Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1142: Guardian of Sunset Canyon

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Although Munch's experience and insights are the best in the Mir Caravan, he is only a person who has not yet reached the threshold of the Tier 4 quasi-powerhouse. In addition, the scope of Munch's previous activities is mostly limited to Campas The eastern part of the orc kingdom, so he only has partial hearsay about the situation in the central part of the orc kingdom of Campas.

So in his impression there is only some information about the famous big cities in the central region. He has never heard of any legend about this sunset canyon, not to mention any strong man in this magical city.

Speaking of that, Besac only noticed the extraordinary of the other when he saw the sheep guard in the heavy armor. Unfortunately, Besac was quiet and quiet, even if he found nothing. Knowing whether to remind Munch, plus those new **** fighters who spoke the words unobtrusively, was so sudden that Besac wanted to speak to remind Munch that it was too late.

Therefore, when the voice of the sheep guard who was wearing heavy armor on the city gate just fell, a powerful momentum was suddenly released from his body!

At the same time, Munch and others were shocked to find that as a bright red blood energy could not be released from the gap of the armor of the sheep guard, but just a few moments Just outside the opponent's original armor was covered with a layer of crystal clear blood red armor!

Isn't this the "Blood Armor" that best represents the identity of the fifth-order powerhouse? ?

Seeing this scene, the Mill Caravan went up to Munch, Bessack, Mill and others, and then to the newly arrived young **** soldiers, all of them were dumbfounded!

joke! Who could have imagined that such a city that looks no more than a mile away, and its gatekeeper is actually a serious fifth-order strong man!

That's a fifth-order powerhouse! If you put it outside, it is also the leader of a small and medium-sized adventure group. Even if it is placed in the orc regular legion of the strong, such as a forest, it will be at least a squadron leader or more. But here, such a strong man turned out to be just a gate guard! ?

This is somewhat unacceptable. Is it the fifth-order strongest among the so-called sunset canyons? This is crazy! ?

Fortunately, the core members of the Mir business group such as Mir and Munch are all experienced people, so after the initial shock period, Munch and others suddenly expelled the crazy idea of ​​Cai Cai from his mind. .

You should know that even the king city of the Campas Orc Kingdom is the largest and the largest number of strongmen, it can not reach the level that the whole city is a fifth-order strongman. After all, a city needs a variety of people to function normally. Run. The strong might have enough combat power to completely crush ordinary people, but when it comes to production and construction, most of them are simply blacked out.

In addition, if there are so many powerful people in this sunset canyon, I am afraid that it has long been famous in the orc kingdom of Campas. Where can it be as unknown as it is today?

Of course, the idea of ​​Munch is wrong. The ordinary people of the name of Sunset Canyon may not know much, but among the aristocracy and powerful people in the orc kingdom of Campas, it is called thunderous!

Unfortunately, for small and medium-sized caravans such as the Mill Merchants, it is simply not enough to know that if Zhang Yang entrusted them to come, I am afraid they will not know in the vast Campas orc kingdom in this life. There is such a special city!

"This adult please please be angry! These children are the first young children who just went out soon after joining the caravan. They are the captain of the caravan of the caravan in Down Munch. To help the children's general knowledge, for this reason our caravan is willing to present a box of fine wine from the Colosseum City in Orsay to be guilty! "

Whether it is as a caravan **** leader or a professional, what kind of person can't offend, what kind of existence needs to be carefully maintained, Munch naturally understands. Therefore, no matter why the strong man with a strength of at least 5th or higher ranks as a humble gate guard, strength is everything, strength is the truth! Now that they have shown their strength far beyond their own, then the Mill Caravan have to bow their heads!

After all, Munch is very clear in his heart. For the Mill Caravan, which has only the fourth-level junior strength of the strongest, a fifth-tier strongman is absolutely capable of killing them completely in just three points! This must be the result of the crowds running away and not being silly together. Otherwise, only a range of blood skills will be displayed, and the Mill caravans are afraid that they will become history directly!

However, perhaps it was influenced by the momentum released by the strong sheep clan, but only half a minute left and right, there were three more sheep clan strongmen with the [Blood Armor] protective body outside the city!

Seeing that many of the new **** fighters in the Mir Caravan actually kneeled to the ground with their legs soft! It is said that even if they were born in the Colosseum City of Orsay, they have almost never seen the appearance of four powerful players of Tier 5 and above who can use the [Blood Armor] together!

Are the residents of this mysterious city really all fifth-order strongmen? This must be a dream!

In fact, for the situation in front of me, even the calmer Munch and Mill and others felt their scalp tingled. At this time, they no longer dared to speak again. God knows whether this is another King of the Campos Orc King. In the royal city? Otherwise, how could there be a situation where four fifth-order strongmen guard the city wall together!

So the uncomfortable members of the Mill Caravan saw what the four strong men above seemed to have exchanged. Afterwards, a sheep clan strong man who looked the tallest and strongest then turned back to look at the people below, glancing slightly. After a glance, he said:

"Although the Sunset Gorge is not closed to the outside world, except for a few caravans that are familiar with each other, there have been few uncommon faces. So ... I am curious, why do you come here thousands of miles away?"

At this moment, although the sheep clan strong face is calm, but I do n’t know why Munch always feels that a terrible storm is brewing in the other person ’s eyes! Therefore, Munch did not dare to have any reservations about the question raised by this man.

"We are employed by people, and came here specifically to give each other something!"

"Employed by someone? What's that person's name? What did he entrust to you?"

Immediately after Munch told the truth, he obviously found a trace of surprise and doubt in the eyes of the strong sheep family above, but now he dare not hesitate a little, so he answered truthfully the first time:

"I do n’t know what was sent, after all, we have never opened it before. And this thing was not directly handed over to us by the client, but sent by a mixed-blood wolf orc strong named Woking. Fortunately, at the time, Woking made it clear that the package should be delivered directly to the hand of the 'Great Shaman Burris' in the sunset canyon, so I'm sorry we really don't know what to send ... "

In fact, the four sheep clan strongmen at the top of the city almost frowned when they heard that Vol'jin was a wolf clan orc. After all, almost all wolf clan orcs were either members of the kingdom's regular legions or were looters. One member, rarely heard alone.

So it can be said that in today's Campas orc kingdom, the reputation of the wolf clan orcs has become smelly because of the existence of those raiders.

It wasn't until Munch later mentioned the name 'Big Shaman Burris' that the eyes of the four sheep clan strongmen changed significantly, there were surprises and guards. So before the Munch speech was finished, he was interrupted by the strongest sheep clan strongman.

"Do you know who, what it looks like, and what strength is the" big shaman burris "in your mouth?"

Hearing this, Munch was a little strange, but instead of thinking too much, he continued to answer truthfully:

"This is not clear, but shamans are scarce, and it seems that the sunset canyon is not too big. Shouldn't it be too difficult to find?"

(Oh? I really do n’t know! It seems that it should not be the assassins and spies sent by the royal family, but if he has never opened the goods, he may be the real fatal thing! The guy whose purpose can be used by any means can do anything ...)

Thinking of this, Bertod nodded suddenly, and in fact, as a close guard of the big shaman Burris, he was not a fifth-order strongman guessed by Munch and others, but a real sixth-order intermediate. warrior! It's just that because he didn't display the blood-strength blade skill that only the sixth-order fighters can use, so Munch and other talents will think that he is only a fifth-order strong man.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the strength gap between Baitu and Munch is too big, and neither Munch nor Besac is the type with particularly keen perception, but it does not matter, after all, regardless of the strength of Baitu Fifth or sixth order, for Munch and others, there is no way to compete ...

"The last question, if I remember correctly, the biracial orc named Woking, which you just mentioned, seems to be only delivering goods to the employer, so who is the real employer? You should always know ? "

"Of course, we not only know the employer, but to be honest, she actually has a lot of gratitude to our Mill Caravan! Otherwise, we will not come here with all the hardships."

Speaking of this, not only did Munch's face flash a mixture of admiration and intoxication, but even the beastly orcish Besac, who had a dull look around him most of the time, showed almost the same expression!

Seeing here in the city's head, Bitutu suddenly raised his eyebrows. Although he dismissed the strength of Munch and others and even Besac, he also understood that these people are weather-stricken people, so they can expose them A person with an expression is definitely not simple!

Moreover ... Fang Caimank clearly said "she" instead of "he"! In other words ... the employer is actually a woman? !

"What's the name of the employer, the" she "in your mouth ?!"

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