Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1336: VIP room conversation

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Most of the professionals who graduated from the major magic martial arts colleges have more or less a hard-to-separate feelings about the places where they once learned to fight, maybe the thoughts and fetters between friends and classmates, or they may be the teachers Or the nostalgia of a former lover, but more of a thing called 'a sense of belonging'.

Most of them inadvertently put different labels on the minds of every professional who graduated from the major magical martial arts colleges, not only making it different from most self-taught ordinary professionals, but even completely different from those who have gone out of the military system. different.

Many times, even when they first met, they were just strangers, but once the students who once belonged to the same Mowu Academy were discovered, the relationship between the two became hot instantly, but there was one less stranger and barrier, and one more. Acquaintance and identification are entirely possible.

Of course, there are more people in this world. There are so many birds in a good forest. No matter whether it is an alumnus or even a graduate, it is not rare for acquaintances to hang acquaintances and cheat in the name of alumni. The only difference is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

However, let's not mention these utilitarian things. The six beauty guards may not know what other colleges are. But as a graduate of Beidou College, although they left the beloved college early, they are everywhere in the mainland. Still very concerned about the news from Beidou University every year.

The most important thing is what geniuses have appeared in this session, which mentors or classmates have reached the fifth or even sixth level, and what is the most important each Beidou Academy Martial Arts Conference. Wonderful.

All of this is news that is difficult for outsiders to obtain. After all, the three words “self” constitute a rather strong barrier outside this small circle, plus some kind of similarity "The news of our family cannot casually tell outsiders' mentality, which generally cuts off the possibility of outsiders getting some news inside major colleges.

As for accidentally leaking out or being spread by intentional people, it's not really a big deal. After all, the really important information about the major colleges will never be easily disclosed to ordinary students, nor will it be spread casually. As for what can be summed up as ‘lace news’ or ‘entertainment’, what can someone know?

So over time people have been surprised by this, so apart from a small number of people who specifically collect such information for entertainment such as queens and princesses of other countries, the rest of the people have stopped paying attention to these.

And if you ask how the news about the major colleges spread quickly and efficiently throughout the human country, what channel is used elsewhere is not easy to say, but Ladovia, where the headquarters of the mercenary union is located, is exclusively among the mercenary unions. Opening an intelligence hotline serving the four major colleges in Latvia does not seem to be a major problem ...

After confirming Zhang Yang's identity, Claudia took him directly to the small building dedicated to entertaining the VIPs in the Salak Group, but she went to sit down after telling the female soldiers under her command Opposite Zhang Yang.

Perhaps it is due to the simple and elegant decoration of the Sharak Business Group. Although this room dedicated to entertaining guests feels very luxurious at first glance, in addition to several huge and comfortable sofas and a few pots of fragrant plants With the exception of a few magic lamps, there is no such thing as gold and silver inlays, and pearl jewels everywhere clearly show upstarts.

But if you look closely, no matter the masonry of the walls or the ceiling, all are carved with exquisite patterns, and even the blanket under the feet seems to be woven with some kind of Warcraft wool.

In addition, the colors of all the objects in the entire room are completely unified in a warm yellow hue, so that it is so arranged in Zhang Yang's view. When I saw Dave in the Red Rock City Hotel in the Camps Orc Kingdom, it was extremely luxurious. The room is much more upscale.

So not long after sitting down on Zhang Yang ’s side, the two tall-looking maids with ordinary looks but good temperament walked in and knocked on the door while carrying a delicate dinner plate. Laudia smiled and said:

“Elder Wright ’s presence in our Emerald City branch really made us and others shine. Now let ’s taste the fruits of the Emerald City first, and wait for Claudia to prepare a sumptuous dinner to welcome you later. . "

After saying this, Claudia stretched out her white and delicate girl-like slender hands and waved them gracefully, and the two maids gently put the fresh fruit in their hands on the short table beside Zhang Yang ’s seat. Then he retreated with a light salute.

However, Zhang Yang was still sitting still, and did not mean any early adopters. This made Claudia a little puzzled and asked:

"Why? Are these fruits not the taste of the elders? Should I order someone to change some?"

"Don't bother anymore. Instead of enjoying these foods, it's better to ask Miss Claudia to tell me about the major events that have happened in the human kingdom recently."

Listening to Zhang Yang's words, Claudia was a little strange. As far as she knew, this Wright was a mercenary, and all mercenaries or adventurers almost have their own unique means of obtaining information. More importantly, no matter from what aspect, the mercenary union seems to be a place where it can obtain first-hand information. This can ask her that the merchant is much more convenient.

Perhaps it was Claudia's doubts at the moment. Zhang Yang hesitated a little before he said:

"It ’s not a secret, because I accidentally was sent a magical life by the space released by a guy before he died, so that I have been wandering and fighting in the orc kingdom of Campas for the past six months, and now it ’s a lot of money. It ’s only after returning to the human kingdom that I have no idea what happened in the human kingdom in the past six months. "

There is a word called "The language is not amazing," and Claudia feels "stunned" at this moment!

It's no wonder that this person disappeared directly after helping Ophelia finish the 'Road of Glory' and returned to Moxim City, so that for the past half a year, there was no news. It turned out to be the magical order of the legendary space system. , And was finally sent to the Campos Orc Kingdom in the southern part of the mainland!

What is even more incredible is that this guy not only survived in that strange environment, but also killed the human kingdom alone for half a year!

Thinking of Claudia's look at Zhang Yang here has already brought obvious awe, if what he said is true, then everything he has experienced this time is simply another 'path of transmission'! Of course, it seems a little inaccurate to say this. Reminiscent of the brutal warlike and brutal bloodthirsty of the legendary Orcs, Claudia feels that it is more appropriate to kill back from that environment, and it seems more appropriate to call it "Return of Killing" Right?

So Claudia looked a little shocked and subconsciously took care of the hair scattered on her forehead and murmured:

"This is really incredible. In terms of your strength, it will take another half a year. I really can't imagine where you were sent to the Campas Orc Kingdom by that abominable space magic."

Shock was shocked, but Claudia's brain was not stupid. Although she has never witnessed how powerful the sixth-level Zijin superpowers are, she can feel it more or less from the description of the several personal female guards under her hands, or from the legends in the world. Some clues.

So for the time being, regardless of Claudia's view of the speed of the sixth-order powerhouse, the majority of the six months can only be walked on his own legs, and it should be able to traverse the Orlando continent. Even if there have been many battles during the period, but with the strength of the sixth-grade Zijin level super powers, do you still want to walk and fight?

Therefore, it is normal for Claudia to be suspicious, and Zhang Yang, who heard her say this, had to take a small bag of Campas Orc Kingdom gold coins from the space ring and throw it to Claudia, while explaining slightly:

"Although from the perspective of a professional's fairness, there is no such thing as good or evil in any ability. Whether it is dark magic or undead magic, its essence is only an elemental force. Evil is mostly implicated by the people who use them. But I also have to admit that space magic is really dangerous, and that the kind of 'unstable random teleportation magic scroll' that hurts people is really abominable. . "

Speaking of this, Claudia, who received the gold coin pocket after seeing the hustle and bustle not far away in front of her, smiled slightly while wearing a mask, and then continued:

"When I finally got rid of the" unstable teleport magic ", I was seriously injured. My strength was almost completely lost. It took me months to recover from the injury alone. The gold coins of the Campos Orc Kingdom can be said to be part of the spoils I got when I returned later. I believe you should be able to recognize this kind of thing with your knowledge. "

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, Claudia could not wait to unpack the rope tied to that small pocket, so it was about a small bag of about fifty yellow gold coins bearing the emblem of the orc kingdom of the Campas. Claudia caught his eyes.

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