Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1412: Spiritual power and soul power

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For both the caster and the warlord, the cultivation and growth of spiritual power is the most difficult and complicated one. After all, there is no effective way to improve one's own mental strength compared to the exercise and savings in the body's fighting spirit or magic power.

After all, except for those who slowly grow up with their own use and exercise, any technique that contributes to the rapid growth of mental power can be said to be accompanied by certain side effects.

Either some methods are extremely dangerous, or they need to endure severe pain while improving their mental strength, and even some extreme methods will cause indelible trauma to the users themselves!

Therefore, for those magician families with a long history of inheritance, the practice method of magic is not much important. After all, although there is a distinction between high and low efficiency, personal physique and affinity for the magic of the department are also the same talents. The important proportion of occupants.

The mental exercise method is different. Once a family or organization has mastered a method that allows people to exercise and improve mental strength more safely, it will not take long for this organization to have a large number of middle-level or even high-level magic. division!

At the same time, this kind of skill that can enhance spiritual power will definitely become the most important secret in the entire organization. Even if a magician is allowed to learn and use it, he must sign a confidential contract guaranteed by the destruction of the soul! So that once the magician violates the contract, his soul will be destroyed by the powerful contract power!

It's just that not everyone in this world is so selfish. Once they discover a certain mental exercise method, they will cherish themselves, but they will publish it from the macro perspective of the collective interests of the entire human race and the intelligent life of Orlando.

Therefore, after thousands of years of inheritance and precipitation, and the elimination of a part of the particularly dangerous mental exercise method, now the most popular on the mainland is the "extreme exercise method" used by the major magic martial arts schools!

In fact, the principle of the "extreme exercise method" is no longer a secret among magicians. Although the specific method will be different during the specific implementation process, the effect will be uneven, but in general, just grasp It's right to live the word 'limit'.

Although this so-called limit also helps the user to break through the limit, the real meaning is to allow the user to consume their own mental power to the limit, so as to stimulate the growth of mental power.

This is simple, but it is not so easy when it is actually implemented!

Not to mention that when the mental energy consumption exceeds 80% of the total, people will have symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, extreme drowsiness, or even a small chance of suddenly falling into a coma. Once the consumption exceeds more than 100% of the total When this level is ninety, people will have a 90% chance of fainting!

As for the situation where the mental energy is completely exhausted, it generally does not happen. After all, the living body itself has a mechanism for survival and self-protection in the subconscious, so unless it is beyond the limit to use some kind of forbidden technique, it is overdrawn in vitality. To a certain extent, the mental power will be completely exhausted.

However, by then everything was already too late. Spiritual force was originally the predecessor of the power of the soul, so there is nothing wrong with understanding it as the primary manifestation of the power of the soul. For the same reason, it can be inferred that the spiritual power is closely related to the soul and consciousness of the living body, so once it is completely exhausted under extreme circumstances, then this living body will be completely at the end, even when it is dead. The soul will also dissipate directly due to excessive consumption, which can be described as complete.

And if you want to make the 'Extreme Exercise Method' play its due role, then you have to find a way to consume your mental energy to the remaining 10% to 20%! And the closer the remaining total is to 10%, the more obvious the growth will be after recovery.

How to quickly and safely consume mental energy, how to accurately grasp the consumption and remaining amount, and how to effectively recover after meeting the requirements, these series of problems are the differences between the various forces today, or each Features.

It can be seen that the existence of strong spiritual power is the most suitable person to become a spellcaster. After all, even if this person's elemental affinity is poor, there is no advantage in practicing elemental magic. The magic of the art department, the future development is the real prospect.

It is a pity that there are already few people with high-level element affinity, and even fewer people are born with strong spiritual power. This may be the reason why there are so many professionals on the mainland, but the really powerful spiritual magicians are extremely rare.

Well, since everyone knows the principle of the 'Extreme Exercise Method', why are there only a few of the casters who can use it today?

Among them, although some professionals cannot bear the pain of mental energy consumption in the country, more of them still have not found a suitable method that can effectively and safely consume their own mental energy.

After all, take a magician as an example. Even if this magician consumes all his accumulated magical power to release the magic to release the magic, then the problem of how to recover after the magical power is exhausted regardless of itself. As far as mental energy is concerned, let alone the amount needed to reach the 'Extreme Exercise Method', most casters can even consume more than half of their total mental energy.

And this is still a magician that needs to consume mental power every time it is cast. In exchange for various skills and skills, most of the needs for mental power and those who do not consume too much, want to increase the total amount of their own mental power. It's harder.

So for most warfighters, since the total amount of mental power cannot be improved, their vision has turned to the point of improving their 'quality'. Therefore, all kinds of high-intensity training and hard work like self-abuse have made them more tenacious and tenacious, and they have gradually achieved the purpose of improving their spiritual quality.

At this point, no matter the caster or the war clerk, or even whether their own mental power is huge or not, as long as their quality reaches a certain critical point, and meets the appropriate time to achieve a breakthrough, then the mental power skills directly transform, or Say evolve into the power of soul!

At this time, although the transformed soul power is not different from before in terms of the total amount, because the soul power is more pure and solidified than the spiritual power, it makes the soul power more resistant to consumption under the same circumstances. It is also more sensitive and easy to control.

For example, if you need to consume ten units of mental power before the same fifth-order magic, then when the caster's mental power is transformed into soul power, then only one or two units of soul power are consumed. It will be able to cast the previous fifth-order magic. Not to mention, the power and effect of magic will become stronger, the release speed will be faster, and the control of this magic is also more than before.

Therefore, almost all professionals feel that once the mental power is turned into the power of the soul, it is difficult for the 'Extreme Exercise Method' to continue to play its role. After all, it is much more difficult to consume the power of one's soul to meet the ‘limit exercise method’ than when the mental power was exhausted!

In that case, even if there is no difficulty ten times, but at least five times is specified, so coupled with the fact that the power of the soul recovers slightly faster than the spiritual power, exhausting it is definitely a time-consuming and laborious task!

Not only that, but also because the power of the soul itself is more solid than the spiritual power, even if someone spends a day or two or more to consume it to the extent of meeting the requirements of the 'Extreme Exercise Method' and restores it completely, they will You will find that although the power of the soul has increased a little, the time spent for this is somewhat uneconomical compared to the gains.

And this technique that Zhang Yang happened to discover at this time came in handy!

Whether it is 'depriving the opponent of magic control' or 'transforming an already-formed magic spell into another form' or 'mandating the intensification or inertia of this part of the element', 'forcibly influencing the opponent's magic with the power of the soul' This series of techniques for directly controlling the energy of external elements are super-high-level techniques that only super powers with soul power can try!

Referred to as super skills!

In fact, the ability to use some super-level skills is generally considered a symbol of legendary or quasi-legendary level. After all, in addition to having to possess the power of the soul, the strong control and influence of the external elemental energy is the key to this ability.

It's just like Zhang Yang's attempt to reach a conclusion. Although the super-level skills are terrifyingly powerful, their huge consumption also makes a lot of legendary or quasi-legendary super powers happy and sad.

On the one hand, as long as you can master the "super skill", you can continue to use the "extreme exercise method" to exercise the power of the soul, so as to achieve the purpose of gradually becoming stronger. On the other hand, this "super skill" bullies in combat. 'Youth' is still easy to use. Once you face a slightly higher level opponent, basically you can only put it in the cabinet.

Of course, any skill is dead, and how its power ultimately depends on the user and where it is used.

Tier 7 legends include the super powers of the above level. The reason why they are so powerful in ordinary people's eyes even gives people a feeling of 'omnipotence'. At least one-third of them are thanks to such 'super skills'. .

After all, in addition to taking out “bluffing” when facing low-level professionals, this technique that can directly affect and control the energy of the elements outside the body can be played when facing curses, imprisonment, various magic traps, and partial seals. Surprisingly.

It's a pity that none of them know anything about Zhang Yang who lacks systematic learning and guidance from a strong mentor. Moreover, because of the excessively 'playing' relationship, the soul's power is excessively consumed. He can hardly even open his eyes now. Too.

In addition, Zhang Yang has nothing to do now, and he has to spend at least a week or so on this boat, so he does not care about himself just waking up and not a little longer, he took off his coat and poured it directly into the super soft In a blink of an eye, I fell asleep ...

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