Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1377: Fat sheep and robber

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As an ancient kingdom with a long history and a history that can be traced back to the beginning of the bimonthly calendar, even when humans have just learned to use grudge and magic, Pompeii, known as the magic kingdom, can be said to be really in the center of the Orlando continent on.

Although its land area can only be ranked third among the four human kingdoms, and it is only limited in size than Ladvia, the mercenary country that was formed later, but its resources are absolutely no less than the law with the largest area of ​​human kingdom. How much is the difference!

Whether it is a mine or a hubo, whether it is a forest or a grassland, these are all in the magic kingdom of Pompeii.

The reason for this is that when humans rose, Fran had more warriors and the most powerful army in the human kingdom, and Pompeii, a "small country", was a rich magician, even Once reached a super high proportion of every ten people there is a magician!

In other words, the reason why Pompeii, a magic kingdom, is full of magicians is probably because some special circumstances here attracted the original magicians, which gradually formed the prototype of a kingdom. After all, like the Emerald City, which can accelerate the cultivation of earth magicians, is a good example.

So even if the area of ​​the kingdom of magic Pompeii is less than one-third of the knightly empire's **** in the heyday, but its influence and deterrent force are no less than the **** in the heyday!

This is one of the reasons why these two countries, which differ greatly in area and population, but are adjacent to each other, have always been able to live together for thousands of years.

You must know that only strength is the only condition for ensuring peace and survival, and as long as it is a wise creature, it will probably not actively provoke a group of powerful destructive magicians?

The question is, what if the magician wants to provoke others?

The Crimson Caravan is not very famous among the magic kingdom Pompeii. After all, compared to the old-fashioned chambers of commerce that have a history of more than 100 years, the Crimson Caravan is only one for more than 40 years. Young people's unpleasant point can also be called 'Mao Tou Xiao'.

So whether it is wealth accumulation or overall scale, the development of today's Chihong caravan can only be counted as a medium caravan, and there is still a short distance from the large caravan, not to mention the establishment of a chamber of commerce.

After all, today, most businesses are dominated by those old-fashioned chambers of commerce. It is quite difficult to survive and grow a little bit gradually. As for the large-scale chamber of commerce that wants to become a real name ...

From past experience, this kind of thing can only be protected from generation to generation unless it is lucky enough to be protected by a super strongman and grow up with the strong man. Time and effort have come to realize your dreams.

Therefore, for a 'new generation' business organization like the Chihong Caravan, the gradual accumulation and step by step is the fundamental way to develop and grow.

In the magic kingdom of Pompeii, one of the criteria for measuring the strength of a caravan or even an organization is to see how many magicians there are in the caravan or organization, and how powerful these magicians are.

Therefore, from this point of view, the number of warriors in the caravan of more than one hundred occupies the largest proportion. Among the forty caravan guards of the whole team, there is only one fourth-order silver intermediate magician and three third-order black iron. The level of magician supporting the scene of the Crimson Caravan is still a long way from the large caravan.

But fortunately, because the salary of the war fighters in the magic kingdom is at least five times lower than that of hiring a magician of the same level, at the moment, among the remaining thirty-six guards of the Chihong caravan, There are six fighters from various ranks ranging from tier 4 silver junior to tier 4 silver senior.

In terms of such strength, although the number of magicians is half that of the caravans affiliated to those large chambers of commerce, even the strength is much worse. But with this kind of strength to deal with the World of Warcraft or monster on the road, it is enough.

So when the Crimson Caravan completed the previous transaction, it imported a large amount of goods from the Emerald City in the southern part of the Magic Kingdom, and piggybacked nearly a hundred scattered merchants and a small group of mercenaries to form a team of more than 200 people and more than 100 heads. When the "big" team of pack animals and more than 30 cargo wagons left the Emerald City, as the second-generation successor of the Crimson Caravan and also the contemporary leader of this caravan, Peris would inevitably produce a kind of 'Pride and sense of accomplishment.

The reason why Zhang Yang was able to leave the Emerald City quickly after changing his identity without knowing it was to borrow the light of the Chihong caravan and rushed to catch such a 'free ride' before the other party set off.

As for the luxury carriage that cost 500 gold coins to rent the car body, all made of incense wood, and inlaid with many silver patterns outside the carriage, it was because when Zhang Yang arrived, all the carriages in the caravan were full. Unless Zhang Yang is willing to follow him all the way, this carriage specially made for a noble lady is Zhang Yang's only choice.

Therefore, subconsciously thinking that he should try to reduce his appearance as much as possible, it is better to avoid the sight of everyone. Zhang Yang can only choose to spend such a big sum of money.

Fortunately, for Zhang Yang, who already had seven million gold coins in the space ring and was already 'getting rich,' it was only a mere nine ounces, so when Zhang Yang took out a whole bag of 500 gold coins from his body and threw them to Perris, he Then he directly entered the carriage that required four wildebeests to pull and followed the Chihong caravan directly.

And this two-day walk time passed so casually, and because this time the caravan added a lot of goods, and at the same time, there were more than one hundred merchants accompanying the relationship, so that the caravan went in these two days. The road is not as long as Zhang Yang walks a day and walks a lot!

Fortunately, Perris may also know that the asking price of his five hundred gold coins is a little expensive, so no matter whether it is food or wine, fruits and the like, Zhang Yang is the same. So just from the point of enjoyment, this journey also has some meaning of "VIP".

However, when the caravan left the Emerald City and traveled about a hundred miles to the east, and it had already walked out of one third for the whole journey, the number of people broke through 200 and there were many goods, but the number of escorts was only 50 or 60. The caravan was finally stared at by the caring people!

Therefore, when Perris led the caravan around a low mountain along the road and was about to go forward for another ten miles to rest, a group of people said that it was also about two hundred, all members were masked with black towels, and both had arms on The guy tied with a fiery red cloth belt suddenly appeared on the top of the low mountain and on the road of the caravan!

So no matter whether it was the merchants in the Chihong Caravan or the surrounding caravan guards, they were all tense in an instant!


"There are robbers!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Concealed! Concealed! All non-combatants are close to hidden!"


Speaking of the quality of the guards of the Crimson Caravan, the sudden response to the enemy not only reflected it quite quickly, but even partly actively helped the merchants of the caravan to build fortifications. At this point, it is already much stronger than the guards who will encounter the enemy and only charge and fight.

To be aware that as a caravan, whether it is encountering Warcraft, or robbers and robbers, as long as you can protect the safety of the merchants, and try to ensure that the goods are not robbed, this is enough. As for how many robbers and robbers can be killed in battle, and how much killing bonuses are earned from them, that's what temporary hired mercenaries only care about.

Therefore, from this point of view, the more than forty caravan guards of the Chihong Caravan themselves, both in response and consciousness, are already quite good.

However, no good consciousness can make up for the gap in the number and strength of the two sides. Since this group of robbers dare to surround the caravan blatantly, instead of directly attacking the caravan, it is enough to show that the other party is confident and even capable. The soldiers who surrendered without fighting, let the caravan obediently follow.

So seeing this, Perris, who has more than ten years of experience in leading trade and business, is inevitably sad.

In this battle, let alone protect the caravan's wealth, it is not easy to protect the lives of the merchants and guards. It is a pity that after this time, the Chihong Caravan is afraid that it will take half a year or even a year to slow down, so I think of the worst plan that Perrys has already made in my mind, and I am ready to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

However, not everyone in the caravan can see this. Therefore, when the robbers holding the weapons and swaggering toward the caravan, the caravan guard was recently recruited and monopolized. The fourth-order silver intermediate fire magician of a carriage was frowned after hearing the riots, and directly angered the guard soldiers on the side:

"Scouts ?! How did you find out where the scouts were before being surrounded by the robbers? Did they eat dry food ?!"

It seems that because of the influence of the element of fire, the tempers of most fire magicians are extremely hot. And because this guy is the highest-ranking magician in the entire caravan, so that he always consciously is superior on weekdays, even Peris, the caravan leader, does not pay much attention to it.

It ’s good now, not only did not give any good suggestions after the siege, let alone to participate in the defense, but directly accused the scout of inaction, but this made the caravan guards around them unwilling, so that in this four After the Tier Silver Intermediate Fire Magician spoke, the highest-ranking water swordsman in the caravan guards who had reached the Tier 4 silver level peak took the lead and said coldly:

"Aren't you looking for scouts? Look at the robbers on the left side of the low mountain. The two who were picked up by spears in the air at the moment are the scouts on duty today, and they are also the brothers of our caravan guards! , Master Bika, are you ready to avenge them? "

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