Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1159: Three dangers

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Many times as a senior bipedal dragon knight, some experienced and powerful men will be appointed as the mentor of the new bipedal dragon knight. This is very important for the orc kingdom of Campas, after all, the heritage of the dragon knight It is more important than fighting.

Hussein, the strong monkey family, was honored to be a bipedal dragon instructor. Of course, in his opinion, glory is the next best thing. In contrast, he leads a group of guys with little strength but no experience to perform tasks. This is definitely not a pleasant thing.

Fortunately, the monkey race strong Hussein is strong enough. Although it seems that he has no chance of advancing to the seventh-tier legend in his life, he can experience thirty years of brutal battle and fierce battle in the battleless Campas Orc Kingdom. Up to now, this has explained many things.

Not to mention, on the two points of observation and judgment alone, Hussein is much stronger than the new biped flying dragon knights around him.

"The lord, do you mean that this perpetrator just left? But from the time we received the message when we patrolled, there will be no more than five points in total. If the perpetrator really just killed and left, then we It ’s right to see each other ’s traces in the sky! After all, even a half-meter high grass ca n’t be seen here, there is no reason to see it. ”

The Sheep Warrior Square Enix is ​​the strongest among the new bipedal dragon knights, and he is rumored that his family and the royal family have very deep origins, so he patrols this frontline composed of bipedal dragon knights. Among the squads, except Hussein, he is the most prominent.

In addition, he seems to be right at the moment, so the remaining few new biped flying dragon knights nodded consciously after hearing his words.

However, Hussein sneered at it, so that he rode on an old bipedal dragon to whiten Square Enix directly before explaining:

"Does it not exist without seeing the eyes? Or do you think the eyes can see everything?"

"This ... adult ..."

"If you don't say anything, can you see the soul? Square Enix?"

"Does not……"

"What about some legendary Warcraft with invisibility?"

"also can not……"

"Or those cunning high-level human stalkers?"

The knight who was a little blushed by Hussein's question after a few questions was not annoyed. He just felt ashamed of his ignorance. However, for the last question of Hussein, Square Enix thought about it carefully before answering:

"This is hard to say. After all, although I have fought with human soldiers in the past, their strength is generally very low. As for the high-level stalkers among the humans you mentioned, I have not met them once, so at present It cannot be concluded prematurely. "

Unexpectedly, Hussein suddenly laughed when he heard this answer! That's not ridicule, it looks like it's sincere.

"Ha ha ha ha! You little guy is very good! Although there is no knowledge and strength is average, but this one-on-one-on-two-on-two personality is very lovable! But you may not be able to cheat girls like this Alright! Hahahaha! "

No one thought that Hussein, the bipedal dragon knight mentor who was still talking about serious things, suddenly mentioned things about Fenghuaxueyue, so everyone was really stunned, but it really made the expression of Square Enix embarrassed.

But at this time, after all, everyone was still riding a bipedal dragon circling in the air, so it was obviously not a good time to lie. So Hussein's words turned around, and the whole person regained seriousness:

"You all should know that this is the front line of the **** battle, it is our orc and human arena. Therefore, the danger here is far beyond your imagination, and even many times you are likely to encounter a variety of powerful and challenging, and There are only three of the most dangerous enemies! "

"There are only three kinds?"

How did Square Enix and others never think of a good rescue and enemy search mission, how did it become a live lecture at once? And it doesn't seem to be the appropriate time for this situation, right?

However, Hussein didn't seem to care about this. He just looked around lightly and said to himself:

"Before you come here, you must think that the most dangerous enemies must be the most powerful. Among them, the seventh-level legendary super powers should be the most. However, I want to tell you now that the legendary super powers Although they are extremely dangerous, they often disdain you novice rookies. Based on my understanding of humans, this seems to be called the pride of the strong? So in my opinion, the level 7 legendary level includes the danger of stronger enemies. Sex can only be ranked third! "

"There is such a thing?"

"It seems that the adults are very reasonable!"

"Long insight ..."

Hussein ’s argument, Square Enix, and others were really the first time they heard it, and they had to admit that it did n’t matter whether it was true, but it did make sense. By this time, Hussein had continued to say:

"As for the second dangerous enemy, in my opinion, they are the snipers in the human kingdom! They are very good at hiding and hiding, and have powerful long-range lethality! You should have heard, At present, the only sacred order strongman on the mainland is a shooter in the human kingdom, so it is not an exaggeration to say that these guys are lonely deaths. "

This time Hussein's words have already been recognized by all the newly biped flying dragon knights. After all, the name of the only Holy Order strongman on the mainland is too loud, and this has been since the Holy Order of the Orcs a hundred years ago After the death of the ancestor, it has become the pain in the hearts of all orc warriors.

It is a shame to know that for the orcs who admire the power, the name of the strongest man on the mainland has been taken away by humans.

"Sir Hussein, who is the first person on the danger list according to you? Is it the Silver Pegasus Knights?"

As if listening to the story is addictive, waiting for Square Enix to speak, the only female biped Dragon Knight in the team next to him could not help asking.

It's a pity that this female biped flying dragon knight was alive in the bear race, and the bear figure of the bear race female and the most indescribable appearance almost made people forget her female identity.

However, these are not important in the eyes of the old man Hussein. Now when he is his age, looking back at Square Enix and others, almost all of them see the children's descendants. Unfortunately, although Hussein also became a family when he was young, his wife and son died in the hands of human looters, and this is the fundamental reason why he has been on the front line of the **** battle and insisted that he refuse to leave.

"Silver Pegasus Knight? Huh, they are indeed some tough guys. There are always groups of people who can make people look dazzled. Then Silver Pegasus Warcraft can release a lot of messy magic. But you should understand Whether it is our two-legged flying dragon knights or the silver flying horse knights on the human side, in fact, the real power is still reflected in dealing with a large group of ordinary soldiers. As for the battle between us and the silver flying horse knights, it has been almost Most of them are pinned down, and if you count them seriously, there are actually very few examples of mutual suffocation. "

Speaking of this, Hussein seemed helpless, but after only a moment, he narrowed his eyes and said seriously:

"The first dangerous enemy I am talking about is the high-level stalker I mentioned before! Unlike those equally terrible snipers, the high-level stalker can use his own grudge characteristics to achieve integration with the surrounding environment. The ability of such an enemy is completely invisible even if Lang Langbai looks at a distance, and if they meet them at night, unless the biped flying dragon knight flying like us in the sky, other people are fierce. ! "

"Can't you see it even during the day? Isn't it the same as the legendary level of Warcraft that can be invisible! This ..."

It seemed that he was frightened by Hussein's remarks, so that the new bipedal dragon knights such as Square Enix didn't look very good. But at this time, Hussein's next sentence made these rookie strongmen rekindled their fighting spirit.

"Yeah, these stalkers are really dangerous. But what you get will lose anything, so once they are specialized in stealth and assassination, their combat effectiveness is far worse than that of the strong men of the same level. And because These guys need to make as little noise as possible, so that most of them choose not to wear any armor. And how can the small body of humans compare with our orcs? So as long as they catch them, they are basically dead. ! "

"Adult, do you mean that it was those despicable human stalkers who killed this frontline fighter? What are we waiting for? Go find them, and kill them one by one!"

Perhaps it was because the bear clan orcs were born with a more warlike and fierce relationship, so that the voice of Hussein had just dropped, and the only female soldier in the team roared. So much so that if she was seen by Zhang Yang at this moment, she would definitely not recognize her as a woman.

"Stop being restless, Ella. If we really go down, we will count. We must know that our bipedal dragon knight's biggest advantage is to be able to fly in the sky! And the timing of the fire is very suspicious, I I even suspect that if we walked past after landing, it might trigger some kind of terrible trap! After all, I have lost a lot of companions and apprentices because of this over the years. "

At the moment Hussein's expression was a little sad, but in contrast, the light in his eyes seemed to be two fires in it before burning!

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