Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1164: Twilight City (1)

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For the mysterious and mysterious fate, Zhang Yang really loves and hates it. After all, if it were not for fate, how could he come to this magical world?

However, destiny seems to have brought Zhang Yang into this world for his own purpose, otherwise why the things he encountered after rebirth are so coincidental, as if someone was deliberately manipulating Zhang Yang to experience these What about it?

Let ’s not mention other things, let ’s take this so-called 'son of destiny'. Zhang Yang has heard people call him more than once, and he always feels that the responsibility represented by this name must not be him Willing to accept.

But the reason why fate is awesome is that you don't know what he has prepared for you. As for Zhang Yang, it's clearly a long way from taking control of his own destiny ...

"Do you know me? Then who are you?"

Suddenly hearing this title, Zhang Yang wasn't surprised that it was false, and the words were still spoken from the mouth of a young girl, which was extremely abrupt. It's just that the girl in front of me didn't seem to be afraid of Zhang Yang at all, but answered generously:

"I am the elder of the twilight city of this underground city, and the spokesperson of the city's top management. You can call me Mozambique. As for you ... I only need to know the information of the 'child of destiny'. That ’s enough. Well, your task has been completed, go back to your post. Also, inform Nancy to let them completely block the tunnel when this person came. "

Mozambibi's answer not only did not answer Zhang Yang's doubts, but made him more confused. What does it mean to listen to her? Could it be that her big elder is just a microphone? Isn't it at all said, and is there another more mysterious and powerful guy behind him?

However, what made Zhang Yang unexpected was that the group of big rat knights who had escorted him here seemed to be the first time to hear the saying of 'child of destiny', so that for a while, there was some commotion and he looked into Zhang Yang's eyes, and even more It's an extra layer of fear.

But the elder Mozambibi's status in this underground city ‘Twilight’ seemed to be so lofty, that her words seemed to Zhang Yang to be like some kind of ‘leftover paper’.

So after seeing these big rat knights saluting to the elder Mozambibi, they turned around and left, looking at their appearance, they seemed not to worry about the threat that Zhang Yang's "giant" would pose to their petite and beautiful elders. Similar.

At this time, only Zhang Yang and Mozambique were left in a large triangular square. Until now, Mozambique, who had maintained a dignified and proud image, suddenly sighed in relief, and then patted himself relatively proud. The human chest blinked at the pair of big eyes that were more agile at the moment, staring at Zhang Yang for a while.

This inconsistent contrast really makes Zhang Yang somewhat at a loss. Furthermore, it is uncomfortable to say that a little beauty looks like a rare wild animal from top to bottom. So after a stalemate, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but say:

"This ... Elder Mozambique, you have been staring at me for a while now, do I have flowers on my face?"

It wasn't until Zhang Yang spoke to Mozambibi that he stopped looking up and down, and then said in a light tone that was very different from that of Fang:

"But this is the first time I saw the" high "person, didn't you see too much? Isn't it enough? And you are still what the" child of destiny "said in the mouth of the old guy, although I don't understand what it means, but listen It looks pretty powerful, so ... what's your name, where did it come from? "

Zhang Yang didn't expect that he would open the other person's speech box in one sentence. It used to look like a pocket-sized beauty with a 'Queen Fan', but how can it become an ordinary girl in a blink of an eye? Or ... what did she pretend to look like before?

Can't it be a split personality?

Fortunately, all of these thoughts flashed through Zhang Yang's mind, and the actual time spent did not even arrive for a moment. So after Mozambique ’s series of questions was asked, Zhang Yang replied in his usual calm tone:

"You can call me Woking. As for where it came from ... it's the sunset valley in the Midwest of the Orc Kingdom. As for the" child of destiny "you mentioned, I also want to know what is going on."

"Your name is Woking! What a weird name! But what kind of orcs are you talking about? How is it different from the descriptions of the orcs that the old guy told me?"

At this moment, Zhang Yang has heard the term "old guy" from Mozambique's mouth for the second time. Although the word "old guy" is understood literally, it seems somewhat derogatory, but Zhang Yang inexplicably thinks that Mozambique is so When calling, what kind of ingredients are included?

So after briefly explaining the identity of his mixed-race orcs, Zhang Yang finally asked his doubts.

"Elder Mozambibi, I'm curious what is this 'old guy' in your mouth? And if I am not wrong, this old guy seems to be the real master of this 'twilight city', right? "

Zhang Yang said that the opposite Mozambibi was a little surprised after he spoke, but it was at this time that the fluctuation of the power of the soul that had appeared only now came again. And just about two moments later, Mozambibi, who was still looking surprised, looked at Zhang Yang strangely, and then said:

"You guy is very keen, but you guessed it right. My elder elder sounds very powerful, but in fact it is just the old maid's maid and microphone. So you don't have to call me elder elder, just call me Mozambique is enough. "

"This one……"

"Also, the old guy has just said that I want to take you to see it personally, and it must explain most of your doubts. So follow me, but do n’t blame me for not reminding you! After seeing the old guy Do n’t be surprised, let alone impulsive things! ”

After saying this, Mozambibi blinked Zhang Yang playfully, and then turned to walk to the cave when she came, leaving Zhang Yang with a beautiful back with her hair dancing ...

When Zhang Yang walked into this 'tall' cave with Mozambibi, Zhang Yang discovered that the four walls of the cave were full of exquisite life-like murals.

Looking at the content, most of them describe the stories between huge groups of mice and villains with mouse tails. There are scenes of battles, stories of mutual help in life, and even one or two stone carving portraits . And as Zhang Yang walked step by step into this cave, he had already roughly inferred the origin of this mysterious underground city from these murals!

However, just after Zhang Yang followed Mozambibi around a corner, the space in front of him gave him a sudden and cheerful feeling!

Although it looks like a few hundred square meters in total here, the height of the overhead canopy is completely beyond the height of thirty to forty meters from the ground of the twilight to the canopy. Zhang Yang's visual observation should be almost the same even if there is no fifty meters. Too.

However, compared to the spacious space supported by only four giant columns, the figure on the left side of the stone room that is lying on the wall is really shocking and even moving!

In fact, when Zhang Yang arrived at the triangular platform outside the cave, he already guessed that this mysterious underground city should be hidden by a superpower with a strength of at least the legendary level 7 or above.

Not only that, as far as the special magic field composed of the three luminescent crystals is concerned, Zhang Yang even thinks that the strong man living here is likely to be a wise man who is proficient in magic. After all, Zhang Yang ’s knowledge is not too much now. However, he counted the major kingdoms he had visited, even if he added the castle where the Queen of Pain in the Devil Realm lived, there was no such magical arrangement.

However, Zhang Yang did not expect that the creator who created all this in front of him was not the rat-race female in the mural, but the big mouse who had always been with her!

Not only that, judging from the current situation, Zhang Yang feels that this big mouse should not be much worse than any human or even orc, regardless of its strength or intelligence. After all, a big mouse that can sculpt a large lifelike mural on the wall with paws, no Can the seventh-level legendary level of strength be justified?

(I did n’t expect that the real owner here would be a legendary World of Warcraft! And it ’s still a guy who has stepped up from a low-level giant rat to a legendary level. If there are no adventures, how could this be achieved? But then again, I do n’t know if you let Garfield see it, would you immediately pinch each other?)

With the strength of the seventh-order legendary Super Warcraft, it is natural to easily find someone approaching. In fact, even if Zhang Yang deliberately concealed his footsteps and breathing sounds, Mozambibi around him would easily expose him.

So while Zhang Yang saw the other party, this legendary big mouse, who seemed to be as tall as Mozambique, turned around and took the lead in saying:

"Oh squeak! I didn't expect that I could actually see the arrival of the 'child of destiny' in my lifetime. This seems to be a good sign for me to live a few more years? Okay squeak! You have to forgive the babbling of an old man, After all, after living for a long time, there will always be a lot of weird problems. But then, Mozambique, how did you go for such a long time? Are you fascinated by this big handsome guy? I tell You squeak, do n’t look at him being tall and strong, and still squeaking the name of “Son of Destiny”, but in the end he and you are not the same size, so do n’t think too much squeak! Hehe Ha ha ha ... "

"Oh! Old things, you hurry up! You this ... your shameless old pervert!"

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