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Actually, even if the races among the ancestral orcs among the "rare breeds" among the orcs are different, they will still have some special feelings for their "like".

After years of certification by countless sages and strong men, the leaders of the Orcs have come to the conclusion that for the ancestors and orcs, in addition to their congenital dependence and love on their biological mothers, they encountered other Most of the race ancestors choose to live together peacefully, and they can even communicate on an equal basis, even if the other party is still very weak.

Because of this, the relationship between the ancestors and orcs of the same race suddenly became more intimate. Even though they were not born from the same mother, they seem to have the brotherly brother-like feelings. This point is very likely to appear in the snake race. This is particularly evident among the tall orc race.

So what Zhang Yang said before was completely correct. The reason why the only python clan orc rushed to Zhang Yang desperately was to avenge his two dead brothers!

It's a pity that Zhang Yang is also in anger at the moment, so when this last ancestor orc was full of blood energy and rushed towards him with a desperate madness, Zhang Yang's body was suddenly thunderous, and then the whole person Turned into a very fast silver-white light strip, and in the blink of an eye, he collided with this ancestor who rushed to him!

The power and might released by Zhang Yang at this moment was so amazing that Termith, who was a little tired, was almost exclaimed at this moment!

Termish personally played against Zhang Yang, so she already had a general understanding of Zhang Yang's strength at the level. But at this moment, Zhang Yang's strength is too much! That's the power beyond the sixth order and beyond the scope of ordinary people! It is the strength of strength that only the super strong belonging to the seventh-order legendary level can have!

In addition, Termish was shocked by another point Zhang Yang showed at the moment. She has been wondering, how could this person rely on flesh to exert power similar to that after she was strengthened with blood energy?

Now seeing the sudden burst of silver-white lightning power outside Zhang Yang ’s body, Termish suddenly understood that this guy ’s body was not without any energy, the reason why she could not feel it at all, but because of this The energy is too special and too powerful, and the hidden and stored position has not yet been detected by her strength.

(Is it the secret you have been hiding all along? Is this why you can be so calm from beginning to end? I did not guess wrong! You who already possess the power of the soul, indeed have the power of legendary level!)

Termish finally confirmed her long-held conjecture at the moment, but she also understood that although Woking can use the power of the seventh-order legendary level at this moment, he has never really advanced to the seventh-order legendary level. !

As for whether this guy is using a certain secret technique or some other method, Termish is not clear, but this is actually not important, even if Woking needs to pay a certain price for it, even only occasionally This level of power, but he can still easily defeat himself!

After all, between the seventh order legend and the sixth order, it is already a huge gap that is extremely difficult to bridge the past!

(And the power that Woking showed at the moment seems to be close to the Tier 7 Legendary Intermediate? Otherwise ... oh god!)

Just after Telmish and the people who survived around were stunned by God ’s work, I did n’t know what Zhang Yang was doing in the thunder, but I saw him after a brief collision with the ancestor orc The other party continued to drag a strip of light at a very high speed and rushed towards Boyle who was stupid.

At this time, after Zhang Yang said the words and made a sudden outburst [Lei Ji broke out] a total of about two moments passed, and when Boyle shook his body and reacted, he was shocked to find that he held a handle. Wo Jin, the black sword, was so close to him now!

"Go away! Don't come! Stay away from me! Go away!"

Although Boyle's strength is not as good as Termish, he is also a strong man with sixth-level intermediate strength and knowledgeable knowledge, so he fully understands how powerful Zhang Yang has at this moment, and he knows better not to look at the wolf in front of him. Jin seems to be seriously injured, but if he wants to deal with him, it is definitely easier than dealing with the ancestral orcs before!

So something unexpected happened to everyone. People's impression of the brutal bloodthirsty hook claw brigade commander Boyle turned and ran back now! He even disregarded so many people watching and ran away in shame!

However, every time when Zhang Yang ’s killing intention and anger is completely aroused, he will become a nightmare of the enemy on the battlefield, like a cold and ruthless killing machine. It is not impossible to kill Zhang Yang completely by his own enemy. Stop it.

Furthermore, how fast is Zhang Yang ’s use of [Lei Ji Outburst] at this moment? In terms of Boyle ’s strength and speed, there is no chance to escape. Therefore, when Boyle turned and fled, Zhang Yang, who was lingering in electromagnetism, had already raised his sword in the hands of the demon, and regardless of the argument of not attacking from behind, he would soon be cut off by Boyle!

At this moment, not far away, Termish suddenly discovered that Boyle turned around and seemed to pour something into her mouth, which gave her a little bad hunch in a flash.

But at this time, it seemed to say that it was too late. As Zhang Yang's hands cut off the sword in the air and slammed down, Boyle's sturdy body was suddenly cleaved diagonally from the neck to the hip bone by the sword. And under the influence of the surging lightning power on Zhang Yang's body, the blood ejected from the wound on Boyle's body was evaporated by the arc of the forbidden sword as soon as he appeared.

At this time, Boyle didn't seem to believe that he was cut into two pieces. After all, he just drank the bottle of legend that could instantly stimulate all the potential of the body, and when he drank it, he could detonate all the blood gas energy in the body to produce a shock wave, and In a short time, the user's strength has suddenly been upgraded to a level of 'blood boiling potion'!

(But ... why is there no effect ... why ...)

Boyle had had a good calculation. If everything was planned and implemented, he felt that even the powerful Woking at the moment would be rushed out by the burst of blood gas energy shock wave, and at least could be blocked. At this time, Boyle, whose strength improved from a big position to a seventh-order legendary intermediate level, can naturally defeat it.

However, what Boyle did not expect was that this bottle of "blood boiling potion" sent by the Grand Prince in a gold box would be fake! So at this critical moment, Boyle made a mistake, and Pingbai buried his life.

After all, if his strength is to resist it with all his strength, although the result should be similar, at least it can cause some trouble for Zhang Yang, right? Well now, Boyle of Smart I finally turned into two pieces of burnt black bodies.

At the same time, with the death of Boyle, the flashing electric light outside Zhang Yang's body also disappeared instantly, and the duration of "Lei Ji burst" has come.

In a short span of three instants, he continuously killed a sixth-order intermediate python clan orc and Boyle who also had a sixth-order intermediate strength. Even if they had already consumed a lot of strength by Termish, they could still get such a record. Can be proud.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang couldn't feel a trace of pride and accomplishment at this moment. He just felt inexplicably sad in his heart. The reason why he blended in was that he didn't want the two girls, Lier and Daier, to be hurt. Zhang Yang did not hesitate to kill so many people by his own hands, but when he picked the fruits of victory, he found that the person he originally wanted to protect had passed away.

Such a victory is not the result that Zhang Yang wants, and he has no power to bring the dead back to life ...

Suffering from the long-lost pain caused by overload at this moment, Zhang Yang's strength has dropped by 30%. On the surface, Zhang Yang still can't see the slightest change. Compared with the sadness and self-blame in my heart, this pain is really insignificant.

It's just that although this battle is basically over, there is one thing Zhang Yang still needs to understand, that is how did Lier die? Why was Dave under heavy protection alive, but the girl who was beside him died?

So Zhang Yang, who took the sword of forbidden magic back into the ring of space, slowly walked to the body of Lier under the watchfulness of everyone. At this time, although she was completely dead, her body still had some temperature. When she saw the wound penetrated by the blade and the dark red blood pool under her, Zhang Yang's still flat voice couldn't help but let all People feel cold.

"Who killed her?"

Although Zhang Yang's voice was soft, Zuo De and Dave in the two camps were trembling at the same time! They didn't expect this humble feather girl to make this super-mystery who seems more mysterious in front of him so important!

But at this time Dave's reaction was faster than Zuo De. He saw that he seemed to sadly wipe out a non-existent tear, and hissed to Zuo De who was not far away.

"It's him! It was this despicable wolf who smashed it! It was he who killed Lier with the scimitar in his hand! Lord Woking, you must avenge the poor Lier!"

Dave's face changed as soon as he opened Zuo De, but the young wolf adjutant of this ability was stiff, facing the indifferent eyes cast by Zhang Yang, he stepped forward with a movable right hand The knife slammed into the ground, nodding and admitting:

"Yes, this feather girl was indeed killed by my knife, but a little bit Your Royal Highness Dave seems to have forgotten to say that the reason why she will die is half your credit!"

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