Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1323: Acting school

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I don't know why, obviously Moganna knew that this person had the strength to easily determine the life and death of their entire caravan, but still there was no hint of fear at all. Even after Zhang Yang asked her question very seriously, she raised her mouth instead. Chuckled.

Zhang Yang had enough patience for this, so he just stood there quietly and looked at Moganna quietly. It seemed that if the other party didn't speak, he would probably keep staring at it.

"You really have no interest, why do you have to ask the truth. Forget it, can I tell you not yet? You still don't stare at me so quietly, it makes me feel a little dazed."

It seems that people who can withstand Zhang Yang's 'glaring' really haven't appeared. After all, he is also a character with soul power, as long as he has no soul power, unless he has special skills. Is a magician of the spiritual department, otherwise people who have already developed extremely strong spiritual strength, and even have reached the limit of quantitative change to qualitative change, can not withstand Zhang Yang ’s calm gaze for a long time.

After all, the difference between a person who can only possess soul power and a person who actually possesses soul power and has gone one step further is a gap that cannot be bridged as if heaven and earth were not able to bridge it!

It's just that neither Zhang Yang nor Moganna know anything about it.

"In fact, people do n’t know enough about you. Although everyone is so attentive to you, most of them are due to sister Neil Jielina, but sometimes I have to admit that I have learned in detail. Only after your growth experience did you realize that you guys are also somewhat legendary to a certain extent. "

Speaking of this, Moganna looked a little sighed, but when she realized that the opposite guy was still staring at herself as before, and she didn't have any intention to answer, Moganna continued:

"Being able to grow from an ordinary mountain boy to a strength equivalent to at least Tier 6 Zijin in less than three years, such things seem extremely rare throughout the history of the entire Orlando continent. The most important thing is that you have an extremely obvious characteristic, that is, there is no arrogance or magic power, but it can exert extremely powerful combat power, I am right? Uncle Wright! "


After listening to this analysis by Moganna, Zhang Yang suddenly felt as though he could not help but pretend to be completely dressed in any way. After all, even the Slav mad fighters who are famous for their human power with brute force, they will instinctively awaken a kind of "blood energy" like the "blood energy" after entering the high level.

Moreover, the warriors living on the extremely northern Slavic snowfields are quite unique, and not to mention their very ethnic clothing and clothing, only because of the long-term living on the plain snowfield Temperament, even if the soldiers from the Slavic kingdom wear the clothes of the French Empire or any other kingdom, they can be recognized as Slavs at a glance.

Moreover, if it is just a small battle, it may be enough. Perhaps in the face of enemies like Grerin, high-level professionals can still use their energy and fight without using any energy. However, once facing an enemy like the adult Geograss Tiger, even the superpowers of the Tier 7 legendary level might not be able to defeat them as easily as before without using any energy.

Therefore, this is only the reason why Mo Ganna guessed Zhang Yang's identity, and she has known that Zhang Yang has accompanied Ophelia on the glorious tour that time. After the mysterious disappearance of Nishiki, there is still no news.

In terms of the strength of the Silver Pegasus Legion and the current Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, even if Zhang Yang was seriously injured because of that battle, as long as he did not leave the human kingdom, he should be found after such a long time. Out.

So Mogana, who was extremely intelligent, guessed long ago that this guy who made her idols wait and wait again and again could not be thrown to a very far place by the teleportation magic, and may even be the periphery Go face to face.

So by integrating the information that has been obtained, Zhang Yang's identity is naturally coming out.

"I should be right, Uncle Wright?"

"... It's amazing, it's hard to imagine that you can almost completely recover the whole event through some rumours and stories that are hard to tell. If you don't want to be a businessman for a day, maybe you can consider Come to our Lightning Mercenary Corps as a leader in intelligence analysis. "

Zhang Yang's remarks amounted to a complete confession, but it didn't seem to buy him very much for his solicitation.

"Well, are you soliciting me? Although I admit that I am somewhat looking forward to seeing Sister Neil Jelina in Balxus, I am even more reluctant to leave this caravan that embodies all my father's efforts. The most important thing is that if Sister Neil Jielina solicited me personally, it ’s okay to say, it ’s just yours at this moment ... Hmm! I wo n’t be abducted by your crappy liar! ”

"Huh ... It seems that my disguise really failed."

At this moment, Zhang Yang actually felt an irrefutable feeling. He never thought that he would one day become a "celebrity" in this world. In addition, Moganna's next remarks made Zhang Yang suffer.

"It's more than a failure! Just dressing up like you is telling people that you have a problem with your identity. Okay! After all, the average person will be free to dye the skin from the whole body to green, let alone reuse it. The bandages are entangled. If you just enter the city directly like this, the sergeant who defends the city does n’t take you as a monster or just kill it! Hey? If you say that ... you So I will run to the road in front of our caravan and "pretend to die" because I failed to enter the city before? I said how did the Dead Sea Gate level make people feel nervous that day, could it be that you forcibly broke through Failed to fight the border guards of the Pompeii Magic Legion ?! "

"Well ... cough cough! Things are not what you think, in fact, all this is a misunderstanding ..."

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that her proud IQ had become somewhat inadequate in front of Muganna. How could she be able to casually connect things that could not be done with the eight poles, and give the facts again Guess it completely?

However, once Moganna's 'soul of reasoning' was stimulated, it seemed to have a feeling of being out of control, and I didn't know if this little girl had heard too much about Neil Jielina and Zhang Yang before. The story is so subconscious that she feels that Zhang Yang is so familiar that she does n’t even seem to have any worries about speaking at the moment.

"Misunderstanding? I think it's a little guilty because I guessed it! But then again, dare you take the heart the next time you're disguised! That's all there is to it, just say your pseudonym, also Terai? It ’s just too perfunctory to just reverse the name? Why do n’t you have to make yourself green with old uncle? ”

If ordinary people are bombarded by Moganna so arrogantly, I am afraid that they would have been thoroughly circulated and asked for everything. Fortunately, Zhang Yang had a big embarrassment, but his reason had not been collapsed. So when Moganna seemed to inadvertently raise this question again, Zhang Yang suddenly understood that she had said so much in fact for the last question, so I saw Zhang Yang regained his calmness at this moment, and then shook his head. :

"I can only say that this is not what I intended to do. If not, I wouldn't be helpless to come up with the stupid idea of ​​bandages all over my body. So still that sentence, I don't tell you the truth is for you, And even if you know it, it will only increase your worries, and it will not be solved at all. "

"Huh! It's actually seen by you, but how do you know that I can't solve it?"

So his little trick was revealed and Morgana, who pouted again, seemed a little unhappy. In response, Zhang Yang suddenly flashed back:

"Since you are so confident, let me ask you how can I pretend to be unobtrusive? The premise is that this green cannot be removed."

"It's very simple. Because of the existence of armor clothes, all you really need to care about is your hands, head and face. In fact, you only need a pair of leather gloves to get your hands on. As for the green on your face, you can actually get some oil on your face. Draw something like 'War Mark' on it! "

Speaking of the origin of the war pattern, they are from the Slavic mad fighters on the extreme north snowfield. Whenever they hunt or fight, they like to use homemade bright oil paint to draw some simple patterns with extremely bright colors on their faces and bodies. It is said that it also has the effect of intimidating the enemy and improving the fighting intent.

Of course, it's hard to say how credible this is. But perhaps it is because the performance of the Slavic mad fighters on the battlefield is mostly amazing enough that some of the warriors who pursue individuality among the other countries on the continent have begun to learn to draw this on their faces or bodies. 'War pattern'.

It is even said that there are some extreme magic swordsmen and magicians who directly draw the magic array on the body with a tattoo to increase the combat effectiveness. However, the effect of the specific use is how it is. No one can tell before I have seen it with my own eyes. .

"But don't you think that with my current green face and some brighter war lines, maybe it looks more like some kind of evil alien?"

"Stupid! I mean you apply some paint close to the skin color of a normal person to paint the exposed parts of the face, and use the" hollow-out "method to leave only a part of the green pattern. Isn't it okay?"

"It seems reasonable, but it seems to be conspicuous to dress like this?"

"Huh! It's better than you get such a black dress with bandages now, it's better to have problems at first glance!"

"This ... don't tell me that your caravan has this kind of paint?"

"Huh? How do you know!"

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