shoot the third arrow, there was already a blood-red light outside the ancestor on the right. The whole person has turned sideways, not only wiped the body with a few centimeters to escape the arrow, but then this guy as a mad bison, rushed to Zhang Yang quickly.

In fact, Zhang Yang originally thought it was no different whether he should shoot or not to shoot this fourth arrow, but because he had a relationship with Boyle, Zhang Yang felt that he could still try it now. Not to mention, as long as Boyle can be shot in advance, then with the strength of Termish and Zhang Yang in the subsequent battle, it will be a lot easier to deal with Boyle.

Therefore, even though Boyle has condensed a set of dark red [Blood Armor] like a real thing in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yang still has enough power to shoot Bowie who has also started to charge him. 'Black Arrow'!

Even though Boyle is now prepared after hearing the strange sound of howling arrows, but wanting to completely avoid the black arrows shot by Yang at this moment, it is still a matter that requires a little bit of luck.

At the moment, Boyle obviously had bad luck. When he was absorbed in a certain threat, he instinctively flashed to the right in an instant, but the black arrow shot by Zhang Yang within a kilometer had almost reached the instant. And the effect.

So when Boyle dodged with all his strength, a sudden appearance of a black arrow actually smashed the [blood armor] outside his left arm. Afterwards, although the power was reduced a lot, he was still on Boyle left. A **** wound was made out of his arm, and he immediately crossed Boyle and shot at the members of the hook claw bounty hunter team behind him!

Suddenly, the members of the Hook Claw Bounty Hunter Brigade, who were originally proud of themselves, suddenly began to bloom from behind Boyle!

Wherever this black arrow approached, whether it was a brawny brave man wearing heavy armor, or a pig brave who likes to show his strong chest muscles and huge belly with his naked upper body, when the black arrow passed by, they all found themselves shocked. There is a big hole in the front and back of the transparent bowl!

Some lucky guys who stand a little bit more than their shoulders or stomachs are pierced, but the sheep orc who thought to be the safest behind Boyle could only tremble at the blood hole in the middle of his chest, Stretching his hands in vain to block it, it was useless in the end, only to be twitched like a decayed tree.

This scene looks really shocking! The members of the Hook Claw Bounty Hunter Brigade never thought that someone could be so far away that they wounded the invincible leader in their minds, and even killed four or five of their companions.

What it is? Is it the powerful magic released by the shaman? Otherwise, how can there be such power?

However, when these hook-claw members looked back with fear in the underground consciousness, they discovered that the mongoose orc warrior who was walking at the end of the line was now headed by a black metal arrow like a short spear. Fully pierced!

In fact, the horrible black arrow was inserted in the middle of the face of this mongoose orc, but miraculously did not kill it instantly, so the scene that made other hook members' scalp numb appeared, this mongoose The eyes of the clan orc can't stop turning at the moment, but the rest of the body is not like the stone sculpture!

So dozens of members of the hook claw bounty hunter team who saw this scene suddenly had the same idea in their hearts, that is, this guy might as well die directly from happiness!

(How is this possible ?! When did this kind of strong man using bows and arrows appear in the kingdom? Remember that this type of sniper attacker, has not always been trained only by the grudge guys in the human kingdom? )

Boyle was shocked at the moment. Although the deep finger wound on his left arm was no big deal to him, but the other things shown by this arrow really made Bowie Valued.

It is said that Boyle was a character who fought hard for two years on the front line of the **** battle. Therefore, Boyle is absolutely aware of the tactics and means of the human kingdom, and he will never forget it.

Infantry ’s ever-changing shield formation; heavy cavalry does not lose to the orc warrior ’s wild charge; the terrifying power of high-level magician range magic; and the silver Pegasus knight who is almost equivalent to the death messenger for the orc warrior group……

However, what really remembers Boyle is the snipers who can't see the attacker silhouette at all, and finally can only see a feather arrow shooting the commander in the team!

This situation is very similar to what happened to Boyle today, except that as a low-level officer of the Orc Legion, he was not eligible to be the target of high-level snipers in the human kingdom. As for those low-level snipers, their strength is not much stronger than the average archer, but it does not appear so powerful.

(So ​​... Is it possible that Dave ’s guy came to such a dangerous place on the **** front line because he colluded with humans? But how is it possible? What kind of man was there when he was in Red Rock City before? But it has been clear for a long time, except that ... Woking!)

The thought of that half-breed orc **** dared not to put himself in his eyes, Boyleton felt sullen, and only wanted to eat the guy's heart alive to relieve his hatred. So regardless of his left arm that was still bleeding, he swung his blood-red double-sided axe forward in his right hand, and shouted:

"I'll charge you if you don't want to die! If anyone can kill the archery guy, there will be 10,000 bounty coins! Kill!"

There must be a brave man under the reward, not to mention that the members of the group of hook claw bounty hunters under Boyle are all murderers who are meant to kill gold coins. So as Boyle's roar ended, the soldiers of the Hundreds of Hook Claw Bounty Hunter Brigade suddenly howled and launched a charge!

A distance of one kilometer is not long, but short is not too short. For most Tier 3 fighters in the orc kingdom of Campas, if they charge at full strength, at most one point will definitely reach the target. And this period of time is based on Zhang Yang ’s strength and rate of fire at the moment, and it may not dare to say more, but the enemy who commits the crime should not be a big problem!

However, Zhang Yang did not take this opportunity to shoot all the hook claw members who launched the charge behind Boyle. At this moment, he only shot the five arrows symbolically and then turned back directly to the enemies on the left to exert his full strength at the moment.

Suddenly Zhang Yang's right hand even became blurred, and the arrows that were invisible to the naked eye seemed to be in a line, immediately covering more than half of the claw members on the left side. However, due to the limitation of the number of arrows in Zhang Yang's quiver, just a few seconds later, all the quiver hanging on Zhang Yang's body were empty.

So the time of throwing away Zhang Yang or retrieving a bag of arrows from the ring of space, within just one minute, Zhang Yang shot a total of 165 armor-breaking arrows and directly killed more than 140. Not to mention the members of the hook, the remaining twenty or so are barely recovering a life, and now it is difficult to walk, let alone continue to attack.

As strong as Termish, he did not expect that Woking alone would almost exert the power equivalent to a team of elite shooters! Moreover, when Zhang Yang used black arrows to attack the opponent's strongman, Termish also looked at her eyesight, so that even her eyes at Zhang Yang brought a trace of deep fear at this moment!

(Who the **** are you? What secrets are hidden in you? How could such a powerful you have been obscured for so many years?)

Termish suddenly felt that she had been too focused on the improvement of strength and ignored the existence of other people, but before she continued to think about it, Zhang Yang pulled her back to reality in a word.

"Be careful! Boyle came over to you! Remember to look forward to Dave!"

Hearing this, Termish realized that I do n’t know when Woking actually put away his huge black longbow, but now it was replaced by the silver short bow he had seen and continued to pour arrows.

At the same time, with a burst of deafening roar, a bear-shaped orc warrior with a burly figure and several sword marks on his face, has already made a leap, holding a blood-red two-handed axe high in his hand, straight toward Zhang Yang, who keeps shooting arrows, is coming! Who else can be besides Boyle, the chief of the hook claw bounty hunter team?

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