Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1271: Magic weapon

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What kind of concept is a second-order weapon? The material of the weapon is made of refined steel, and regardless of the overall balance or toughness of the weapon, it reaches the level where it can easily break the pig iron sword. Such a weapon is basically a second-order magic weapon.

But in fact, this is just a more general statement. Although it may not be wrong to calculate from the rank and grade, in fact, most second-order magic weapons are actually not true magic weapons, they can only be regarded as Some ordinary weapons are better than pig iron and cast iron weapons.

After all, no matter how high-quality second-order weapons are limited by the material itself, they cannot reach the level that third-order real magic weapons can achieve. That is, the rare magic metal has been successfully added. Although the texture of the weapon itself has not been improved, and some has even been reduced, it has a special elemental affinity attribute. This is the evaluation of a weapon. Not a standard for real magic weapons.

In fact, no one will underestimate the difference between the two seems to be only a little bit. For a professional, every trace of grudge or magic in the battle is extremely precious, and they are equal in level. 1. In a battle with nearly equal strength, the increase in the strength of a professional magic weapon to a professional's own strength is likely to be the key to breaking this fragile balance and ingesting victory!

And even if it is replaced by unequal strength, if the user can exert the power of twelve, thirteen, or even fifteen to twenty with a tense grudge, then the gap between them is really big. Too.

In addition, as the level of magic weapons gradually increases, in addition to the material itself and the elemental affinity attribute, the engraved magic lines on the magic weapons and the magic cores that can be embedded in the magic weapons to provide special power , Crystals, and even gems, it is the possibility that magic weapons of order four or higher have the possibility to enhance the power of elements with magic cores or crystals!

It is a pity that a high-level magic weapon used by a warlord is not as easy to make as the magic wand and wand used by the caster. After all, compared to those wand bodies that only need to consider the transmission ability of element affinity, magic power, and spiritual power. Speaking of which, the magic weapons used by warfighters not only need a strong element affinity, but also need a good degree of solidity and toughness!

Not only that, every high-level magic weapon has to make certain trade-offs between solidity and toughness, elemental affinity and grudge conductivity when casting.

The way to get the best of both worlds is not without, but the materials needed are not affordable by most people or even most forges, and even if a decision is made after the final casting, whether it can perfectly achieve the previously set goals is even more Unknown!

So generally speaking, it is quite difficult to cast a high-level magic weapon. After all, even if you can spend a large price to collect enough eye-catching high-level materials, but one can turn the decay into a magic, a pile of materials The perfect forging masters are truly essential and the most scarce resources!

When it comes to forging masters, except for the high elves who once unified the entire Orlando continent and finally embarked on the path of destruction, the race that is really good at forging must be a dwarf. Of course, this does not mean that there is no top forging master among humans and orcs, but relatively speaking, not only are there a large number of forging masters in the dwarf family, but even for most ordinary dwarves, almost Can lift the forging hammer to do something in front of the fire and iron felt.

Therefore, when the dwarves of the Orlando world hid in the mountains and completely sealed themselves, the metallurgy and forging level of the entire Orlando continent had dropped by more than one step compared to the past.

Because of this, the prices of the fourth-order magic weapons circulated on the market today, including the fourth-order and above, will remain high. Basically, as long as the fourth-order magic weapons are used in the evaluation, the price will definitely not be. Less than ten thousand gold coins! As for those fourth-order magic weapons with relatively better effects, they can be sold at a high price of more than 50,000 or 60,000 gold coins, which is almost worth the price of fifth-order magic weapons.

In contrast, the gap between Tier 4 magic weapons and Tier 5 magic weapons is less obvious. It can also enhance the power of the moves issued by users, and it can also provide more elemental bonuses from magic cores or crystals. It can even enable users to transfer energy into the weapon more quickly. The real difference lies in the energy limit of the weapon itself!

Not all metals can withstand the fighting spirit instilled by high-ranking warfighters, let alone fight with them while infusing the fighting spirit.

Therefore, most of the time for a warfighter, a magic weapon with the same level or higher than his own strength level is the weapon that can truly exert all his strength! If the combatants are higher in rank than their own weapons, then not only may they not be able to exert their full strength in battle, but even their luck will be destroyed because the weapon level is too low to withstand their own strength!

Of course, this situation will naturally not include the seventh-order legend and the magic weapon of the level above it. After all, even for the Holy Order strongman who stands at the top of today's mainland strength, it is impossible to say that the seventh-order legendary magic weapon It has been able to be played at will, and it will not be damaged because it can't bear the user's arrogance. Even the sixth-order magic weapon is already enough for any powerful player to play at will.

This is also the main difference between Tier 6 magic weapons and Tier 5 magic weapons!

Slightly stronger than the fifth-order magic weapon, and the same qualities as the seventh-order legendary magic weapon that can be used by combatants of any level. This makes the currently known seventh-order holy superpowers mostly They are using Tier 6 magic weapons instead of Tier 7 legendary guys ...

Compared with the same period, whether it is burning or ice cold, even like Zhang Yang ’s additional damage to the **** double-edged battle axe, even if it is only a zero-order or first-order magic, it can almost make this magic weapon The power is almost qualitatively improved!

Therefore, a seventh-order legendary magic weapon with a special enchantment effect has been called to the horrible high price of nearly two million gold coins on the black market or auction house of the human kingdom!

It's a pity that anyone who gets a 7th-level legendary magic weapon will almost always treat it as a heirloom, and won't be stupid enough to take it out for auction. So nowadays, in the sales of magic weapons of Tier 7 legends and above legends, in recent years, they have been in a state of pricelessness.

After all, if any guy is lucky enough to get a magic weapon of the seventh-order legendary level, then with the special weapon effect attached to it, it is enough to make a less-professional professional stand out from the vast crowd.

And if its strength and potential can be slightly higher, then maybe a short time later, a strong man with the strength to dominate the side will be born!

It is a pity that the seventh-order magic weapons on the Orlando continent are very, very scarce. After all, even in the ancient chaotic period of the strong like a forest, the seventh-order legendary magic weapons are also very scarce high-level goods.

Although later in the time of the High Elf Empire, the seventh-level legendary magic weapons finally began to gradually increase, but on the one hand, the High Elf Empire had not existed for a long time and soon fell apart on its own, so that time The 7th-level legend cast by the high elves, and the magic weapons of the above level are not much in total.

On the other hand, once a strong man dies in a sudden situation outside, then unless someone moves with him and step on the **** luck, he will survive stubbornly, otherwise the strong man ’s bones and the bones he uses Legendary magic weapons, I am afraid that I will have to wait until someone finds them again some time later.

So at this time, the seventh-order legends and even super-high-level magic weapons remaining on the mainland are really rare. Many people, except for the well-known ones, choose to secretly hide them, and they will never take them out. Looking for the dead.

And those high-level magic weapons buried in monuments, ruins, and even wilderness, are the goal of countless adventurers to go forward and succeed despite the difficulties.

However, many people will ask here, from the first-order weapons to the seventh-order legendary magic weapons have basically been introduced, so how powerful are the eighth-order epic magic weapons? How strong will a magic weapon that reaches the ninth-order Holy Class be?

In fact, it is extremely difficult to make legendary magic weapons successfully, so for those eighth-order epic magic weapons that can carry special weapon skills themselves, in addition to various books boasting their powerful power and more than seventh-order legendary magic weapons In addition to the scarce quantity, I can't find any words about the casting method!

Moreover, although Zhang Yang once briefly contacted and used the eighth-order epic warhammer named 'Silver Dawn', but because this warhammer was still in a sealed state, Zhang Yang who was not very magical could not see it at all. More secrets.

However, compared to the mysterious eighth-order epic magic weapon, Zhang Yang has a very deep understanding of the ninth-order saint magic weapon! Of course, this understanding may be a bit biased, but in general the direction is not wrong.

After all, who let him just get a ninth-order saint-level **** two-handed sword named ‘Killing’? It was a terrorist weapon with a little self-will, besides not to mention, only the monstrous killing intent and the power of the soul strong enough to affect the user's consciousness. , Can escape a life is enough to steal joy!

And this is the power of a ninth-order holy magic weapon!

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