Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1204: After the fierce battle

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In fact, because the former bull strong man was in a violent state, he continued to cast a forbidden technique in spite of his own life and death, in order to overdraw vitality in exchange for more and stronger blood gas energy, so that when Zhang Yang was helpless, he finally chose to use it. After [Thunder Pole Explosion], and seizing the opponent ’s chance to decapitate his move, the extremely excited blood energy in the body of the cattle clan suddenly lost control, and that far exceeded his body ’s tolerance. The ultimate blood gas energy eventually experienced a violent explosion.

It should be known that although the actual strength of this cattle clan can only be regarded as a pseudo legendary level after violent, but if it is only the total amount of blood energy accumulated in his body, it has exceeded the ordinary seventh-level legendary junior strong. The total amount of energy the person can have.

Of course, the strength of the total amount cannot cover its essential gap. Even if the strong cow before it compresses it desperately, regardless of life and death, it is more pure and condensed than the real seventh-order legendary strongman of an orc. As far as blood energy is concerned, the gap is still remembered.

It's just that when this powerful energy of compressed blood instantly loses control, its unstable nature suddenly manifests itself. You have to know that the powers of the previous few bursts of blood gas energy that spread to tens of meters are so powerful, because the energy is compressed and then a part of the result is controlled and released by the strong cow.

Now, the power of all the blood energy remaining in the body of this strong cattle is naturally more than two or three times more powerful than before!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's [Lei Ji Outburst] can last for about four moments, so after killing the cow-pseudo-legendary strongman in one fell swoop, Zhang Yang still has time to rescue Al and take her with her The last moment away from the farthest range that can be affected by the explosion.

It's just that when the limit duration of "Lei Ji Outburst" passed and Zhang Yang stopped with axe in hand and holding Al in one hand, a sore pain that was difficult to get acquainted with, but from Zhang Yang's whole body to his mind Came from.

You have to know that Zhang Yang was able to compete with these two orc strong players who cooperated very well, and took the initiative in the chasing and killing afterwards, because Zhang Yang had already used the "Lightning Strengthening" ability.

And because of the long duration of this battle, Zhang Yang has unconsciously used the ability of [Thunderbolt Enhancement] three times in a row.

This is good. Now, after having to use [Lei Ji Outbreak], Zhang Yang, who is unable to kneel on the ground, feels the state of his body carefully, and then he finds that his body's load is now as high as 100%. sixty two!

No wonder Zhang Yang has a little weakness and emptiness in addition to his body pain. It turns out that his body at the moment has already suffered the first effect of overload and weakness. The overall physical quality has dropped by 30%, and the state recovery ability has also been reduced to only 100 per leak. The degree of four.

Unless Zhang Yang finds a way to find an external force to help heal, otherwise, in his current situation, aside from his injuries, it will take at least a day to restore his original strength and condition. This is not good news for him, who is on the front line of a **** battle and is in danger almost all the time.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang worked hard to save Al this time. Although the girl's natural magic released by the curse of the bloodline was somewhat flawed, Zhang Yang guessed that it should be no problem to speed up the recovery. After all, all he needs is the faint power of life wrapped up in the healing magic of nature, not the healing magic itself.

It's just that when Zhang Yang turned his gaze to the girl in her arms who was already in a coma, Zhang Yang laughed ridiculously.

It is said that Al was already in a coma because of the hit by the enhanced version of [War Trample], who had thought that Zhang Yang was still within the effect time of the "Lei pole explosion" when she rescued her, so although Zhang Yang has been able to To a certain extent, control the power of thunder and lightning in the body, but when using the super big move of [Thunder Pole Burst], a small part of the power of thunder and lightning is also inevitable due to overflow.

This is why every time Zhang Yang uses [Lei Ji Burst], he is always covered with electricity, as if the whole person is electrified. Therefore, under the influence of this thunderbolt that could not be leaked, Ai Er, who was caught by Zhang Yang under his arm, was unlucky.

So much so that Al, who was not seriously injured in the battle, not only all the clothes outside her body became dark and crisp at the moment, but even she herself was "Lei" by the power of the thunderbolt that Zhang Yang accidentally "leaked". Out of focus. Originally, the pale skin color became dark, let alone, the long chestnut hair with a healthy luster, although it looked a little messy, turned into a fluffy head like a bird's nest. smoke……

Zhang Yang was also shocked to see here. In this case, I can't count on Al to treat him. She can be lucky to save a small life! So Zhang Yang hurriedly put her on the ground, but stretched out her right hand full of blood scabs, and pressed directly on the arteries on the side of Al's carotid.

(Fortunately! Although some are weak, they are not dead ...)

This discovery finally put Zhang Yangti's heart in the air back into his stomach, saying that he took such a big risk that he was killed and killed to save Al's life? If you finally kill a group of enemies, but the person you want to protect is accidentally killed by your own "electricity", then it is really suffocating.

Now as long as Al is not dead, as far as the medicines and potions stored in Zhang Yang's space ring are concerned, it is not a big problem to rescue them. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang looked around, and after confirming that the remaining orc warriors had really escaped and did not return, Zhang Yang took out two bottles of intermediate treatment potions from the space ring and carefully filled Ayre first. I just drank another bottle uselessly.

Zhang Yang, who was so nervous for a while, was finally able to breathe a little bit of relief, only because the sound of the fighting and the movement of the final explosion was really too big. In addition, Zhang Yang was not sure if the orc warriors who had escaped would be found again. Other reinforcements, so Zhang Yang sat on the ground for a short breath, then picked up Al, who was still unconscious, recognized his position, and continued to walk north.

In fact, Zhang Yang can be called "thrifty" and "careful", he will at least clean the battlefield a little bit. After all, he had eaten too much before taking advantage of the loss of weapons, so now as long as he has the opportunity to search for some loot such as weapon armor, Zhang Yang will generally not let go.

You should know that all the warriors of the Campas Orc Kingdom are elite, so the weapons they use are also made of stainless steel, and they are all good things that are comparable to first-order or even second-order magic weapons. Furthermore, since the tomahawks used by the two powerful cows can be cut against the **** double-edged tomahawk behind Zhang Yang without any damage, then it should be no lower than Tier 4 Good things for magic weapons.

However, apart from the fact that Zhang Yang is more dangerous now, it is also inseparable from the fact that most of the orc warriors' bodies and weapons were destroyed by continuous energy bursts and final explosions.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's caution saved his life. It should be known that less than half a leak after Zhang Yang left, a group of mixed orc clan squadrons with at least a thousand or so people drove from the south. In this case, although the quality of ordinary fighters is a bit worse than the group that Zhang Yang encountered before, the huge number of those powerful generals are still not overloaded and weak at the moment, and their strength has declined. Zhang Yang, who can't use Thunderbolt again, can handle it.

Of course, this group of follow-up Orcish squadron members who had come before the report of the soldiers who had escaped before, and after seeing the shocking traces left in this battlefield, their faces were not very good.

After all, they had learned from the mouth of the dozen orc warriors who had fled back to report that only two enemies who did all this were left out, and the main fighting force among them was just a mysterious man with a **** double-edged tomahawk!

You must know that the general who commanded the 1,000 Orc Warriors also has a sixth-level primary strength. Although the combat strength of the pair of the cattle brothers is much worse than the previous one, but on the strength of fighting alone, Instead, he is higher than any one of those two cow brothers.

Therefore, in the eyes of this rhinoceros general wearing heavy armor, the fighting power displayed on this battlefield is really terrible! Not to mention the corpses of the orc warriors covered with wounds and incomplete, just the big pit that the raging bull clan pseudo-legendary powerhouse exploded at the time of death made his face change!

Also a combatant who cultivates blood energy, this bear general can easily see from the big pit that has reached three meters at the deepest point and gradually decreases in a funnel shape around the end until the radius is nearly thirty meters away. Obvious traces.

Where is this thing that a sixth-order junior orc warrior can make? I am afraid that even the super-strong who has just entered the seventh-tier legendary level can't make such a scary pit if he is not desperate?

And such a powerful guy is dead! So what kind of strength should the enemy he face have?

Thinking of this, not only did the general of the bear clan change his face, but even the dozen or so deputy generals and guards around him who had relatively broad knowledge and flexible minds thought of almost the same problem. So when the bear general ordered all to pursue the enemy west instead of north in the intelligence, although the low-level soldiers under his command were somewhat unknown, the generals at all levels did not have the slightest objection.

As for the requests of the few orc warriors who had fled the newspaper to pursue them as soon as possible, they were naturally ignored, as for the reason? Who would listen to what the guy who abandoned the honorary deserter said?

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