Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1361: Emerald City Auction (2)

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Unlike the common magic crystals and even magic nuclei on the market, the price of gemstones has always been high. After all, on the one hand, gemstones are comparable to crystals in terms of reserves and difficulty of mining. On the other hand, as a right Rare magic materials with a certain increase in elemental energy, the demand for gemstones can be described as high.

Therefore, from low-quality gemstones with slightly better color to pure and flawless high-quality gemstones, although their prices are also quite different, generally speaking, they use the "Kerry" as the unit of measurement when trading. From dozens to hundreds of gold coins, some extremely rare high-quality gems can even reach the high price of one krye and one thousand gold coins!

So that in addition to the ordinary people who work in the famous "mines", there are also a group of adventurers named "treasure hunters" in the human kingdom. They will basically not find the trouble of Warcraft on weekdays. Even the tasks and rewards offered by the mercenary union and the adventurer's union were dismissed.

Compared with this, these people's goals are basically locked in remote mountain cracks or deep underground caves, and their purpose is naturally various gems and rare metal veins that may exist, even if only to find some Magic crystals and the like can also make them worry-free for a long time.

The only problem is that, unlike the mature mines that were discovered by people early and already occupied by nobles or large interest groups in various countries, among the wild mountain ranges or crypts far from human settlement cities, in addition to their own natural environment In addition to being bad, it is also likely to be a paradise for Warcraft or Monsters or a place where it frequently appears.

Therefore, in order to become a qualified ‘treasure hunter’, in addition to having a strong field survival ability and sufficient self-preservation strength, it is best to be a professional with a natural talent.

No matter whether it is a warrior or a magician, as long as they can instinctively induce certain special places or special areas, their chances of finding treasures are more than several times greater than ordinary people. Therefore, under normal circumstances, "treasure hunters" rarely act alone. Each time they form a small adventure team of three to five people. While they must be equipped with a ground professional, they also have special responsibility for combat. And excavating transport personnel.

And all the risks involved need not be as low as those of mercenaries or adventurers who specialize in hunting Warcraft, and even on average, every ten teams of treasure hunters go out for treasure hunting, and there will be nearly half of the teams of treasure hunters Silently disappearing into the wild mountains, and even those who come back alive, whether they can find any valuable treasures is still unknown.

So in general, the price of gemstones is so high that it is normal. After all, in addition to all kinds of dangers, even if you are given a mine and enough time, but you want to find those small gems from countless boulders Shashuo. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, like the three fist-sized flawless gems held by Zhang Yang at the moment, even in the eyes of the alchemist Harold, such a flawless gem has never been seen before.

You know, most of the time, it is not easy to have a thumb-sized gemstone, and in the memory of the alchemist Harold, it seems that the largest gemstone I have ever seen is the only one. At the moment, one-third of the gem in Zhang Yang's hands.

And even so, the gem had created a skyrocket of millions of gold coins, so when Zhang Yang asked him, the alchemist Harold had to shake his head and smiled bitterly:

"Mr. Wright really asked me. As far as I know, giant flawless gems of this level in your hands will attract the attention of a group of truly powerful people, and the price is so high that ordinary people can't look beyond their expectations. After all, such a large piece of gem is so rare that no one would be so stupid as to split it into magic equipment, and it really seems to be used to build a top-level magic tower, or to build that kind of The giant magic array that can cover the entire city size, so for the price of this thing, I estimate that it should normally be between 6 million gold coins and 9 million gold coins each, but once sold by the auction house, 10,000 I do n’t know what level the price will eventually reach when I meet a few powerful buyers. So I suggest that if Mr. Wright really intends to sell here, he should reach an agreement with the auction house in advance. Even if it is not sold in the end, it ca n’t be dealt with casually. At least we have to talk about a similar price. "

It wasn't until the master alchemist Harold eased his breath until he said all these things in one breath.

Speaking of this, although he has heard of the legends of Wright before, in his impression, no matter how good the opponent is, he is just a new powerhouse with some strength. At present, the mercenary regiment has begun to take shape.

For the master alchemist Harold, who can receive more than 10,000 gold coins from the Emerald City auction house every month, he also owns a mansion made of all metals and a large number of alchemy works, he is actually the beginning. He did not treat this Wright on the same level as himself.

This is why he asked Zhang Yang to send money to her daughter, saying that although the alchemist Harold seemed respectful to Zhang Yang, he still regarded him as a mercenary who could be sent at will.

Therefore, at this moment, after Zhang Yang took out three huge gems with great value, the alchemist master Harold was finally shaken by a fierce earthquake, so that now he no longer dared to despise Zhang Yang at all, and directly regarded it as People who have equal status with themselves are treated.

In fact, Zhang Yang didn't think so much before. Although he was sensitive enough and his experience was okay, he lived in a big city with alchemy master Harold all the year round and dealt with strong people all day long. For example, he still seemed a bit too immature in terms of human relations, at least it was too simple.

Fortunately, these are not big things. In terms of Zhang Yang's temperament, even if he knows the idea of ​​Alchemist Harold, he may not be angry, so after listening to the other party's series of analysis, Zhang Yang nodded. A ruby ​​and the tiger's eye stone were directly recovered, leaving only a fist-sized flawless ruby ​​as an auction item.

At this time, the status and contacts of Alchemist Harold in the Emerald City auction house also played a large role, so not only the matters related to the auction were quickly determined, even the person in charge of the auction house also said that he would be in the shortest Spread the news about the appearance of this ruby ​​within a period of time, and place it on the last piece of the guest auction item to wait for the emergence of a truly powerful buyer.

So things are going wrong now ...

I don't know if the auction house released this news intentionally or not. When the person in charge of the Emerald City Auction House left, the quiet auction house suddenly became agitated suddenly!

Not only did the buyers in the lower meeting place turn back and looked at the upper box with shocked and suspicious eyes, and even many people who appeared to be representatives of a certain force, after learning this news, they seemed to fly as if they were burning their ass. Seemingly rushed out of the meeting place, it seems to notify some important people.

Therefore, the 'guest auction', which was supposed to be a warm-up event before the official auction, seemed to suddenly overwhelm the heat of the subsequent formal auction. So much so that when the guest auction items started to be sold one by one in the current period, most people basically lost their original interest in them.

But this is to some extent cheaper Zhang Yang, not only let him shoot four sets of a total of thirty fourth-order water magic cores and a set of ten fives at a base price and a price that is not much higher than the base price. The order water magic core, even accidentally scouted a 'Reinforced Necklace of Giant Bear', which I don't know from which relics, can make the natural magician use the fourth-order natural magic [Giant Bear Incarnation] once a day!

Not only that, because this "Giant Bear Power Necklace" restricts the relationship that it can only be used by the Druid, so that it is a fourth-order magic item, it only marked a starting price of five thousand gold coins, and there is no one at all. Zhang Yang bid.

So Zhang Yang casually bought this large pile of items at the price of 45,000 gold coins. Not only did he directly achieve the goal of buying the water system magic core, but also by the way, the current strength due to age is still stuck in Second-level bronze level, lack of sufficient self-protection Angela made a magic necklace available.

In Zhang Yang's opinion, it is quite worthwhile. After all, even if this practical necklace is set aside, only the acquisition of the fourth- and fifth-order water magic nuclei has left Zhang Yang only in the ring of space. The 'Douhou Bracelet', which was unavailable in the middle, was restored.

By that time, not only will there be many choices in battle, but even with the effect of this "brace of grudge", it is no longer a technical problem to temporarily impersonate a magician here in the magic kingdom of Pompeii.

However, while Zhang Yang continued to watch the auctioneer display the auction items below, and secretly evaluated the value of his heart, three consecutive surging momentums were rushing from the distance like this emerald city auction house at an amazing high speed. come!

You must know that this Jade City auction house, which covers an area of ​​nearly 40,000 square meters, has a certain isolation and even a sense of detection. In addition, Zhang Yang has now deliberately converged his perception, so he can make himself in the auction house. He felt the strength of these three powerful forces at a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers, and his strength was already out!

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