Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1326: Emerald City

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As a well-known commercial city in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, the prosperity of the Emerald City is well-known even if it looks at the entire human kingdom and even the entire continent.

Even from what Zhang Yang saw after entering the city, there are basically few ordinary houses on both sides of the street that is more than ten meters wide. Almost all of them are a variety of shops. The most important thing is even It is already night at this moment, and nearly 40% of these shops are still open for business.

And at the moment, except for the part of the Tasa caravan that is obviously foreign merchants, the ordinary civilians and mercenary-dressed people are also in constant flow at the moment. It looks like a long night.

Not only that, but since Zhang Yang entered the Emerald City to the present, but more than ten minutes have passed, he has seen at least thirty characters wearing magic robes and a magician at first sight. This ratio is no longer the legendary magician ratio of ten times that of other countries. Zhang Yang even thinks that perhaps one in thirty people in this emerald city is a magician!

Fortunately, when he told Morgana his thoughts, Morgana unexpectedly gave him a clear answer.

Perhaps because of the geographical location of the Emerald City, it seems that the practice of earth magic in this city is progressing faster than other places! So in a sense, it is no exaggeration to call the Emerald City a holy place of ‘Earth Magicians’. Therefore, the number of magicians in this city is far more than the average city in the Kingdom of Pompeii, and the proportion of terrestrial magicians is more than 50%.

It is even said that the special earth-colored bricks used in the construction of this emerald city were actually made by the magicians of the Earth Department exclusively with magic! Can you imagine how huge the number of terrestrial magicians in this city is?

However, while Zhang Yang and Mo Ganna were chatting in a carriage, a sudden riot outside the door of a pub on the left front street suddenly caught Zhang Yang's attention.

It seemed to be a territorial magician with no high rank and the four mercenaries on the opposite side had a dispute over the distribution of something. However, it was somewhat unexpected that this name seemed to Zhang Yang That is, only the third-level black iron-level intermediate magician, even without a word, took the lead to the four opposing mercenaries with the same level of third-level or higher!

It stands to reason that this situation will almost never appear if it is placed in other cities. After all, on the one hand, the magician is a middle and long distance combatant. At this moment, the two parties are only a few meters apart. He wants to fight against three by himself. A fighter plus an archer is just like finding a death.

However, what surprised Zhang Yang very much was that although the four combatants who were suddenly attacked were screamed by a large stone bomb released by the magician, they only dared to dodge and resist and did not mean any active counterattack!

Not only that, because the battle ahead attracted a lot of people to stop and watch, so that the speed of the caravan fell linearly, which made Zhang Yang ’s carriage difficult to pass by at the speed of the turtle. In two or three minutes, two waves of 20 people, wearing standard armor, obviously led by a magician and belonged to the City Guard of the Emerald City!

At this time, Zhang Yang found that the strength of these city guards members was generally good. The magician led not only had the fourth-level silver primary strength, but also nearly half of the city guard soldiers wearing standard armor. Has the strength of the third-order black iron level or above.

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of these people at this moment, Zhang Yang feels that they have been very good at the speed of reaction when they encounter the situation alone. Of course, to achieve this level of thinking should also be related to the city's defense layout, otherwise if the barracks are placed too far, even if the response speed is sufficient but the time to get on the road will not be missed.

However, Zhang Yang was originally a passer-by, and he did not intend to attack here. Although he felt that the reaction speed of these city guards was a bit surprisingly fast, he didn't go too far, but continued to watch with the attitude of watching the drama.

However, Zhang Yang originally thought that these city guards might arrest the magician's uniform that took the lead, but who would have thought that after stopping the riots, they would first arrest the four combatants who could not fight back? stand up!

As for the third-order terrestrial magician who shot inconsistently, although he was also taken away, not only did he not be shackled like the four warriors, but even the city guards took their attitudes towards them It also seems to respect this point very much. Zhang Yang thought that the third-order magician might be a child of a 'big man'.

At this time, I did not know whether it was a kind reminder to Zhang Yang or just to explain it to him. Moganna told Zhang Yang that such a situation is not only very normal in the Emerald City, even if you look at the entire magic kingdom Pompeii!

The so-called magic kingdom naturally has special care and preferential treatment for magicians. In layman's terms, this is partiality and preference. In this country, the magician not only has many kinds of privileges, but even because of the special system of the magic kingdom Pompeii, there is no noble in the ordinary sense in the country, but it is completely replaced by the special class of magician!

Therefore, the small dispute between the magician and the warrior like this just can be regarded as the friction between the nobles and the civilians in the French Empire. Therefore, in this sense, only the city guards treated that The attitudes of several war fighters are pretty good.

Not only that, Zhang Yang also found that the scene just now seemed to be used to people around him. Not only did no one feel unfair, but even the surrounding houses were affected by pond fish and the door was hit by a pile of stones. The bosses of pothole pubs and shops also calmly caused the guys to clean up and repair, and did not see any trace of trying to find the magician to compensate for the loss.

All of this seems incredible to Zhang Yang, but since none of the parties feel anything wrong, he feels that there must be a deep meaning in it, probably he just hasn't known it yet.

In fact, this incident was nothing more than a trivial episode. When Zhang Yang and the Tasha caravan walked around the city for about 20 minutes, they finally reached the destination of this trip. Those mercenaries who set off first came here to pack the hotel in advance.

Because the star escorts who escorted the wounded took almost half of the time under normal circumstances to arrive here, so that when the large forces of the Tasa caravan entered, those who were with the ground pattern tiger before Most of the mercenaries injured in the battle have now recovered, and even a few of them with minor injuries have fully recovered.

Zhang Yang was not surprised by this. After all, the mercenary business was to earn the future by his own life. Perhaps Zhang Yang seems to be indifferent to a few dozen gold coins today. For these low-level mercenaries, it is Half a month or even a month's income.

So for most mercenaries, unless they are life-threatening and have enough money around for treatment, they will rarely go to the Light Temple to spend ‘heavy money’ to let those light priests heal themselves. As for the recruitment of several optical healers to join the mercenary regiment, for small organizations like the deer hunter mercenary regiment, basically I do n’t even think about it.

Not only that, even if it is a cost-effective item such as a healing potion, although most mercenaries will choose to bring one or two bottles with them, but most of them are secondary healing potions. This effect is not particularly strong, and the speed of entry into force is also Not too fast a potion.

After all, even the lowest-level secondary healing potions generally sell for two gold coins, while the higher-level intermediate healing potions require ten gold coins. In terms of the income of low-level mercenaries, in addition to buying weapons and protective gear, and then throwing away the part reserved for the family and drinking and other expenses, the money to buy a bottle of secondary healing potion can be counted from the teeth Squeezed out.

So by comparison, returning to the city to find a doctor to perform a similar surgical treatment combined with the efficacy of the primary treatment potion, in terms of the physique of the combatant is much stronger than the ordinary person, it can be completely restored in a few days.

Of course, even for a very serious injury, even if it is treated by a doctor in time, it is still unknown whether the injured person can survive or can survive intact.

From this point of view, only by improving your strength as soon as possible and getting rid of the embarrassing status of low-level mercenaries as soon as possible can you really get some protection, at least for any professional with a Tier 4 or close to Tier 4 silver level, as long as It is not difficult to earn some money to invite Pastor Guangming to heal the wound.

Perhaps it was because of Zhang Yang ’s special relationship that he was not only placed in the best room in this medium-sized hotel, but even a special person brought him a very rich food and a Large bucket of hot bath water!

In this regard, Zhang Yang, who once came from the low-level mercenaries step by step, very well understood that this treatment has been regarded as the highest standard of preferential treatment that the Tasa caravan can make. Presumably, Mogana can Enjoying this treatment, even if the caravan leaders Mobati and Locke are afraid to have no share, Zhang Yangneng should be treated like this and should be satisfied.

In many cases, you can take a warm hot bath after a long time of wind and sleep, and add a delicious food. You can simply feel what is called happiness, and if you enjoy these two things, then It is enough for a mercenary or businessman who has been away for a long time to be able to get a big bed that is not necessarily luxurious but clean and soft enough.

Although Zhang Yang is now worthy of the word strong, for him, such a simple 'one-stop' arrangement will also make him feel relaxed and comfortable, but he will wear fresh and loose underwear before he takes a shower. When I went to bed, there was a sound of footsteps in the slightly narrow corridor outside the door, which was clearly coming to the room where he was.

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