Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1222: The death of Tekquel

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As a talented magician, Lisa is not only an extremely rare talent for both wind and spiritual magic, but also because of her outstanding memory, she also has a lot of knowledge in addition to magic.

Among these miscellaneous knowledge, a record about magical puppets and alchemy puppets came to her mind at this moment.

As such puppets powered by elemental energy or magic power, no matter what their materials and structure are, if they want to follow their command line, they must first make them smarter first. Therefore, it has become a certain necessity to use the soul of intelligent creatures as the core of higher puppets.

However, there are certain uncontrollable factors in any creature with a soul. No matter the character or emotion, after it is taken out of the original body and put into the puppet, unimaginable changes will occur.

Coupled with the fact that some cruel magicians deliberately killed professionals in order to obtain high-intensity soul-driven puppets, this practice has caused countless people to rebound and was banned for a long time.

Based on these situations, a strong binding soul contract has become a necessary choice. Of course, some high-level alchemists and spiritual magicians will also choose another way, which is to imitate the [energy incarnation] skills possessed by the eighth-order epic super powers, and treat puppets as a kind of spirit and can accommodate themselves. Will, and props that can be manipulated remotely to use.

In this case, some advanced magic puppets can even perform magic under the control of the magician after installing the corresponding magic core or crystal! It's just that because of the self-shooting structure of this magical puppet and the magicians who manipulate it, most of them are not close to melee, so that their melee ability is naturally far away from those puppets that use human warriors or humanoid souls as control centers far.

And do n’t look at these magical puppets, which are tough and difficult to destroy. Even because most of them use magical materials, they are also very resistant to elemental magic, but when faced with a magic, they will perform. Unbelievably fragile!

That is spiritual magic!

Whether it is to use the human soul as the control center of the magical puppet, or the spellcaster controls with his own spiritual power and will, it is impossible to truly integrate the soul or the spirit with the magical puppet. Therefore, whether it is to control the needs of magic puppets or to maintain the reaction speed of magic puppets, the bodies of these magic puppets cannot be equipped with devices or magic arrays to weaken spiritual magic.

So do n’t look at the magic puppets one by one, weighing hundreds or even thousands of pakri, and they are as if they are invulnerable, but in the face of spiritual magic attacks, they are as fragile as if they directly expose the soul and spirit to the Same in front of the attacker!

So that in the face of powerful spiritual magic, not only the souls of intelligent creatures that are specially used to control magic puppets will be greatly damaged or even directly destroyed, but also those magicians or alchemists who remotely control the puppets with their own will will be because of Struck by spiritual magic!

Thinking of Lisa's mind here, there is a kind of enlightenment, that is, if the magician uses his own mental power to control the magic puppet, this trick was learned from the eighth-order epic superpowers, can it be reversed? The "energy avatar" used by the eighth-order epic superpowers is actually the same principle as those magic puppets?

The only difference is that the magical puppet as a carrier of spiritual power and will is made of real objects, and the energy incarnation released by the eighth-order epic strongman is composed solely of energy!

(It seems that the blood energy used by the orc powerhouse itself does not have resistance to spiritual power. Even for the known energy, except for the necrotic and arcane systems, even the six elements are not Have resistance to spiritual magic. So to say ... if you use this trick ...)

Thinking of Lisa's eyes suddenly lit up with hopeful light! She inadvertently seems to have discovered a weak point that looks very powerful and **** avatar is not a weakness!

So while Dick, Eres, and Tecquel and the blood avatar, also controlled by the ancestors of the ancestors, were in full swing, Lisa raised the staff with a large sixth-order wind system in her right hand. After the magic core's staff, he again pointed his left hand with a citrine ring with a spiritual power amplification effect, and pointed it directly at the **** avatar that was entangled with Erris!

As the most powerful spiritual magic before the legend, the power of [Soul Blast] is enough for even the seventh-level legendary super powers to change its smell. Therefore, as long as there is nothing that can defend against spiritual magic on the target being attacked, then under the attack of this powerful spiritual magic, almost all life without soul power will be instantly damaged by its power, and even more serious Will die directly!

What's even more unpredictable is that most spiritual magics appear in an intangible and qualitative form, so that many times they don't know that they have been attacked until the target is hit. However, it is basically too late at this time, whether it is the various effects on consciousness and spirit at the low level, or the attack to face the target soul after reaching the sixth level, almost all magic that will produce a decisive effect instantly once it becomes effective.

Fortunately, spellcasters with spiritual magical talents are extremely rare. In addition, when the magical spells are cast, it is not the magical power formed after absorbing the elements, but the spellcaster ’s own spiritual power or the power of the soul. As for professionals, they rarely encounter spiritual magicians, not to mention that they can release a lot of spiritual magic in a short period of time than ordinary casters.

Therefore, Lisa, who has been fighting for a long time at the moment, now can only use the magic power of the sixth-order wind magic once, but there is really only enough left to exert the spiritual power of the sixth-order spiritual magic [Soul Blast]!

So when Tekquil suddenly noticed Lisa's move not far away in the battle, Lisa had already prepared these two magics by virtue of her superb magical skills with the ability to conjure!

Suddenly, Lisa shouted, and from the top of the staff she was holding in her right hand, she suddenly fired a highly compressed green-green energy bomb! At the same time, from Lisa's left hand with five fingers spread forward, an invisible and qualitative spiritual energy was also released in an instant, far faster than the magic ball of the wind element, and was hit by Ayres in the blink of an eye. The **** avatar that was entangled!

Because Lisa has only been under the protection of Dick and Ayres since the appearance of Tekquel, she hasn't shot much, and her appearance and temperament are so beautiful that she even attached to the name of Tekquel. The ancestors' war souls ignored her subconsciously.

So at this moment she was in trouble, except for the two who were very familiar with her, Dick, who did not expect this soft and beautiful female magician to retain such a degree of combat power!

So I saw that the blood gas turned into a sudden burst of body, and then there was a trembling of the whole body, and then a large energy pack like a tumor was bulged, and I could n’t see it again after just a moment. The shape of the original lion orc is directly transformed into a humanoid monster that can only appear in nightmares!

At the same time, after the "Tykquil" that had been roughly suppressed by Dick during the battle, after the blood avatar was hit by [Soul Blast], he also felt the sudden roar of incomparable pain, and then not only the move It was so chaotic that even the response and speed seemed to drop by almost half!

Such a good opportunity will naturally not be missed for Dick, a battle-hardened battle. It is a pity that when he picked up a sword from Tecquel ’s abdomen with a backhand and could only break Tecquel ’s belly with a little bit, Li Sana's sixth-order wind magic [air cannon] swelled to the size of the human head in a blink of an eye, with a pale cyan element tail flame like the tail of a comet directly bombarded on the blood that had no human shape at all. The avatar exploded directly in the middle!

In fact, this [air cannon] was hit if it was changed to the heyday when the blood avatar was just summoned, even if it was also unprepared, it would not cause too much damage. At most, a large amount of blood gas energy can be used to kill it. The power is completely offset.

However, at this moment, this **** avatar was originally hit by Lisa ’s previous [Soul Explosion] and was hit hard, and even the basic form could not be maintained. Nowadays, he is still subjected to such a record that contains all the remaining magic of Lisa ’s body and is still in flight. The bombardment of the [air cannon] that absorbed a part of the wind element from the surroundings suddenly detonated the body that had collapsed!

So just when Dick was nearly able to hit Tyke Quer, the blood gas incarnation a dozen meters behind him suddenly exploded! Suddenly under the raging impact of the giant blood energy group with a diameter of nearly 20 meters, no matter whether Dick or Eres, even the original creator Tyke Quer was blown by the sudden explosion shock wave at this moment. Stumble back.

However, in this case, Dick was able to tolerate the violent discomfort and pain in his body. At the same time, when the body's grudge broke out, he stepped on the ground with one foot, and the whole person was directly transformed into a light blue streamer. Techquel, howling head-on, bumped together!

This is indeed Dick's unprecedented high-level wind fighting skills from the beginning of the war [Flash], and at the moment of this great deal, he finally achieved his one-strike kill with a long-term trick in the snow. The purpose of-directly pierced the heart of Tekquel with the silver two-handed sword in his hand!

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