Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1144: Mysterious city

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The sunset canyon is not only a rock city that stands on the wasteland, but because of the remains of the God of War hidden underneath, the ground in the surrounding more than ten miles is also composed of various giant rocks.

Therefore, the height of several tens of meters from the city head to the ground can not be said that ordinary people will properly fall to death, that is, ordinary fourth-order strongmen jumped down when they were not prepared. I am afraid that the result will be seriously injured even if they do not die. Cripple.

However, although the two sheep clan strongmen were wearing heavy armor at the moment, when they suddenly fell to the ground, there was no such thing as Munk and others expected to crash and fall to the ground, but at the moment of bottoming out The feet lightly stepped on the wall, and then the two sheep warriors, which counted as an armor with a total weight of no less than five hundred Pakri, turned from a dexterous one in midair with an amazing coordination, and then it was so The waves landed in front of everyone in the Mill Caravan without surprise!

(When did the sheep tribes become so powerful! Have n’t they always been known for their ability balance? But this leap is awesome. I ’m afraid it ’s difficult to change to other strong races that are known for their agility, right? How could it be done? Could these two guys also have a level 6 or higher strength ?!)

At this moment, Munch was frightened by his own ideas. The sixth-order strongman is not a wild thorn on the roadside. He can grab a lot of it at hand. That is enough to control a city!

But at this moment? Munch subconsciously looked at the two statue-like strong and immobile sheep race strongmen, and then looked at the two separate city gates not far away in front of him, using a threatening look. Looking at the two sheep clan strongmen here, an inexplicable meaning suddenly rose from the bottom of Munch's heart.

(Not to mention, I am afraid that these four sheep warriors alone are enough to contend with a seventh-level legendary superpower? And how many such terrifying guys are in the sunset canyon?)

When I think of it here, Munch feels as if he has come to the foot of a big mountain high above the clouds, not only feels very small, but also has a daze and fear when facing the unknown!

That's right! It's fear!

Although Munch is brave, he knows where his limit is. He can lead dozens of **** soldiers to protect the caravan ’s safety and is close to his limit. If he is allowed to deal with the sixth-order strongman, it ’s not for him. Dear?

However, as the gate of the setting sun gorge slowly rose at this moment, the situation had reached the point where the arrow had to be sent on the string. Therefore, in desperation, Munch had to turn his head to Besak and Mill next to him with a more careful look. After that, he carried the unconscious Maxim into the sunset gorge along with Mill.

(This ... seems to be slightly different from what I just thought!)

After passing through the not-so-long but dark city gate tunnel, what appeared before the two menk and mill was not the fortress that they had expected, but a small, rather crowded, but intimate little City sight!

Whether it is a wooden house layered on top of one another, like an illegal building, or a house built on natural stone walls, it is the same as the small and medium-sized cities in the Campas Orc Kingdom that they have seen when they were running business!

Even the inhabitants of the city they saw after entering the city were not all imaginary and powerful warriors, but all races, like a hodgepodge, were fighting the mixed state of race and Meng!

Of course, this is a little bit weird in itself. It is important to know that in most cities of the Camps Orc Kingdom, the fighting race is disdainful for the Meng Orcs living together. Even if it can barely tolerate the existence of the other party, it is mostly separated in different areas of the city. Where will it live like this in front of you, or even shoulder and shoulder?

Not only that, when Munch and Mill looked a little dazed at everything in front of them, in a tavern not far from the right of the two, they even walked out of a group of strange Meng people who looked like professionals!

In fact, even among the Meng tribe, there are some members who can awaken the energy of blood energy, but their number and proportion are too scarce compared to the strong fighting race.

However, these Meng tribes are not only predominantly fox tribes, but even from the perspective of the shape and shape of those robes, they are not like a warrior known for their military strength, and they are also significantly different from shaman priests.

To really speak, Munch feels that they seem to be similar to those in the legendary human kingdom called "magicians". It's a pity that no matter whether it's Munch or Mir, although there is a relatively deep understanding of the Campas Orc Kingdom, but the state of the human kingdom is only in a state of hearsay.

But even so, Munch still feels that the costumes of the foxes, feathers, and even cats are really more beautiful than practical; gorgeous is better than protection.

However, there was a lot of doubt in Munch's mind. When the whole person looked at the few men and women of Meng nationality with a smile, there was a sound of no emotional fluctuations behind them. :

"For the sake of your life safety, do n’t ask anything, do n’t say anything, wait until you see Lord Berris before you make a conclusion, come with me."

As the city gate behind the setting sun fell down again and closed to death, the two sheep warriors who had stood at the gate of the city gate came to Munk and Mill silently sometime!

At the same time, after the sheep warrior on the left spoke, Munch saw the strangely dressed Meng men and women on the opposite side first looked at this with some curiosity, and then saw the two sheep clan strong. Afterwards, they saluted respectfully, and then quickly walked away from the sight of Munch and Mill regardless of the reaction of the other party.

(What's going on? How do you feel strange?)

Although Munch ’s strength is not strong, but it is also rich in experience, so when the few men and women of Meng ethnicity looked over, he found that only seven people looked at themselves, but it seemed that they were being stared together by more than a dozen people. same!

That kind of feeling is really weird, and Fang Caimank also noticed that under normal circumstances, if the Meng clan sees a warrior with a sword and an axe like him, he will always be a little afraid, and when the seven Meng clan men and women see him , I don't feel any fear at all, but there is a hint of eagerness to try!

You should know that any warrior who cultivates blood energy in the Campas Orc Kingdom will have a vague induction when looking at each other. Although this situation will be blurred due to the difference in strength, is there blood in the other party? The existence of energy is absolutely clear at a glance. Unless the other party has any skills or equipment that can deliberately hide strength, it cannot be hidden at all.

This is true not only for the orcs in the Campas Orc Kingdom who practice blood energy, but also between the humans or elves who practice qi and even the caster.

Therefore, Munch was quite sure through the previous skimming that there was absolutely no blood energy in these seven men and women, so where did they get their confidence? Is it because of the existence of the two strong sheep family? It doesn't seem very similar.

Fortunately, although Munch was puzzled, he would not show any clues at this juncture. Moreover, the two sheep clan strongmen just reminded them, so after nodding their heads, Munch and Mir both He was sandwiched between the two sheep clan strongmen in silence and walked quickly along a small road towards the city ...

It ’s as if everyone first saw the weird pyramid-shaped building where Big Shaman Bellis lived. When Munch and Mill followed the two strong men through a series of narrow streets, they finally reached the place. When they were at the center of the entire sunset canyon, the two also had their eyes widened!

"This, this, this ..."

(Is this a temple to the warlord ?!)

There is no special school in the orc kingdom of Campas, let alone places like libraries. After all, no matter knowledge or historical truth here, it can only be something that the nobles of the kingdom or even the royal family can master. Therefore, compared with the blood energy training methods available everywhere, knowledge is really valuable.

However, neither kingship nor violence can stop the inheritance of civilization. Therefore, among the civilians of the Campas Orc Kingdom, although there is no way to save knowledge and history in the form of text or books, but the legend has been passed down The story, the orcs written down from generation to generation by the elders and village heads, still allow the people of the Camps Orc Kingdom to learn and write down many things.

Coincidentally, Mir, who is a member of the Rat Orcs, is such a character who has the privilege to learn all the Orc scripts and some of the Orc legends from the elders!

So when he saw this strange pyramid-shaped building in front of him, he would remember the legends that his grandfather had told them when he was a child! Legends handed down from the ancient chaotic period!

Mir clearly remembers that in the legendary powerful ancient gods each have a uniquely shaped temple, other Mirs ca n’t remember clearly, but the flame war **** Kampa, which bears the belief of all the orcs in the orc kingdom of Campas What did the temple of Sri Lanka look like, but Mir remembered it clearly, that ... seems to be the strange appearance of this triangle in front of me!

So Mil, who finally recovered at this moment, was actually kneeling on the ground with a soft puff of his legs! At this moment his body was shaking unconsciously, and a pair of small hands was shaking like a bran!

"Master Mir ?! What's wrong with you?"

When Munch walked behind Mill, he was shocked when he saw this scene! He didn't understand why the good-minded Lord Mir suddenly knelt there? After all, Munch, who has been familiar with Mill for many years, knows that this short and seemingly timid caravan leader is actually more courageous than him! Otherwise, as his rat clan orc, how dare to pull up such a caravan among the crisis-ridden Kampas orc kingdom?

Therefore, after eliminating the possibility of Mir being subjected to secret calculations, there seems to be only one reason, that is, he should have seen something terrible, and he was scared into this look!

(Is it because of the weird structure of the triangle? What is this ... what is it?)

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