Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1155: Great Lake (2)

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In fact, at this moment, Zhang Yang was too late to respond to the thunderstorm, but what made Zhang Yang unexpected was that Zhang Yang, who was supposed to be corona-like like the surrounding fish, seemed to be in contact with the lightning at the moment of the lightning The air-dried sponge suddenly encountered water, and in a blink of an eye, absorbed the power of this dissipated thunderbolt into the body!

Feeling this, Zhang Yang suddenly regained his consciousness, and now his body of Ere is also cast in the thunder cloud. If it will still be affected by thunder and lightning, it can't be justified.

And at this time, Zhang Yang also found out that when he was electrified at this moment, he actually felt that some slight change had occurred between his body, but only because there was little left when the power of thunder and lightning entered the water and transmitted to Zhang Yang. Therefore, Zhang Yang was also unclear as to exactly how it affected it.

But at this moment, the black shadow above the water surface was getting bigger quickly! Then under the watch of Zhang Yang, as the shadow violently touched the water surface, a pair of light gray bird claws nearly one meter in size had been inserted into the water accurately, and one of them was charged three times. The long-bearded big fish caught off the water!

At the same time, in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yang finally saw the owner of these huge bird claws, which turned out to be a giant eagle with a wingspan of more than seven meters and blue and blue feathers all over his body! Not only that, but the look of the silver electric awn in the eyes of the giant eagle can't shine, how it looks similar to Zhang Yang when he used [Lightning Enhancement]!

However, after grabbing the two long-bearded big fishes, this blue-blue giant eagle didn't stop at all. After a slight pause on the water surface, it fluttered its wings and flew away, only because of its huge size. The water surface of dozens of meters around it was blown up by the wind pressure it brought when it flapped its wings.

When the cyan-blue giant eagle disappeared completely after a few moments, there was only a still turbulent water wave and hundreds of large and small fishes flipped by the water in the water. There.

(What kind of Warcraft is this ?! It seems that it has a level 7 legendary level of strength ?! But can't any Warcraft with a level 7 strength change its body shape? No wonder there are n’t any larger ones around this lake. Warcraft or beast, it seems that they have been eaten by this giant eagle?)

In fact, Zhang Yang has been a little confused by this sudden scene at this moment. It is important to know that although the strength of Warcraft can indeed become larger or smaller within a certain range after reaching the level 7 legendary level, it is more important to follow them With the improvement of strength, intelligence will also evolve to the extent that it is not weaker than humans.

So being able to change is one thing, whether they want to change is the real key to the problem!

You have to know that there is no such thing as "human beings are respected" or "human form is supreme" in the Orlando world. If you really want to count it, even if you put aside the powerful ancient gods, just talk about ancient and powerful. Orcs and high elves seem to be more representative of humanoids.

So for most Warcraft, they have the pride of their own race, so unless there is any special reason or last resort, they will choose to change their body shape or close to humans.

Of course, Zhang Yang was right to guess a little. The reason why the surroundings seem so quiet and peaceful is because of the existence of the blue and blue giant eagles!

Yes, not a group! As far as the one that Zhang Yang saw, it was just a group of ordinary members of this group of blue-feathered thunderbirds who had just grown up, and their strength could only be regarded as medium. As for the number of blue-feathered thunderbirds, the most How strong is the strong one? No one seems to know this ...

Fortunately, for Zhang Yang, he didn't even explore all of this, nor did he have the idea of ​​dealing with a group of seventh-order legendary Warcraft, of course, if he knew that this kind of blue feather thunderbirds lived in groups.

And at this time, Zhang Yang was also blessed by misfortune. After all, the blue feather thunderbird only took away the two largest bearded monster fish, and the remaining small and medium-sized fish that had just been electrocuted and corona became Zhang Yang's ready-made. For dinner, you can even replenish the food inventory in the space ring!

So when Zhang Yangjing waited for a while and finally determined that the powerful blue giant eagle completely left and would not return, he began to collect these ready-made fish in the water. However, when he took out a rope and was busy wearing big fish together, from the distance in the deep lake, a strange figure suddenly appeared in the dark!

(Is it finally willing to appear? But what is this? Humanoid Warcraft? Or some kind of subhuman?)

In fact, just before the fish was harvested, Zhang Yang's attention was always focused on the direction in which the sound came before the underwater warning. After all, with Zhang Yang's understanding of his luck, he is definitely the type that will encounter trouble wherever he goes! Therefore, he felt that although the creature hidden in the dark had no obvious hostility towards him before, but since he could preach warnings, he should come out and come in contact after the crisis is lifted.

It's just that Zhang Yang didn't know exactly what the hidden creature was. On the other hand, he was also curious why the other party happened to appear when he met the blue-blue giant eagle in the water. Therefore, Zhang Yang will choose to wait and see if the other side does not come out, he will not force him, anyway, he will leave here tomorrow.

However, now that the other party has shown up, Zhang Yang doesn't mind a little contact with the other party. After all, the other party is also an intelligent race that can communicate, and even if you ca n’t be a friend, at least you can warn him that you should n’t be an enemy.

But when this creature hidden in the dark really swimed out of the deep dark lake, Zhang Yang suddenly raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

In fact, this dark and strange creature at first glance seemed to be six or seven points similar to human beings. Not only was the head and hand torso clear, but even the other party was holding a bright silver sharp spear as a weapon.

It's just that the long tail like a water snake from the waist down makes this creature look weird and scary compared to his upper body with obvious human characteristics.

However, what makes Zhang Yang feel even more strange is that in terms of his super-sensing ability, this mysterious creature has some kind of water energy close to the grudge! This instead made Zhang Yang firm in his judgment that the other party is a certain kind of intelligent race.

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who had the bottom of his heart, was unmoved. He hovered so quietly about two meters below the water, and watched the other party swim towards him carefully.

"Are you ... a ... human, right? You could be safe under the attack of the adult blue feather thunderbird ?! This is really incredible!"

Because the distance is relatively close at the moment, Zhang Yang now finally sees exactly how the creature communicates with him. In fact, this black humanoid really talked to him with a special mental force. After all, Zhang Yang didn't even see anything like a mouth creeping on the other's face.

It's just that although Zhang Yang can hear it now, he can't answer it. Nowadays, Zhang Yangding can only worry about breathing under water, but when he opens his mouth, it is difficult for some strong people to speak.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang not only possesses the power of the soul, but also a little bit of the method of soul communication that uses the power of the soul to directly convey ideas and information. So after trying to get rid of miscellaneous thoughts, Zhang Yang looked at the black figure in front of him and directly activated the power of his soul to convey his thoughts.

"Who are you, why are you here to warn me?"

Perhaps I didn't expect Zhang Yang, a human who didn't seem to have any characteristics, to be able to conduct consciousness exchanges. This black figure subconsciously withdrew a few meters backward. However, when he discovered that Zhang Yang still did not do anything, but only quietly floated in the water, he stepped forward a few meters again and said:

"I am the fisherman of the month-by-month clan Benz. The reason why I am here is because we have to provide food for the Blue Feather Thunderbird every night. It ’s just the first time I ’ve done this job for so long. To your kind of guy who can stay intact under the attack of the Blue Feather Thunderbird without any protection. "

"Fishherder? What is this job? And if I remember correctly, this surname should be the surname used by a high elf clan during the high elf empire in ancient times? Forgive me, I can't see it at all. Where are you like a high elf, on the contrary it is somewhat similar to the legendary Naga clan. "

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, the guy who claimed to be Benz shuddered so much that the silver bayonet in his hand shone a series of silver lights in the water, and he seemed quite excited.

"You, you even know the Elven Empire ?! God! Does it still exist? Tell me! Please tell me!"

Zhang Yang did not expect that he would make this dark guy so excited just by saying it casually, but it was not important news anyway, even telling the other party. So Zhang Yang continued to convey his thoughts with the power of the soul:

"Unfortunately, the high elf empire has been completely disintegrated with the destruction of the well of the sun thousands of years ago. As for the remaining high elves, it seems that they all live on the elven continent and did not re-enter Orlando in recent years. Sporadic sight of their descendants. "

"Sure enough ... it's gone ... but isn't there just one continent in Orlando? How come there is a so-called elven continent suddenly?"

"Did you really not know? This was not because when the Sunwell exploded, the terrible force directly exploded the Orlando continent, so that a small piece of continental debris joined the part that originally belonged to the central city of the Elven Empire. Separated and disappeared overseas, this is where the later Elven Continent appeared. "

"It turned out to be ... what's the point of our guardianship and our contribution ?!"

Speaking of this, the dark guy raised his hand on his head, and then with the dark and ugly helmet removed, a handsome elf woman with pale blonde hair, pale skin, and long pointed children , Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly appeared!

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