Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1124: Lisa's decision

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Ayres seemed to want to imprint Lisa's appearance deeply into his soul, so that until he gradually stopped breathing and his body slowly fell to the ground, his eyes still looked at the crying tears Lisa.

This may be his last wish for Ayers, but this scene is too cruel for those who survive. What's more, Lisa just lost a person she loved just a few minutes before. Now, when she hasn't recovered, another excellent man who admires her has also left her.

Such a blow to a woman who has never really experienced the taste of love is a blow that is even more painful and even desperate than killing her, but no matter how Lisa cries, she can't let her die. People are alive again.

In addition, at this moment, she is still in the center of the surviving human warrior and tens of thousands of Orc Legion members. Although she may not be disturbed in a short time, but according to the current situation, these are stuck in death and death. The human legionary soldiers in the encircling circle, I am afraid there is really no hope of breakthrough and survival ...

(If Dick and Iris are still ... If my magic is not completely exhausted, then the strength of the three of us will definitely lead a few legionnaires to break out, and make these orcish people pay a painful price for this! ...)

In reality, there is never any "if". No matter what has happened or the decision that has been made, it is already a thing of the past, and there is no way to change it. Lisa naturally understands this, but sometimes people are extremely fragile because of various setbacks. At this time, their thoughts become weak or negative, which is quite normal.

However, no matter what kind of battlefield, the most useless and the least-appearing emotion is weakness.

It ’s just that Lisa ’s condition is essentially different from that of ordinary women. As a powerful magician with a sixth-level advanced strength, when Lisa was born with irresistible emotions because she was too stimulated at the moment, she The destructive power it can cause is far beyond everyone's expectations!

So in the middle of the battlefield, this area of ​​more than a hundred meters in diameter that was intentionally or unintentionally vacated by humans and orc warriors, and was already recessed toward the center in a funnel shape, guarding the bodies of Dick and Eris and cried Lisa, who was very leaky, finally stood up slowly with her eyes down and her head down.

Nowadays, because the strongest people such as Dick, Aries and Lisa have either died or lost their magic power, they have basically lost their fighting power. Under the occasional sneak attack, the casualty ratio has already exceeded 70%.

Although these human legionnaires killed far more orc warriors than themselves, the difference between the number of the enemy and the enemy is so great that the fighting has now reduced the remaining human warriors by nearly ten times compared to the previous line of defense. It's just dying resistance.

The battle of the Human Legion was doomed to failure, only because the Orcs almost never accepted the surrender of human soldiers, and even boys except women were killed. Therefore, there is no difference between surrender and death in front of this kind of enemy, so instead of being killed like a slaughtered animal, it is better to fight for the killing of a few more orcs, or to die together.

However, I am afraid that no one thought that such a situation that was almost doomed to failure would eventually be changed by a decision of a heartbreaking female magician!

It's just that there is not much difference for Lisa when it comes to the death of all human legions and the end of both parties.

(Unfortunately, all of this may no longer be known to future generations. There were once three powerful sixth-order strongmen who led a human legion in the buffer zone between this human kingdom and the orc kingdom of Campas. Killed an Orc eighth-order epic superpower and several times his own Orc warrior. But I am afraid that all of this will eventually disappear with the wind and disappear in the long river of history ...)

After thinking of here, Lisa completely put aside the staff that had almost never left her hand, and then wiped the remaining tears with the sleeves of her eyes, and looked at Dick and Aries with nostalgia around her with nostalgia. Lisa took out an old scroll from her robe, but the magic scroll can no longer be looked at at a glance!

"I didn't expect that I would choose to use this thing ... but it doesn't matter anymore."

I did n’t cherish it when I had it, but now that I lost it, I realized that she was accustomed to the company of Dick and Erris. Unfortunately, Lisa may not be able to follow these two men who love and love her. Last wish. Lisa decides to be capricious again and make a selfish decision for the two people she loves!

So I saw Lisa standing straight in the center of the battlefield, first carefully peeling off the old magic seal on the scroll in her hand, and then waiting for her to fully unfold the old but still tough magic scroll, holding it with one hand Lisa of the Magic Scroll suddenly bit her index finger and slammed her index finger, and then directly painted a Lisa with his own blood on the ancient magic scroll. The ancient magic circle finally found in the old paper pile!

I remember when Lisa got this mysterious scroll of magic, it was her first time leaving the magic kingdom Moto and coming to the French empire, and it was also because of the exploration of the underground ruins that suddenly appeared, that she knew Dick also There were Erris and somehow were "abducted" by those two guys ...

But aside from those adventurous years that were once happy but now more painful, this taboo magic scroll, which is only found in the deepest part of the underground ruins, is the only thing Lisa can think of today that is enough to make her completely get what she wants. Something free!

In fact, when the people who entered the mysterious ruins together were killed and injured, and finally only the three strongest people, Lisa, Dick and Erris, they finally reached the deepest of the ruins after going through all kinds of dangers. After obtaining several valuable treasures, the secrets hidden in the ruins of the truth, which was really called the blast furnace temple, were sunk underground.

According to records, this 'blast furnace temple' was originally a place where a group of human strongmen who rebelled against the rule of high elves secretly made weapons in ancient times. At that time, almost half of the entire Orlando continent fell under the rule of the elven empire. Only in the vast dry plains and hills in the south called the "barren land" could one barely be able to contend with it. The kingdom, that is, the orc kingdom that has always been taken care of by the strongest of the ancient gods, known as the "God of Fire", is also the kingdom of the orcs.

However, humans were never the kind of race willing to be treated as slaves. After stealing the training methods of grudge and magic from the high elves and finally groping for a group of professionals with varying strengths, these were enslaved. The human beings began to try their best to enhance their own strength and develop the power of the human race to break the **** of the high elves in one fell swoop. For this reason, they even used various forbidden and even magic techniques in order to obtain the power to change the status of the entire race.

‘Temple of Blast’ is an organization established based on this concept, and as if its name directly reflects the meaning, the main purpose of this organization is to study the existence of powerful weapons for the professionals of the human race.

It's a pity that they were attacked by the high elf law enforcers before the final weapon was completed, so that not only those who are treasures in the `` Temple of the Blast Furnace '' were all killed, but even the headquarters of this organization were all advanced. The high-level magician among the elf law enforcers cast magic and sank below the ground.

If it were not for a long time ago that there was a strong earthquake near the ruins, and there was a huge seam hundreds of meters deep and several miles long, I am afraid this ancient ruin that has been dust-covered underground for more than two thousand years may not be able to see the sun again. .

As the first visitors in thousands of years, Lisa, Dick and Eres, after entering the ruins, encountered a large number of magic traps left by high elves, so that a team of ten people was exploring By the time of the core position of the lower level of the ruins, only three of them were left.

And this is because there is a knowledgeable magician such as Lisa, otherwise, a group of combatants will face the magic trap set by the high-level elven magician in the ancient times, and the final result is really possible.

Fortunately, the huge risk ended up in exchange for the same huge return. Just when Lisa and others inexplicably opened a hall on the bottom floor of the 'Temple of the Blast', the silver two-handed sword placed in the middle of the hall and next to it The entire set of silver heavy armor, after thousands of years of baptism in time and dust, still looks like a new cast!

Not only that, but more than ten weapons and armor of the same quaint shape were placed around the room, but the texture of these weapons and armor was obviously not top-notch, so that after Ayres checked them one by one It is helpless to find that most of them are no longer usable, and even the remaining two need to be fully repaired before they can be used.

However, Dick and Eres, who had been completely fascinated by the silver two-handed sword and armor, did not know that Lisa found such a volume on the altar in the hall, which was facing the door. The taboo magic scroll that can make the silver two-handed epee break the limit of the sixth-order magic weapon in one fell swoop to the seventh-order legendary weapon or even higher-the ultimate sacrifice!

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