Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1420: Soul shock

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In fact, Zhang Yang has long seen that there is a problem with these so-called magic family children. That is, there is no weak strength in the sky, but most of them have no actual combat experience. Of course, the actual combat in Zhang Yang's mouth is not such a playful fight at the moment, but a real battle with real swords and real guns, which can determine life and death in an instant!

How could it be possible to complete the transition from a rookie to a real professional without having experienced the test of blood and fire, or feeling the fear of life at stake? Not to mention the promotion to the fifth-tier gold level, to become a veritable real powerhouse.

From this point of view, most of the magician families in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, including the Damir family where Taren is located, all seem to have entered a misunderstanding in terms of cultivating new generation strength, that is, talent is important, but it can really break through. The person who has been hindered so as to reach the peak must be someone who has experienced a real **** storm and can be rushed out of the sea of ​​corpses with his own strength and faith!

That's why Zhang Yang feels that those families or groups that really have an ancient and long history have actively selected so-called 'geniuses' on the surface, and secretly there should also be 'practical combat' trials specially prepared for them. Otherwise, even if a bunch of Tier 5 and Tier 6 can really be cultivated, once placed on the battlefield, it is nothing more than waiting for the material to be harvested by the enemy, and it is impossible to exert its due strength as expected.

the Rainbow comes after the storm? No matter where it is, this is a simple but unchanging truth.

Therefore, it is not a blame that Zhang Yang did not treat Taren with the strength of "double fourth-order" from the beginning. After all, from his body, Zhang Yang did not feel any breath representing "iron and blood", some It's just a childish peculiar to the little rookie.

This feeling does not lie in strength, it is more a manifestation of mentality and will. Too proud to see the reality clearly, the inner fragility can not afford to fail, and even when it encounters an enemy that is difficult to overcome, it will easily lose its fighting spirit. This is an external manifestation of the lack of actual combat experience.

It is important to know that the real battle is not only about winning or losing, but often determines your life and death!

Therefore, when you lose your fighting spirit in a real battle, it means giving up the hope of life. Therefore, the professionals who have really experienced the blood and fire exercises basically have the tenacious spirit of fighting ceaselessly in their lives. Even if they are inferior and have a great difference in strength, as long as they can fight, they will never shrink and hesitate.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang had a good impression of Taren, and at the same time he knew that he, like him, had already made good achievements on the magician ’s road, and he could bear the hard work of the person who cultivated his body and cultivated his qi and had a keen insight. Grasp the fire yourself and stimulate the opponent a little bit, there is a great possibility to bring him a fundamental change!

So while Taren was still standing at the same spot, Zhang Yang already carried Shi Shiran holding the transparent ice sword in his hand and walked over to him as if taking a walk, and at the same time spoke in a consistent calm tone and said bitterness Harsh words:

"Why, will you give up after just one hit? Is this the true face of the descendants of the Magic family? It seems that your strength is really bad, and to this extent can also be called the top five on this ship. The strong? It ’s a laugh. "

However, deterred by some invisible pressure released from Zhang Yang at this moment, Taren was angry because of the language stimulation and insult of the other party, so that his face was flushed, but his body was instinctively under pressure and fear Driven by the more and more disobedient.

Moreover, even Taren himself was extremely ashamed of his own performance at this moment. He even wandered in the competition and was afraid! Is he just the kind of garbage and waste that has the ability to bully the weak, and once faced with the real strong, he can't even dare to take action?

(No! It ’s not like that! Although I already understand that this guy in tattered clothes is a strong man far superior to himself, but even if he is completely invincible, I should do my best if I can do my best? But why! Why? The body just can't move!)

Even though Taren's face was flushed and his body was still trembling now, he still felt that his consciousness was drawn from the body by what power, as if he had completely lost contact with the body.

Not only that, as the person on the other side approached step by step, Taren felt that the surrounding air seemed to be gradually solidifying. The inexplicable pressure released from the other person was almost as if he could hardly breathe! But the problem is that Taren, who has been staring at each other all the time, understands that the man has not released any power to the surroundings.

(But why? This feeling ... is neither the magic pressure created by the release of magic power, nor the pressure caused by the release of grudge, is it purely spiritual coercion? It seems to be different ... God! If it continues Next, me, me, me ...)

Taren never thought that anyone could directly release such a powerful momentum without borrowing grudge and magic. This feeling is different from the bloodthirsty and killing intentions of those killer mercenaries. How to say, except for the pupil of the other party The color is very rare, and the eyes are focused and calm from the beginning to the end. It seems that there is nothing special about it!

(Is the problem ...)

From the beginning to the end, Taren could not feel any slight emotion from his dark pupil, no anger, no murderous intention, no hatred, and even clearly the other party was stimulating himself with harsh words, but kept watching. Taren, who looked at the other person's eyes, understood that the other party had no sarcasm or contempt at all.

The mysterious man just stared at himself quietly, and what about him? It was impossible to act under this kind of gaze without any threat!

In fact, it is no different from Tarren's suspicion at the moment. When he followed the tutor's teachings and stared at the opponent's eyes in battle, hoping to be able to judge the opponent's emotions, mental state, and even attack trends from it, he forgot A crucial point is that the gap between ordinary people and 'extraordinary'!

The power of the soul is derived from the condensed spiritual power shared by ordinary people, and it is completely higher than ordinary people in nature. At the same time, it is also the breakthrough of the shackles of the sixth order of ordinary life, so as to advance to the seventh-level legendary level. prerequisites! none of them!

Therefore, it is precisely because of this essential difference that Tarun hastily and conscientiously focused his attention on Zhang Yang ’s eyes, using the eye called the “window of the soul” as a bridge, and his own strength is five. Taren who didn't enter the gold level of the first level, but seemed to find himself on the spiritual level. He directly collided with Zhang Yang's soul power that is more powerful than most seventh-level legendary intermediate casters!

So this is better, because the inherently huge gap between the two, Tarun was instantly deterred by Zhang Yang's inadvertently spontaneous soul power! This is the fundamental reason why Taren's strength and level can't be moved after a tentative magic.

And it's not a coincidence that Zhang Yang himself is still a 'monster' who has practiced almost to the present level by himself. Therefore, let alone the mysteries of the power of the soul, the fact that Zhang Yang himself has the power of the soul was learned by chance.

The most fortunate thing is that Zhang Yang's mental state can be kept in a calm and calm state most of the time because of his extremely tenacious relationship. And this trait is reflected in Tarun through soul shock, which is the real reason that his consciousness is almost separated from the body, resulting in inability to act.

Of course, this is actually Tarun ’s luckier. If Zhang Yang was only instinctively inspired by the soul deterrent effect at this moment, so the intensity is extremely low, even if one-tenth of Zhang Yang ’s full effort is not achieved, I ’m afraid Tarren don't say thinking, or even consciousness will fall into a blank under this extremely overbearing soul shock!

Moreover, if Zhang Yang ’s consciousness is full of emotions such as darkness, blood, or bloodthirsty madness, then Taren, who was affected by the deterrence, is likely to be completely mad in an instant. The temperament turned into a madman!

It's a pity that when Taren finally found out where the problem was, it seemed too late, even if he realized at the moment that turning his head and not looking at the other person's eyes should eliminate this effect and get rid of the current will and body. Almost separated state.

But the problem is that he can't control the body to make any movements now, let alone turning his head, even the slightest movements such as closing his eyes with his eyelids can't be done!

And Zhang Yang? Because the power of the soul he owns is still in the process of exploring slowly by "two eyes and one black" alone, although he also feels that Tarun ’s state and reality are a little weird at the moment, he did not think about it at all. I just thought that this fair-haired blue-haired boy had too little willpower, but was simply stunned by himself.

So when Zhang Yang walked three meters in front of Tarun's eyes, Zhang Yang lifted his hand to cut the ice sword into the opponent's body with his hand. When Zhang Yang saw the other person even holding his blush and his neck thick, he was still stunned for a while. Then he said again:

"Interesting, don't you think I won't hurt you if you don't move? Is it too naive? Then give you three counts. If you still don't move, don't blame me for not reminding you when I started attacking When ... you are likely to die. "

(Damn! Do you think I want to do this ?! Do you think I do n’t want to move ?! It ’s not all made by you like this! Who knows that your monster will be so powerful! Naive? Your sister Naive! Your family is naive! Who can help me stop him! I, I do n’t want to die !!)

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