Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1384: New discovery

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Can the power of the weapon alone cut the flame?

If this question was asked a day ago, Zhang Yang really didn't know how to answer it. After all, this kind of thing is not very reliable just to think about it with a brain, let alone who would really do it.

However, at this moment it was different. A previous attempt under desperation made him inadvertently do such an almost impossible thing! This not only broke Zhang Yang's previous inherent concept of magic or elements, but in a sense, it also opened a door for him to have a future direction of progress!

It must be known that Zhang Yang, who is unable to cultivate his grudge and lacks the means to cope with magic, can fight magic with his weapons and his own power. This is a very important discovery. Therefore, analyzing the reasons for achieving this effect has become the most important thing at present.

In fact, this is not simply a matter of strength. After all, Zhang Yang did not use similar strength in the past, but let alone cut the flame, it is something similar to the "air cut" in Zhang Yang ’s last life. There is no way to use it by wielding a sword vigorously or quickly.

This may be because the air in the Orlando world contains the element of wind, so that when Zhang Yang saw Jason, who is a wind warrior, using a sword-like air that can be fired from a long distance, he felt How much is still envious.

Now that's okay, an accidental accidental attempt by him accidentally made him achieve what he wanted. How can this not make people happy?

Therefore, after carefully recalling the situation at that time, Zhang Yang realized that the reason why he was able to issue such a magical sword was that the magic sword 'water mirror' in his hand and the one worn on the wrist of his right arm Grievous bracelet '.

After all, Zhang Yang remembered clearly that before stopping the release of the Ice Shield and choosing the sword, there was clearly a fourth-order water magic core left in the grudge bracelet on his right arm wrist, but now I can see where there is that. Shadow of the magic core?

So Zhang Yang had to admit the fact that he was able to cut the flame with a sword, or he could do it with the help of the elemental energy released in the grudge bracelet.

As for the light blue sword light that was several meters long, it was naturally the result of the combination of the sixth-order magic sword ‘Water Mirror’ and ‘Douhou Bracelet’. After all, Zhang Yang has also experimented before. With the power of this "water mirror" magic sword, only a few ice crystal sword shadows of the same size as the sword body can be brought out during the swing, and it is impossible to emit a few meters long. Jianguang came.

Therefore, it is no mystery to say it all in bluntly. It is just a matter of course to break the magic composed of the elements of fire with the power similar to the grudge of the water system.

Of course, the only thing that Zhang Yang can learn from is the application of elemental power and even various energies!

Although Zhang Yang is unable to practice fighting spirit because of his special constitution, whether it is the power of death, the power of life and the power of the demon that this body can store and absorb, or the power of thunder and lightning hidden in the soul space, it can all be energy. It's kind of, and it's all 'premium goods'!

So from this point of view, as long as Zhang Yang can control the concentrated power in the body to achieve the level of casual use, then let alone cut the flame with a sword, I am afraid that more exaggerated things can be done?

It is a pity that up to now, Zhang Yang can only use the power of thunder and lightning hidden in the soul. As for the other three forces, although he can absorb it by biting, and can still feel their existence in the body, I do n’t know why So far I have n’t listened!

Otherwise, based on Zhang Yang ’s three kinds of ‘source power’ that is significantly higher than the six elements, he can choose more fighting methods!

Helpless thought is good, but the actual situation is that he has not yet figured out how to use these powers! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly missed the time of “sweeping” in the library of Beidou University a few years ago. In the past few months, the knowledge he learned from the book can be described in a large amount.

It is a pity that the library of Beidou University is limited by its own background and level. Although it has a variety of knowledge on the mainland, it is limited to the elementary and intermediate parts. These things are very useful for most professionals below the fifth level, but for Zhang Yang today, it is not enough.

Thinking of Zhang Yang's heart, I couldn't help but sigh. If there is a more advanced library, and there are books explaining various advanced strengths and techniques, that would be great. The problem is ...

(Hey ?! Is this the magic kingdom of Pompeii? If I remember correctly, this ancient kingdom seems to have the oldest and largest magic academy and library in the entire human world ?! So to speak, if Is there any way I can go there for a while, maybe I can really find a way to control and use these kinds of energy in the body! But the problem is ... that kind of place should not be accessible to anyone? But you have to think about it ...)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly heard a long sigh that could not be suppressed, and this sound sounded somewhat familiar, if he did not guess wrong, it should be the leader of the red caravan Peris.

I do n’t know whether it ’s lucky or unfortunate, because Zhang Yang suddenly shot out the relationship with the robber leader, so that the ‘red towel’ robber group directly lost their fighting spirit as birds and beasts, but helped the Red Caravan resolve a crisis.

However, also because of Zhang Yang's fight against the robber leader, so that only the Yu Wei of the [Dragon Breath] performed by the robber leader, the Red Caravan was still hit hard!

Although in the end the personnel of the Crimson Caravan were okay except for a few who were slightly injured, but the goods that were burned at that moment made Perris heartbroken. You have to know that even if you count the two carriages behind Zhang Yang that were spared and loaded with valuable goods, the merchandise directly lost by the caravan has already reached 90% of the total!

Therefore, if the current money saved is counted, the total amount is equivalent to 70% of the original amount of money! Isn't this the same as the number of robber compromises? !

And more importantly, thirty-two scattered merchants died, although not a member of his Crimson Caravan, but this still persuaded Perris.

But Perris also understands that he does n’t blame the strong man named ‘Troy’. After all, the deaths of those scattered traders can only be said to be too slow or bad luck.

Fortunately, the remaining members of the 'Red Scarf' bandit group were frightened and broke the courageous relationship, one by one, only caring for their own escape and not even collecting the dead for their dead companions! Therefore, after the battle was over, Perris first thanked the other party for his kindness, and then organized the manpower to carefully clean up the battlefield.

It's a pity that even though Perris has the ability to "scratch the ground three feet", the dead robbers have nothing but valuable weapons except for some weapons that are still intact. In fact, this is also a normal thing. If they are all rich, whoever is idle likes to be a robber!

So after counting these ‘accidental gains’, Perris found that he still could n’t make up for the loss, even to be precise, it would take a bit of effort to make up for 10% of the loss. Therefore, Perris, who had escaped his life, walked step by step next to the luxury carriage, and did not have much joy for the rest of his life. Instead, he was worried about how much money he had to lose this time.

At that moment, the strong man in the carriage suddenly spoke.

"Why? Still sad for the dead?"

"Well, I'm worried about how alive people should live!"

Therefore, I thought that the question was too fascinating. When Zhang Yang suddenly spoke, Perris was completely unresponsive for a while, so that he directly told his heart!

So just after the voice fell, the surprise that Perris had just reflected what he had said was nothing different! Not to mention the fact that the other party had just saved himself and the caravan not long ago. Even if he is at least a sixth-order Zijin superpower, he can't allow such a small businessman to talk back in that tone!

So he realized that he had made a mistake that should not be made, and instantly felt that his two legs became a bit uncomfortable, so that he did not take two steps and the goods fell directly to the ground!

"What's wrong with you, boss?"

"Boss, are you injured?"

"Hurry up and help the boss!"

Perris suddenly fell, and the caravan **** soldiers walking next to him were surprised. Fortunately, Perris himself has the strength of a second-level bronze swordsman, even if his level still does not play a role in the battle, even most of the time it is just a deadly character.

But no matter how you say it, you do n’t fall on the ground while walking, right? Therefore, in addition to the **** soldier standing behind Perris vaguely guessing what is going on, the other people thought their ‘boss’ was injured in the battle just now!

"It's okay! I'm okay! It's just a little bit uncomfortable! Everyone, don't worry."

Although he said so in his mouth, Perris still felt that his legs were not very obedient. In fact, at the moment, he had a feeling of fainting, but his responsibility as a caravanserai made him have to do it anyway. keep on. And at this moment, from the gorgeous carriage beside him, the voice of the "strong man" came out again!

"Since Mr. Perris is uncomfortable, why not take a break in the carriage."

Everyone could hear clearly this time. After all, although the luxury carriage was big, there was only one person in it! The reason why it was ignored before, and even Perris didn't pay attention, wasn't it because the strong man's voice was too dull, and it didn't sound like he was contemplating the feeling of instigation?

It's just that Perris really has even slapped his own heart. Has the always savvy self talked out of it? Now it's okay, the tone of people's speech is not like asking at all, although it is bland but undoubted!

So Perez had no choice but to gritt his teeth, trying to control his weak body to climb into the door of the luxury carriage!

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