Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1208: Blood truth

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Seeing here, Zhang Yang's brows were frowned. Generally speaking, almost all those who can emit this kind of light are those who are in the camp of the Kampas orc kingdom.

And judging from the vision that can be seen only within a few miles of this distance, Zhang Yang estimates that if this is really an orc strongman, let alone how many years he has lived here, and this film looks old. What kind of relationship does the battlefield have? This strength alone may not be what Zhang Yang can handle.

It's just that Zhang Yang finally raised a curiosity. Naturally, it's not good to forget it, and now that he has come here, how can he have to look at it from a distance to be stubborn?

Thinking of Zhang Yang's heart here, he changed his casual appearance at the same time. Not only did every step under his feet become cautious, but even breathing instantly converged to a non-existent level.

In this state, Zhang Yang walked almost no sound, even in this environment where bones and armor fragments are intertwined, he can still hide his figure almost perfectly. This ability is naturally not a big deal for stalkers or thieves, but for a warrior, it is very valuable.

So in this case, Zhang Yang finally carefully approached the place where it couldn't help emitting red light to the sky.

During this period, even the well-known Zhang Yang had to be moved by the tragic level of the battlefield! Although the warriors of that year had already ran out of flesh and blood, but from the piles of skeletons that were entangled and remained to this day, Zhang Yang could still feel the tragic situation of that year.

However, not all things are abandoned by time, and some crystals and gems dropped in the bones and debris almost retain their original light.

This is actually not unusual. After all, Zhang Yang knows that no matter in which world the formation of crystals and gems itself takes a long time to reach, it is not an exaggeration to call them the essence of years.

However, these crystals and gems of different sizes and colors will not be scattered in the ruins of the battlefield for no reason. Then the only reasonable explanation is that most of these crystals and gems should be embedded in weapons and armor. That's right.

Then the problem arises. Zhang Yang has heard more than once about all things related to high-level magic weapons. You must know that when a magic weapon or magic armor reaches the fourth order, that is, when it can be inlaid with crystals and gems to enhance its performance , Then unless this piece of equipment is completely destroyed in battle, or the gems and crystals on it disappear for some reason, for the magic equipment of level 4 or higher, its own metal will remain after thousands of years The original texture and appearance.

So unless this battlefield was destroyed by super powerful forbidden magic instantly, no matter how human soldiers and orc warriors, or even the armor weapons on them, could not escape the disaster, this is only a bit possible. Achieve what it looks like today.

However, as a senior soldier, and looking at the distribution of the corpses and the postures of these people before they died, Zhang Yang could completely reject the previous assumption.

So apart from that possibility, what other circumstances will make the high-level armor and weapons in this battlefield, except for the gems on the equipment remaining, the rest will become crisp metal wreckage?

In fact, to be precise, although Zhang Yang can be called a battle-hardened one, his understanding of the Orlando continent is still too one-sided and even limited.

Not to mention the things that are likely to have disappeared in the long course of history, only the knowledge about magic materials and magic weapons, Zhang Yang can only be regarded as a half-knowledge, and the things he knows are not even fur.

So in the face of the increasingly strange environment in front of him, Zhang Yang really took a twelve points of caution, for fear of missing details and causing him to fall into a situation of no end. Therefore, even if Zhang Yang can find more or less crystals and gemstones on the ground passing by every tens of hundreds of meters, because he is not a particularly greedy person, and he can measure his life and wealth more clearly. The important thing is that since he found these cut crystals and gems, Zhang Yang has not moved at all. Even when he first recognized him, he just looked down at the thing and didn't even touch it.

And Zhang Yang ’s strange environment finally reached the goal of this trip after he carefully advanced about fifteen minutes, and it was the true face of the guy who was unable to release the red mans into the air! !

However, Zhang Yang didn't think of it at the moment. It turned out that he was attracted from dozens of miles away, not the person he expected, but a two-handed sword that looked extremely simple and blood red!

At first Zhang Yang almost thought he had made a mistake, but when he subconsciously closed his eyes and probed again with perception, the direction of the feeling of loneliness and loneliness could not be extinguished, it was really right in front of him!

(What the **** is going on? Is anyone trapped under this bizarre blood-red two-handed sword? Or ... the sword itself has feelings? Is it possible?)

Zhang Yang was almost taken aback by the idea behind him. After all, in his view, a weapon is a weapon. How could it be emotional? Doesn't it mean that a sword can have thoughts?

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang was suddenly stunned, just because it was so sudden that he unknowingly ignored an important thing! That is the legendary supreme order magic weapon. It seems, seems, probably has self-awareness?

So when this idea emerged from Zhang Yang's mind, his gaze could no longer be removed from the simple, **** two-handed sword.

He complained a while ago that he didn't have any weapons to use, but now it didn't take long for him to encounter such a good thing. However, Zhang Yang was excited, but the vigilance in his heart was not reduced at all.

You should know that if the legends spread between the mercenaries and the adventurers are true, then this **** sword erected abruptly in a dry bone is not only a rare opportunity for Zhang Yang, it is more likely Contains a dangerous enough fatal!

Although no one has ever counted how many humans and orcs in this land called Blood Battle Front have repeatedly fought between you and me, let alone how many people have been here since the Blood Battle Front appeared. Too. However, Zhang Yang believes that it is definitely an extremely huge number. But so many people have come and gone so many years ago that no one can find the existence of this **** two-handed sword?

Or to say ... This magical **** two-handed sword that has a trace of evil in it, because it has a certain degree of self-awareness, can influence the surrounding environment with its own mysterious power, so that ordinary people will not find it?

(But why can I perceive the loneliness and loneliness that it exudes? So I walked in front of it with my eyes closed? Do I really be the so-called 'child of destiny'? Being able to 'luck' to make a legend Holy order magic weapon in the initiative to find me?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang couldn't help but have some crimes in his heart. He is quite clear about his luck. Although he has vaguely felt a little bit of the so-called 'destiny' veins, he has to say that most of the times Zhang Yang encountered It's trouble, and there are very few times when 'stepping on shit' flatly picks up treasure.

It's just that even for a person like Zhang Yang who doesn't think he is very greedy, Zhang Yang said it would be false to face the holy order treasure that was quietly inserted there and seemed to be within easy reach.

No one knows whether there is a Holy Order magic weapon on the current Orlando continent. After all, it can control a self-conscious Holy Order weapon. How can the user's strength be above the seventh order legendary level?

Otherwise, it is very likely that the person is not using the weapon, but the weapon is in turn controlling the action of the person. That situation is not the result that Zhang Yang wants.

However, all of this was conceived by Zhang Yang out of thin air. After all, no real information about Holy Order magic weapons has ever been circulated. Therefore, Zhang Yang is also in trouble now. In the face of this kind of countless people who can't find anything, and this life is likely to have only one chance, how should Zhang Yang choose?

Take it or not, it's all a question.

In fact, after Zhang Yang hesitated for a while, he suddenly found that the emotions emanating from this **** two-handed epee were no different than before. This is a bit weird. If it is really self-conscious, how can it always exude loneliness and loneliness instead of trying to communicate with Zhang Yang?

And there still seems to be a gap between having emotions and having self-awareness, even if the degree is different, but the result is very different for Zhang Yang!

You should know that if the legendary holy order magic weapon with complete self-awareness is regarded as an adult, then Zhang Yang feels that the simple **** two-handed sword in front of him may be equivalent to a ‘newborn baby’!

Of course, this may also be an illusion to confuse others, but if it is true, does it mean that Zhang Yang's chances of getting it are greatly increased?

In the face of this situation, Zhang Yang Ruo could not pass if he had to hesitate. It is often said that the rich and the expensive seek insurance. How can it be possible to obtain powerful power without paying anything?

Furthermore, Zhang Yang can be regarded as being hit by a huge pie falling from the sky. In this case, if he is afraid that the pie falling from the sky will "burn" or worry about being choked to death. To try, that is the real blessing in the blessing.

So after trying to understand all this, Zhang Yang finally got up from the ruins, then took a deep breath, then walked step by step in the direction of the **** two-handed sword.

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