Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1310: Self-assertion

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"Mr. Terai! Mr. Terai! Please rescue those heroic mercenaries! They were hit by the Grein monsters, and now they are all dead and alive! Sir! Please help me with this!"

The flagpole that had just rushed into the carriage almost tripped at the door, but he didn't care about his stung leg at all, but said anxiously to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was somewhat surprised by this. Although he always paid attention to the fighting outside, he did not expect that the flagpole kid would ask him for help. Moreover, he was just a fighter, and he was not a professional who was good at treatment. reason.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to heal. I'm afraid I can't help you in this respect."

"No, sir! My request is not high, as long as a few bottles of advanced healing potions! The advanced healing potions previously stored by our caravan were all used up to save people after the last encounter with a strong enemy. You are a big businessman The elders of the regiment, a few bottles of advanced healing potions are nothing to you? As long as they can save the lives of those mercenary soldiers, I believe that Lord Locke will pay twice, no, at least three times the price of the item itself. ! "

Perhaps it was a relationship that was too excited. The flagpole kid didn't seem to realize that what he said at the moment was actually too much. Even if Zhang Yang is the elder of the Sharak business group, there is no inevitable connection with the existence of advanced healing potions. Besides, he had no obligation to save the lives of several strangers. In addition, the first half of the flagpole clearly asked for help, but in the end it was defined as the concept of a transaction. This is not only mindless, but even suspected of bullying.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's mood is not bad at the moment, coupled with the fact that the flagpole kid has no deep experience in dealing with it, and he is worried about the relationship between the life and death of those mercenaries, so that he can't speak without thinking. However, most people's original intentions are exposed inadvertently, so from this point of view only, it seems that the Han flagpole is essentially a selfish and powerful person.

"Oh? It sounds like I'm short of money. I don't understand that as an alchemist, even if you are not in the mainstream, you should understand that high-level healing potions are scarce materials. In general, they are valuable. Things in the city. So why should I sell you such a precious potion if I do n’t lack money? "


From beginning to end, Zhang Yang was talking to the flagpole kid with that kind of light tone, and this cold attitude suddenly seemed to pour a pot of cold water on the head, so that the anxious flagpole kid calmed down at once, so that the moment on the flagpole forehead Khan came down, and he reacted that he seemed to be wrong.

"Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Tray! I don't mean that! I just want to save the six heroic mercenary fighters to the best of my ability, and I don't want you to be at a loss."

The flagpole's explanation at the moment seems to be a bit pale and weak, and it is false to see him start to sweat, saying that not being nervous is false, as for why it is nervous, everyone knows clearly.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's voice was still the same faint, and did not carry any other emotions, which made the flagpole relax a little bit.

"Even so, it is your own idea to save people, and it seems to have nothing to do with me. After all, I have seen too many deaths, and I am neither the loving priest of the Temple of Light, nor the world by myself. Thoughts of all suffering people. So please do n’t impose your things and your thoughts on me. "

Zhang Yang's remarks seemed a bit too ruthless, but it is undeniable that this is indeed an indisputable fact in itself. Zhang Yang does not owe those mercenaries. Since those mercenary soldiers choose to embark on this path, they should be responsible for their choices.

However, the reason why Zhang Yang successfully passed the ‘Gate of the Dead Sea’ is that the Tasa Caravan has some credit. Therefore, if he really cares about the favor that the caravan saved him before, Zhang Yang should express his intentions.

So thinking of Zhang Yang here, he sighed, glanced at the flagpole kid who stood there with his lips tightly pressed, and finally slowed his tone slightly and said:

"Forget it, no matter how you said it, it was once a favor of your caravan. Just take me to you, and I will give you six bottles of advanced healing potions. But since then, I have been with your caravan. It will be completely clear, and everyone will not owe each other. "

After saying this, Zhang Yang put his hand into the cloak, and when he took it out again, he had tricked it out and generally took out an exquisite translucent crystal box, of which there were no more than six bottles of premium Therapeutic agent.

"Thank you! Thank you Mr. Terai! I will tell them anyway, you saved the lives of those six soldiers!"

In fact, the flagpole kid has heard that the mysterious Mr. Terai originally did not want to help, and if he does not have the matter at the moment, he should give the caravan a copy after he returns to the emerald city Salak business complex. Xie Li.

However, it is important to save people right now, the flagpole ca n’t take care of anything else, and the price of these six bottles of high-level healing potions is also very expensive. I want to come to Miss Moganna. After receiving this surprise, she should no longer be sad because of anxiety but powerlessness. Are you crying?

And this is the real idea of ​​the flagpole kid. Although he is also concerned about the life and death of the six mercenary soldiers, he can't even see how Moganna was crying. So he chose to try according to his instincts, to find the more mysterious Mr. Terai to help.

It's a pity that the flagpole kid didn't know that Zhang Yang felt a little disappointed with his actions at this moment. Although he successfully got a high-level healing potion that could save the lives of six mercenary soldiers, and it might have coaxed Moganna happy, but Compared with the loss of Zhang Yang's appreciation, which one is more important is hard to say.

Perhaps this is the matter of the benevolent seeing the benevolent seeing wisdom.

However, leaving this aside, when the flagpole kid didn't know whether he was nervous or excited, he panted back to the crowd's location and handed this beautifully translucent crystal box to Mogan. When Na was around, everyone around him, including Morgana, suddenly had something wrong with his eyes.

It ’s quite clear what the flagpoles are from the Lutasha caravan and the deer hunter mercenary soldiers, so do n’t say what he has the ability to do, that is, how many potions are refined in the weekdays, how much money is saved in the pocket, etc. , Everyone is very clear.

So when such an ordinary junior alchemist suddenly took out a whole box of valuable high-level healing potions, it would be deceiving people to say that they didn't think much about it. But at the moment, the flagpole kid's eyes were only Moganna, who was shimmering in tears. For other people's eyes, he didn't look at them at all, and naturally he didn't feel anything wrong.

"Miss, please use this to save the lives of these six warriors!"

Looking at the whole box of advanced healing potions that had been delivered to him, the suspicion in Morgana's heart could no longer be concealed, so that when it appeared on the face, it seemed to be completely stunned.

As a businessman, she has not yet been qualified to access such high-priced items, but because she has been circulated many times in auction houses in large cities before, she is very impressed by the exquisite, group-produced high-level therapeutic agents.

Each bottle of high-level healing potions sold separately is about 200 gold coins. Although it will fluctuate up and down, its range generally does not exceed 10%. However, the price of these six bottles of high-end products, which are assembled in a translucent crystal box, is stable at the value of 1,200 gold coins, and there is little fluctuation.

This is almost equivalent to a standard price, and because the translucent crystal box on the outside has the effect of maintaining the potion's potency, it is generally more suitable than buying it alone. Some people even use this kind of thing specifically. Sell ​​when the price rises and earn the difference.

So when the flagpole took out six bottles of advanced healing potions at once, Morgana would be so surprised. The potion worth 1,200 gold coins. Where did he get it from?

"Flagpole, where did this come from? Do you know how valuable this thing is ?!"

Because the flagpole is the relationship between Moganna's men, even if he sees so many advanced healing potions that are enough to save his life, Locke can't resist opening. After all, they are really mercenaries hired by the Tasa Caravan, even if they get along well, but they are outsiders in essence.

Unless Locke is willing to incorporate all his efforts into the Tasa Caravan and become part of the caravan, he will either have to pay for it from Moganna himself at this time, or he can only wait for the other party to dispose of it. After all, if Locke had so many gold coins, why couldn't he even mix up a station, and now he can only fight with one vote under the undefined place?

"Miss, these potions were given to me by Mr. Terai. There is absolutely no problem coming. And now that the potions are available, do you think they will save people first ..."

However, the flagpole kid hadn't finished saying this, and Mo Ganna already interrupted him with a very ugly face:

"You just ran to the carriage just to find him for these potions? How do you know he will have so many high-level healing potions? Do you know how expensive these things are? And he and that person are really so kind I gave you directly? "

"This ... Miss, don't be mad, I think you are so anxious to think of this only possibility! And Mr. Tray also said that these potions even if he thanked us for his kindness in helping him Not owing, so I think it should be no big deal, after all, haven't our caravans used this advanced treatment potion before? Why ... "

Speaking of the flagpole here, he suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be a bit wrong. He didn't understand why everyone including Locke looked at him with a weird look?

"Did I say something wrong?"

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