Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1277: Powerful Ahn'Qiraj Warrior

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In fact, this kind of guy, Zhang Yang, who is ruthless enough to both the enemy and himself, is also much seen. Whether it is the kind of murderer who can cut off his locked wrist for escape, or he gritted his teeth and endured the pain and blood for himself. Soldiers who stitch wounds can call them ruthless.

It's just that this name is now used in the opposite Ahn'Qiraj warrior, but it is a bit inaccurate. Although it is also cruel to cut off his own crippled hind leg, the key to the problem is this Ahn'Qiraj warrior. It is not a person in the general sense!

Even if it is a kind of elf or orc, although there is some difference in appearance from humans, it is basically two legs, two hands and a body with a head on top.

And this Ahn'Qiraj warlord? Take off a giant beetle that seems to be like a fine! Even if it is far more cunning and fierce than ordinary human professionals, Zhang Yang still feels that it is not human, let alone leaving him with kindness.

So at this time when Zhang Yang saw that Ahn'Qiraj would break his leg and turn around to pose a desperate posture, Zhang Yang was not moved at all, but rounded his hands with his two axes under his feet and pressed hard again. The other party rushed over.

However, because this time the Ahn'Qiraj battle will face Zhang Yang, some advantages brought by its huge size will appear. Not to mention, the pair of sickle-shaped front claws that stretched nearly three meters long and shone sharply and coldly seemed to be more powerful than the battle axe in Zhang Yang's hands.

And Zhang Yang also found a very important problem, that is to put aside the terror damage of the "Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer" to the Ahn'Qiraj world creatures, only then he used his left hand to have a five-level **** double The Blade War Axe attacked the Ahn'Qiraj warlord, but only left a trace of no depth on the carapace of the other party, and it did not hurt the other party at all!

You have to know that although Zhang Yang ca n’t strengthen his weapon with grudge, but in terms of his terrifying strange power, the destructive effect he can still exert is still no less than that of ordinary combatants who use grudge to strengthen weapons. Bad breaking power!

Therefore, it can be said that the shell outside this Ahn'Qiraj warlord is at least equivalent to a fifth-order magic armor. Even if it can count on its own growth and repair, it is almost the same as the ordinary sixth-order magic armor. Too.

And this is a carapace with amazing strength, but it looks like a paper in front of the two front squads of this Ahn'Qiraj warlord! Whether it's the power of arbitrarily chopping off, or the smooth surface like a mirror cut, it shows that this pair of frontal Aoqira battle is extraordinary!

Even Zhang Yang felt that not to mention the general steel armor, those high-level magic armor worth tens of thousands of gold coins, I am afraid that in the face of the sickle-shaped front ao, I might not get any benefits.

In this way, Zhang Yang's own body is quite strong and tough compared to most professionals, but once it is cut, it may be **** and injured. Of course, according to past experience, Zhang Yang's skeleton is extremely tough. Under normal circumstances, even if he is seriously injured, he will not fracture. At most, the internal organs and the body are shocked.

However, even if Zhang Yang didn't think of comparing his bones with the hardness of his opponent's sickle feet, it was simply a brainless idiot who went back to work.

Therefore, in the face of the Ahn'Qiraj warrior who fought back with a sickle-shaped front ao, Zhang Yang on the one hand used a **** double-edged battle axe in the left hand to laterally block, but on the other hand, the Ahn'Qiraj destroyer's battle axe in the right hand was Continue castration and continue to cut to the front joint of the opponent!

In fact, this is also impossible. After all, even if Zhang Yang is capable of waving a heavy two-handed axe with one hand, his arm length will not be extended accordingly!

Therefore, even though Zhang Yang tried his best to attack with his arms, in order to be able to exert the power of the weapon in his hand, after all, he could not just hold the tail of the two-handed battle axe to attack, and only had to hold the middle of the axe handle with one hand to expedite the effort.

Therefore, in contrast, when Zhang Yang fought against the Ahn'Qiraj warrior's sickle-shaped biao, he could not reach the head of the Ahn'Qiraj warlord unless he threw the battle axe out of his hand!

So he realized that Zhang Yang could only retreat to the second place, and instead changed the attack target of the "Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer" Tomahawk in his right hand from the top of the opponent's head to the arm of Qianao.

Facts have proved that Zhang Yang's decision is indeed quite correct, just when he used his **** double-edged tomahawk with his left hand to parry Ahn'Qiraj's slash from the top to the bottom, he only I felt a great force passed from the left hand weapon at once!

If it weren't for Zhang Yang's own strength, he also had a brilliant defensive defensive skill. I'm afraid that even if he won't be seriously injured at the moment of catching this blow, he would have to be blown out of life!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's control of power was already meticulous, so at the moment of the shock, he did not choose the hard resistance of the left hand holding the **** battle axe, but instead took it one by one, and almost completely removed the opponent's blow. After the power, he took the opponent's body sideways for a while!

At this time, Zhang Yang's strong control of the body was fully demonstrated. While his left hand was making such fine control, the right hand holding the 'Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer' battle axe was not affected at all, but was faster than before. The speed of the first half was fiercely slashed towards the Ahn'Qiraj and the exposed left arm was cut!

Zhang Yang is very aware that there is almost no absolute perfect defense in this world, so even if the carapace outside this Ahn'Qiraj warrior is extremely tough, but for the consideration of the flexibility of the body's operation, the joints of their carapace are absolutely It can't be as strong as the shell.

It is a pity that these high-level Ahn'Qiraj Zerg seem to have known this weakness in their body for a long time, so there are rows and rows of sharp bone spurs growing sporadically near their joints! Moreover, when Zhang Yang saw it before, he didn't think there was anything strange. He thought it was just something to strengthen the damage.

Now when Zhang Yang put his attack target at the joint of this Aqilah warlord, he discovered that these different lengths of bone spurs could even move the joint from all angles without affecting the other party ’s actions and flexibility. Protected!

Of course, the toughness of these bone spurs can never be higher than that of a sickle-shaped front spine, but for an attack that is really unavoidable, these bone spurs at its joints can at least reduce the impact of the shock, or resist more. For high-intensity battles that can determine life and death in an instant, it is absolutely possible to earn a little precious time for it. Even if it is used to block the opponent's ambition, then the battle of Ahn'Qiraj will probably borrow It is not certain that this defeat will prevail.

Moreover, this situation has never been seen before by ordinary Ahn'Qiraj Zerg warriors who were beheaded by him, so it can be thought that these sharp bone spurs can not only protect Ahn'Qiraj, but even It may still be a symbol of the identity and status of the strong!

But the matter is up to now. Zhang Yang is too late to change his way, and he also wants to know that this special battle axe from Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya is in the face of the strongest part of the high-level Ahn'Qiraj warlord. , In the end can it play the original powerful power!

Suddenly, I heard only two clicks with a crisp click. Although Zhang Yang's axe successfully cut off several sharp bone spurs outside the opponent's anterior joint, but afterwards it fell on the small **** armor outside the opponent's joint. It was still reluctantly blocked.

It was only when Zhang Yang turned away from the front of the Ahn'Qiraj warlord and was about to attack from the side, he glanced at it and found that the front claw joint where he had severely cut an axe At this moment, there is already a deep cut!

Not only that, as the battle of Ahn'Qiraj will madly wave the pair of front claws chasing Zhang Yang fiercely, its front claw joint that was cut by Zhang Yang, after all, began to shed silky green blood. . This made Zhang Yang realize that although the power of the Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer Axe is powerful, when facing the sturdy part of the high-level Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, the role it can play will have to be greatly discounted.

But even if this is compared to the two double-bladed **** double-edged axe on the edge of the axe because of the parry of the opponent's attack, the power of the Ahn'Qiraj destroyer's tomahawk is already enough to be called amazing. .

In fact, even Zhang Yang did not expect that the fifth-order battle axe in his hand would only leave two shallow gaps on the edge of the axe just because he had parried an opponent's attack! This situation seems to appear only when the ranks of the two weapons are too different. If this is the case, then does it mean that the two sickle-shaped front fighters of the Ahn'Qiraj warlord have reached or even exceeded the sixth order? How strong is the magic weapon?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang subconsciously glanced at the gravel behind him because of the maddening attack of Ahn'Qiraj, then the power of chopping a few meters of Changsha ditch on the sand with each blow is really amazing. Know this name Ahn'Qiraj also did not have any grudge or magic on the front of the Ao at the moment, so it can be almost an air blade attack by the strength and speed of the body's swing, which is quite amazing.

At least if Zhang Yang is injured and has no weapons, he will certainly not be able to use his fists and feet to display the air blade.

(Strength? That ’s the way it is! I ’m still wondering why this **** double-edged battle axe in my hand is already a fifth-order magic weapon. How can it be so easy when facing an Ahn'Qiraj warlord who is only one order higher than it? Is it damaged? It turns out that I have forgotten the additional power when the two sides collided. After all, whether it is me or the big bug is completely independent of grudge support, it has a strong power type, so there is no grudge protection Underneath, the sharp edges of the weapons on both sides are naturally unable to withstand the collision of this pure power. After all, not only did this **** double-edged battle axe in my hand collapsed, but the other ’s pair of sickle-shaped front blades did not Are there two more obvious gaps?)

Wanting to understand this, Zhang Yang suddenly changed his tactics. This time although he still used the **** double-edged battle axe in his left hand to block the attack of Ahn'Qiraj, he chose a relatively thicker side of the battle axe instead of the front. At the same time, the "Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer" tomahawk in his right hand was slashed at the wound on the left front ankle joint of the opponent!

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