Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1283: Ofelia and Neil Jelena

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In the face of the split situation in the French Empire, whether it is Ophelia and the Silver Pegasus and Camod family to which it belongs, or the now growing Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, they are almost in an unknown place. In a dazed state.

In contrast, the situation of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is okay. After all, the current situation is when the mercenaries are shining. It is too late for all parties to come in and it is impossible to embarrass them.

And Ophelia, who is the head of the Silver Pegasus Legion of the French Empire, is now desperate to scratch his head. Not to mention, the lobbyists who were sent to her by the princes alone were so annoyed every day that they wished to kick them all out.

However, this is not considered, because the Camod family was originally a descendant of the first generation of human royalty, and it is even more noble in terms of bloodline than the current royal family with Franks as the surname, plus the Silver Pegasus Legion. In addition, the Camod family is very popular in the French Empire, so although Ophelia has no ambition to rule, he ca n’t stand the family ’s repeated mention of this matter, and the surrounding people are getting more and more High voice.

Therefore, in this troubled autumn, Ophelia was almost overwhelmed by the bad things. If she was not in a good mood, she ran to the headquarters of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps in Balxus City under the guise of her trip. , I am afraid that at this moment, I have to be entangled by the envoys.

In fact, the relationship between Ophelia and Neil Jelena is also quite subtle.

Even without mentioning the extremely different origins between the two, just the rumored rumors are enough for those who have good faith to whisper and say for a long time.

You must know that at any time, beauty is the focus of attention, and not to mention the beautiful face of Ophelia, the sheer nobility of her body is countless nobles. Dream talents of young talents and elites in the military.

And if she counts the strength she has now and the forces behind her, it is no exaggeration to say that Ophelia is the most popular and most sought-after beauty in the French Empire and even the human kingdom!

After all, aristocratic women of this age who are not old, single until now, and do not have much gossip, not to mention in the French Empire, are extremely rare in the entire human kingdom.

In contrast, although Nier Jielin's strength is much worse than that of Ophelia, even in terms of her just entering the fourth-tier silver junior level, in the eyes of many strong men, it is just just entering the stream. .

However, the reason why Niel Jielina's reputation has risen now is that in addition to being a beauty who has not lost to Ophelia at all, it is more important that she is young!

Speaking of which, Neil Jielina has just reached her 20s, and it has only been more than three years since she entered the professional path. And in such a short period of time, she was able to cultivate from a powerless and most ordinary businessman daughter to the level of the current Tier 4 silver junior professional. This talent and perseverance in the practice of fighting spirit is really outstanding. It is not an exaggeration to call it a genius.

And many people know that Neil Jielina's cultivation of qi is completely self-cultivation so far! Not only is there no strong expert guidance, let alone the use of any potions that can enhance strength. At this point, there are many real powerhouses on the mainland who have cast olive branches on her, expressing their willingness to accept her as a student.

It's just that Neil Jielina all politely refused.

In fact, this is also the second. After all, even if Neil Jelina has outstanding potential and is young, she is just a young man who has just entered the fourth-level silver field. It was thought that when Ophelia was similar to her age, her strength was one level higher than that of the current Neil Jielina.

Of course, after all, Ophelia has insisted on cultivating since childhood, and the hard work for more than ten years is not in vain. However, from the fourth-level silver intermediate to the fifth-level gold level, only the two-level span of Ophelia took eight years! So no one can tell how long Neil Jielina will eventually reach Ophelia's present level.

In contrast, Niel Jielina's slightly delicate delicate face and the natural water-like calm temperament radiate from her. Although they are completely different from Ophelia in two different styles, they are equally intoxicating.

Moreover, Neil Jielina is not an ordinary professional with no foundation. Although she always declares that she is only the deputy head of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, but with the rapid development of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps in the past two years, and In terms of the current scale, it is impossible to take it lightly.

And the reason why Neil Jelina became famous in the human kingdom was that she had left the French Empire, crossed the magic kingdom of Pompeii, and entered the mercenary country Ladovia in order to find her leader. Thousands of miles away and brought a team full of newcomers into the elite blood, and finally got what they wanted and even happily called it the "Legend Road".

So if it is said that Ophelia has become the target of the young talents on the mainland with his noble origin, heroic face and elegant manners, then Neil Jielina is based on her seemingly weak and strong personality , And that persevering loyalty has won the respect of everyone.

More importantly, whether it ’s Ophelia or Neil Jelena, these two very good women seem to be with a man who rarely appears in people ’s eyes, but is also full of magical auras. There is an extraordinary relationship!

That man ... seems to be called Wright.

Under normal circumstances, no matter who can get the heart of one of Ophelia or Neil Jelina, it is already dead without regret, but this legendary Wright is not only confused with these two outstanding beauties Unclear relationship, even rumored that he was not only the founder and real head of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, but also several beautiful women in his mercenary regiment who did not lose to Ophelia and Neil Jielina. Love it!

And this rumored Wright is really mysterious. Although there are good people who have checked his origin, no one can believe that just a normal mountain boy, how could it be more than three years? In a short period of time, you can directly become a super powerhouse that can compete with the sixth-order powerhouse?

However, for the Wright and even many members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, he has never seen him himself, and those members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps who first followed him have sincere respect for him and will not reveal any of them. News about the ear.

This puts a mysterious veil on this person, and even for a period of time in the reward mission of the mercenary union, there has been a mission to find Wright!

But in the end, this task was cancelled after hanging for more than a month. It is said that this was because the impostor was too much, which caused the employer to be very disturbed, and finally canceled it.

Therefore, some people say that this person may not exist at all, and some people say that this guy is probably dead somewhere. But there is only one point that still makes people talk about it, that is, if the legend is true, then the two daughters of Ophelia and Neil Jielina, who should have been rivals, why are they getting along so well today?

Could it be ...

Are all the stories about them and Wright deceptive?

Fortunately, no matter whether Ophelia or Neil Jielina, they do n’t care much about rumors. Anyway, in terms of their popularity, there will never be rumors that are too outrageous or too absurd, so they are right This coincidence chose to remain silent.

And people who really understand the two, or know some truth, are almost friends of the two. Furthermore, they also understand that the relationship between the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps and the Silver Pegasus Corps is by no means superficially simple. Therefore, in this troubled autumn, there will be no more idle gossip.

This may be why Ophelia always felt that it would be easier to stay in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps.

Although the members of the thunder and lightning mercenary group around you will also salute her when they see her, there will be no flattering or fearful emotions on their faces, and even the hot eyes like the thorns on the back anytime and anywhere are much less, after all Here most of the young men's team members are loyal supporters of Niel Jielina, not her Ophelia.

And whether it is Neil Jelina, or Sean, Jason, or Anna, she will be regarded as her own friend, not the head of the silver Pegasus regiment or the guests who come here.

So in this sensitive period, these simple friends would instead offer many suggestions for Ophelia as bystanders, such as hiding here to temporarily avoid the lobbyists of those princes is Sean's idea.

According to his words, it is not too late to observe and make a decision before the current situation is clear. The most important thing is, what do you think of Ophelia?

(How do I think about myself? Who can guess that the uncle of the emperor will die suddenly, not to mention that the few will split the empire because of inheritance problems! And Frank is not like the magic kingdom Pompeii. Ruled by the queen, and I never had that ambition myself, and it was impossible for me to be a queen ...)

Just thinking of Ophelia here suddenly felt that the shadow of Neil Jelena was lost in the blink of an eye! Not only that, she had a strong warning sign in her heart at this moment. It seemed that if she could not evade quickly, the next blow would definitely make her hit hard!

So at this moment Ophelia subconsciously used the "flash" trick, and instantly consumed the powerful grudge, the whole person instantly dragged a series of afterimages to appear ten meters directly in front!

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