Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1139: Break the game

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Many people think that the pig orcs are naturally stupid. Apart from having a fat body and a lot of strength, there is nothing special about it. Even some orc warriors think that they should take The Orcs were removed from the list of powerful races to show their disdain for their determination.

However, only those who have had in-depth contact with pig orcs can understand their strengths.

Like all powerful race orcs, pig orcs are born with a high chance of blood awakening. Of course, if they are compared with the lion and tiger kings, they are naturally much worse, but overall they are still comparable to bear orcs and cattle. Orcs generally have different chances of awakening blood energy.

Therefore, in addition to being slightly slower in speed and agility, no matter the strength or intelligence, the pig orcs are no worse than those of any strong race, even in terms of tolerance to damage, they have a natural skin and thick meat, but they have an advantage. .

Compared with these, the real strength of the pig orcs is that they are very capable of being born!

Compared with the lions and tigers that can only give birth to two children at most, but only three or four children at a time, pig orcs can give birth to at least four children! And some pig women with big physiques can even give birth to more than ten children easily!

Therefore, it can be said that if the pig orcs in the fighting race confess to having the second birth, I am afraid that no race dare to confess to the first!

Moreover, this is not only the dominant among the powerful war races, but also the largest fertility family in the entire Campas Orc Kingdom. Among them, the only one who can be as long as the pig orc is the wolf orc, but unfortunately the wolf orc no matter what size, physical quality or blood energy is awakening, it is more than the pig orc.

So with this huge difference in fertility and the number of people, the pig orcs have already occupied a considerable proportion in the orc kingdom of Campas. So that no matter in the major cities, or in the main force of the Camps Orc Kingdom, a large number of pig orcs can be seen.

It's a pity that because pig orcs are naturally not fond of contact with orcs of other races, and because of their temperament and irritability, they are usually dirty and sloppy. To take the initiative to understand them.

So perhaps only those who truly become their friends or enemies can understand what qualities they have. For example, Besac, who has just advanced, now has a very profound experience.

In fact, do n’t look at each of the six Pirate Raider Squad Leaders as inferior to Besac, but their combined strength against the enemy is no worse than a real fourth-order powerhouse! Not only is the degree of tacit cooperation between them enough to make up for their lack of speed, they can even use some subtle tricks and cooperation to trick Besac into being fooled!

If it were n’t for Besac that he could use [Bloodcloth] to reduce the damage just after he was promoted, otherwise he might have been hit hard by the captains of the six hog raiders before a few minutes.

So now Besac is getting more and more frightened, and has completely thrown out of his disdain and contempt for these pig raiders. Now for him, it is already the limit to be able to hold down the six pig team captains. It is a fool's dream to want to win with him alone! So for Besac at the moment, as long as he is less injured ...

However, when Bessac couldn't help waving his long-handed battle axe and tried his best to resist these hog raiders' penetration and attack, a sharp and familiar war roar made Bessac shocked!

(this is……)

At the same time, a squad leader who should have penetrated and attacked Besac, but suddenly felt the threat from his own, suddenly abandoned his original plan to attack Besac, and turned to lift the heavy metal in his hand. The mace's head waved behind him without returning!


Even if he believed that Munch was enough to cope with this attack, Besac, who had eaten a lot of secret losses under the captain of this group of pig raiders, could not help but open a reminder. But this worry is obviously superfluous. You know that Munch is not like Bessack or those pig raiders who are generally the kind of players who use their superior strength to fight hard.

As a warrior who walks the agile route, it is Munch's way of fighting to counterattack after flexibly dodge.

So when the heavy mace backhand came over from the captain of the pig raider squad, Munch slipped under the mace in a slip, and then I saw him. He instantly waved his sword and axe to the slit of the armor of the pig captain squad by the impulse!

It's a pity that Munch's strength and that of the pig raider squad leader are not very different even if there are some strengths, so the possibility of Munch's want to win with one hit is really not high. So when the knife and axe in Munch's hands were getting closer and closer to the legs of the captain of the hog raider, the captain of the hog raider had regained his full strength with his own brute force. The mace of the mace, and then changed hands and jingled twice to block the blow.

In fact, Munch had expected this result long ago, but he did n’t care about it at all. After all, Munch had already concluded after a brief observation, as long as he could disrupt the six captain squad captains. The unmatched cooperation between them can create opportunities for Besac to fight back and even win!

So Munch did just that, and it looked pretty good!

In fact, the reason why Munch was completely suppressed by the six Pirate Raider Captains just now is because he was not familiar with the other party's cooperative attack. It is a pity that the strength gap between the two sides is not so big that when Besac was forced into the disadvantage by the other party's preemption, it would be harder to think about turning over again.

Today is good, although the appearance of Munch has not achieved obvious results, but just breaking the other party's close cooperation is enough to create a chance for Besac to fight back!

So at this moment, Besac, who finally seized the opportunity to take a breath, finally shouted a battle roar that had been suppressed for a long time!

Suddenly, just listening to this roar after being strengthened by Besac's blood, it seemed like a thunder exploding from a flat bottom! Not only did the surrounding captains of the hog raiders startle at the ears, they even shocked the captain of the hog raiders who faced him in a daze!

However, this was only the beginning of Besac ’s counterattack. I saw that he took this opportunity to swiftly mobilize the blood energy that could not stop flowing in the body. Cut off the neck of the captain of the pig raider squad who was shocked by the roar of battle in the front!

In an instant, a dark red blood column suddenly ejected several meters from the neck blood vessel that was cut off by the captain of the pig looter, while Besac, who was a hit, never stopped. After rounding the **** long-handed battle axe, while striking a heavy blow sideways, it was a lightning slanting slash, directly attacking the captain of the pig raider squad who attacked him. Half of my face was cut away!

Such injuries are deadly enough for most creatures, so even if these pig orcs are extremely tenacious and ca n’t die for a moment and a half, whether it is the weakness after blood loss, or the suffocation caused by the trachea being cut, All the captain of this unlucky pig raider squad completely lost their fighting power.

However, this is not over yet. When Munch flashed to Besac, the two teamed up and immediately showed amazing fighting power!

Be aware that although Besac has good skills, because of the relationship between his body and weapon characteristics, the combat moves are still inseparable from the wide open category. Such an attack is naturally powerful in the face of a large group of enemies whose strength is lower than him, but once it encounters a opponent who does not lose power to his opponent, it is difficult to gain an advantage in a short time.

Now it's okay, after Besak, who is longer than power, has agile and agile Munch cooperation, the efficiency of killing enemies is greatly increased! Often when he slashes his opponent with a few axes, the Munk, who is also experienced and good at timing, will surely jump out like a spirit snake, taking advantage of the counter-shock when the target and Munk are both attacked by weapons. When the strength of the shock was not enough to return, the flash of the knife and axe in the hand almost brought great damage to the opponent!

So after several trips, the original six captains of the pig raiders who suppressed Besac to death, all of a sudden there was only one left who could still stand in place.

At this time, anyone can see that the group of pig raiders is gone, plus Maxim, who has fallen into a violent state not far away, has been completely mad with blood, and the pig family who died in his hands for a while The looters must have thirty even if there are no fifty.

So after discovering that there were only 40 or 50 remaining pig raiders, and completely lost the advantage in numbers, the only remaining pig raider captain suddenly used a heavy nasal orc. The voice shouted loudly. Although the meaning is not understood by everyone, it should be a retreat.

So after hearing these remaining pig raiders, although the expression on their faces seemed a little unwilling, they still understood that they had kicked the iron plate this time. So after dropping the corpses of more than 100 companions, he finally started fighting and fled in the same direction as when he came back.

Seeing this situation, no matter the guard soldiers of those villages in the defense line, or the ordinary villagers who were hiding in the grass hut and secretly looking at the appearance, a burst of excitement and joy burst out in unison.

However, at this time, Munch pulled out his machete from the neck of a Pirate Raider Squadron, and lifted his foot to kick the still twitching body, and suddenly looked at the caravan guards. Direction, and then silent.

To know that there were nearly 40 caravan **** soldiers, but now there are less than 20 people left! Although it is quite difficult compared to the loss of the enemy, when Munch thought of these "children" who had gotten rid of rookie and novice status, and thus lost his life, Munch felt that there was a evil fire in his heart. Burning constantly!

So under the slightly shocked gaze of the villagers, Munch raised his knife in the direction of the group of pig raiders leaving and shouted:


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