Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1353: Capital preservation

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I remember when the alchemist master Harold and Zhang Yang said that his daughter hoarded a lot of magic items that could not be sold, Zhang Yang also wondered if there were dozens of good ones. After all, the magic items are not Chinese cabbage. In addition, the time it takes to make each magic item alone seems to be a big burden for Harold's daughter who wants to open a shop and make magic items.

However, it seems that Zhang Yang ’s previous judgment is a bit inaccurate at the moment. As far as the four or five hundred magic items are concerned, even if most of them are low-level magic items, it takes at least one day to make a piece of it. It's been a year and a half of non-stop non-stop to accumulate so many things!

After all, what Zhang Yang knows is that the creation of magic items also has a success rate, so even those highly respected senior enchanters or high-level alchemists, when they make magic items or alchemy products Nor can it guarantee 100% success every time.

Therefore, Zhang Yang conservatively estimates that Leona ’s success rate in making magic items can reach 60% or 70%, so if you want to accumulate so many successful works, you need to add at least two more time. More than a hundred days!

Reminiscent of the time when Leo Na, the daughter of Alchemist Harold, graduated from the Academy of Magic, Zhang Yang Heran found that the girl seemed to have no time to do other things besides making a magical home at home in two or three years!

After all, as an enchanter and magician, in addition to making magic items, she seems to have to spare some time for enchantment and magic cultivation? Of course, the big premise of this is that someone has to find her to work first, and you have n’t been scared away or beaten by the two fierce fighting puppets at the door ...

Fortunately, although Zhang Yang sighed, he did not forget his mission to come here. Therefore, after Leona showed his work, Zhang Yang observed one by one from the left hand side.

I don't know the facts. When Zhang Yang looked closely, he was really surprised.

He had no idea that this female enchanter whose character was spoiled by his father was unambiguous! Although some of them seem to belong to low-level magic items, they are only a very small part after all. Even after Zhang Yang saw more than one hundred Leona ’s magic items, he was a little surprised to find that his low-level magic items The magic items accounted for no more than one-fifth of the total!

Such a success rate and ability is no longer what novices or junior apprentices can do, so Zhang Yang Heran found that the girl beside him who seemed a little nervous at the moment was actually an enchanter with less strength and level!

Everyone knows that enchanters and alchemists are extremely money-burning professions, even if they are extremely talented, but if they do not have sufficient economic strength to back up and can continue to provide them with materials for training, then in these two occupations, think If it is to be successful, the difficulty will be several times or even tens of times higher than the cost of being a magician!

Therefore, in addition to the very few talents who have excellent talents and the luck of finding a good teacher with a rich family, most enchanters and alchemists need to slowly start from the bottom, accumulate and even take risks through continuous accumulation. Only then will it be possible to get exercise and gradually improve oneself.

Therefore, from this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call enchanters and alchemists as sub-professional ‘nobles’ occupations.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly asked:

"How much are these magic items?"

At the moment, Leona, who heard Zhang Yang's opening, was suddenly refreshed. She had already followed Zhang Yang and turned a small half of the house before. She was still worried that the other party did not read her work. After all, she was looking forward to a customer who was scared away as soon as she entered the door. If she couldn't sell something this time, she really didn't know if she had the courage to go to the "that" place for help.

So when the other party asked about the price, Leona simply swept her heart and directly reported the bottom line price in her heart.

"Under normal circumstances, the price of second- and third-order magic items is between 200 and 1,000 gold coins. If you deposit gold, because my magic puppet guard has brought you a little trouble, I only charge half of the price. One hundred gold coins for second-level magic items, five hundred gold coins for third-level magic items. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang nodded slightly and then pointed to the obviously higher-level magic items on the shelf and asked:

"What about these?"

"Your eyesight is good, these are fourth-order magic items, because the production materials are more precious and the production process is more complicated, so the price is higher than those low-level magic items, so even if I only charge you costs, but three Thousands of coins are indispensable. "

Seeing the other party saying this, Zhang Yang was somewhat surprised. After all, although he was not a specialized businessman, he also had some understanding of the prices of these magic weapons and magic equipment.

Under normal circumstances, the price of weapons and armor is generally higher than other equipment, and the price of magic jewelry is even higher for magic weapons. In contrast, the enchanted clothing and accessories are the cheapest.

But even so, in terms of market price, the price of third-order magic items is about one thousand gold coins, and the price of fourth-order magic items is based on the difference in effect and material, generally between 5,000 gold coins and 10,000 gold coins.

Therefore, the price given by Leona at the moment is indeed quite favorable, and even as she said, it is almost a cost price. It is not impossible.

So after Zhang Yang read all the magic items in the whole room from beginning to end, he actually selected several affordable things.

The third-order magic item "Floating Cloak" is made of the mane of the wind-based Warcraft, and then Leona painted a permanent magical array of second-order wind-based magic [floating technique] on it. As long as the wind magic core is embedded and activated, this light green 'floating cloak' can provide users with a continuous floating effect.

The second-order wind magic [floating technique] is only an auxiliary magic, but it can play a life-saving role at some critical time. And because the material of this cloak is the mane of the wind-based Warcraft, it can only be worn on the body if it does not activate its additional magical effect. It can still slightly accelerate the convergence speed of the wind elements, thereby helping the wind professional to cultivate The role.

And such a third-order magic cloak, which is very practical in Zhang Yang's eyes, now only needs 500 gold coins to start, even if it is bought back and then resold, it can earn a fortune.

The third-order magic equipment ‘Pan Rock Boots’ with the second-order earth magic [primary magic resistance] is also a very expensive magic item. In fact, the material of this boot is not very good. The combination of hardened Warcraft leather and some mysterious silver can be said to be the most basic material selection for magic equipment.

However, what really makes Zhang Yang look at this piece of equipment is the additional magic. Although the [primary magic resistance] is only second-order, and it is the initial version of the magic resistance type, its effect is quite practical.

The fact is that neither Zhang Yang nor other professionals will normally wear this pair of 'rock boots' to 'kick' missile magic, so its greatest function is to fight against special terrain, such as lava landforms, Quicksand landforms and ice.

Of course, also because the magic attached to the ‘Rock War Boots’ is just a [primary magic resistance], it ca n’t completely ignore these special terrains, but to some extent weaken its impact, there is no problem at all.

Therefore, it is really cost-effective to pay 500 gold coins for such a pair of boots.

In addition, ten "Magic Shield Rings" that can apply a first-order arcane magic to the user [Magic Shield] every day also have a small effect, although only the first-order arcane department can be actively used once a day. Magic [Magic Shield] also consumes a trace of the user's mental power, but the effect is very satisfactory to Zhang Yang.

You should know that although the hard defense ability of the first-order arcane magic [magic shield] is very limited, even if it is a second-order warrior, it can be easily broken, but in the face of some dust toxoids, or small but numerous In the case of poisonous insects, the effect is definitely a stronger fourth-order magic shield.

So Zhang Yang feels that he has bought ten such "Magic Shield Rings" at a price of one thousand gold coins, and even if he is not strong in self-control, I am afraid that all the remaining "Magic" of Leona It ’s possible to buy all the Shield Rings!

Then a bunch of "Magic Shield Rings" that are very similar to the "Magic Shield Ring", but they contain the second- and third-order of the magic magic of the "charged magic ring" of each department of magic also make Zhang Yangai put it down.

For example, the "Energized Stone Bomb Ring" which can release the first-order earth magic [stone bullet] three times a day;

You can release the "Energetic Ice Blade Ring" of the first-order water magic [Ice Blade Technique] three times a day;

You can release the "Energized Rocket Ring" of the second-order fire magic [Enhanced Rocket] once a day;

You can release the "Energetic Wind Blade Ring" of the first-order wind magic [wind blade technique] three times a day;

There are also "Energized Light Ring" that can release first-order light magic [illumination] three times a day, and "Energetic Light Ring" that can release first-order light magic [Holy Light Bomb] three times a day;

Unfortunately, Leona seems to have nothing to do with dark magic, necromantic magic, natural magic, and spiritual magic, so none of these other "charged magic rings" Zhang Yang saw.

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