Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1437: Initial confrontation

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"I didn't let you go, you can't go!"

At the moment when the scorching breath rising from behind Zhang Yang rose, the mysterious girl's overbearing words also floated over.

It wasn't until this time that Zhang Yang could determine the other party's occupation. If he was right, this young girl seemed to be a very powerful fire magician! Not only that, as the girl began to condense magic power, a feeling that made Zhang Yang vaguely feel a little familiar suddenly flooded his mind.

The wave of fire that was extremely swelled and wanted to rise to the sky every time ... seemed to be the same as the magic wave that had just appeared on the square near the port!

So when this kind of enlightenment rises from Zhang Yang's heart, he knows that this is simply the continuation of the 'trouble' just now, not an accidental incident.

It's just that Zhang Yang, who is full of humility and intimidation, doesn't have any interest in reasoning, so even if the other party is ruthless and magical, Zhang Yang treats it as if the other party doesn't exist. Take the wildebeest and walk away.

However, this time Zhang Yang really underestimated the other party's temper. After all, for a magician who has been in a high position since childhood, who is said to be what it is, it is enough to be rejected by a person who is probably unknown as a soldier. .

Moreover, for a guy who has no taboos and dared to fight in a crowded place like the square near the port, how could he just finish it by just arrogantly saying something?

So just when Zhang Yang took the wildebee and took three steps, the powerful magic pressure behind him that had gradually risen to the sixth-order purple gold level in Zhang Yang's perception, was suddenly a little condensed, followed by a red The arrow-shaped flame that made people feel dazzling had already drawn a fiery red light and went straight to the wildebeest beside Zhang Yang!

Fortunately, although Zhang Yang was a little surprised, he didn't panic. After all, for him, who is sensitive and sensitive, and whose reaction speed is super fast, it is impossible to succeed in sneak attacks unless he has more strength than him.

Therefore, when the brightly strange flame arrow came one meter behind the wildebeest beside Zhang Yang, as the power of the soul in Zhang Yang's body suddenly launched, an element of water suddenly appeared on his right wrist. It spread out in the middle, and then immediately formed a light blue diamond-shaped ice shield in front of the flaming arrow!

In fact, generally speaking, as long as the strength of a magician reaches the fifth level of gold, then as they understand the magic they are good at, and the more skilled their magic skills are, they can strengthen the low level to some extent. Level magic, so that it has the power close to the intermediate level magic at the cost of increasing consumption.

It's just that this kind of strengthening is not limitless. Due to the influence of certain rules, the effect of this kind of strengthening magic can only increase the power of low-level magic by three.

Therefore, taking this first-order fire magic [flame arrow], which is obviously added at this moment, even a super-strong man with a seventh-order legendary strength can give it up at most. Fire Arrows' power has been increased to the level of fourth-order magic.

And the [Flame Arrow] released by the mysterious girl at this moment clearly achieves the effect of this "extreme magic". Therefore, from the magic class alone, Zhang Yang relies on the fourth-order diamond released by the fourth-order magic core on the grudge bracelet. Ice Shield is exactly the same in level as the [Flame Arrow] released by this mysterious girl.

So even considering the mutual relationship between fire magic and water magic, the final result of the collision of these two magics is likely to just cancel each other out and disappear together.

However, the problem is that higher-level magicians can better control the magic they release, so even if [Fire Arrow] is enhanced to its apex by "extreme magic", for high-level magicians, if this person's talent If it is strong enough, elemental affinity and control is strong enough, then he can continue to work **** the control of magic.

So from this point of view, Zhang Yang, a person who can only use magical powers with the help of the "Braces of Grievance", and has never specifically received any magic learning or magic training, as long as his power does not reach an overwhelming level , It is impossible to be the opponent of a real high-level magician!

So just before that bright red [Flame Arrow] was about to hit the diamond-shaped ice shield released by Zhang Yang, this [Flame Arrow] purely made of fire elements condensed and turned forward. Under the control of the mysterious girl, the whole arrow turned suddenly and extremely smoothly like noodles, and then after easily bypassing the diamond-shaped ice shield released by Zhang Yang, he directly hit the unlucky wildebeest!

Therefore, the bright red [Flame Arrow] at this moment instantly showed the powerful power contained in it!

Since it was easily shot into the body of the unlucky wildebeest from the buttocks, this strong wildebeest, almost the same height as Zhang Yang and less body weight, had to have six or seven hundred Pakri, but he only had time to sneeze, Then the whole body was reddened and instantly burned to ashes by the huge fire element contained in that [flame arrow]!

So at this moment the scene for Zhang Yang seemed a little awkward. The diamond-shaped ice shield he released instantly did not play its due role at all. Even his left hand at this moment still maintained the posture of holding the rein to lead the horse. But the problem is that only half of the reins still slightly smoked in his hands. The wildebeest that had just been rented and had enough time to ride, has now turned into a thick black dust and left directly on the ground. A thin layer.

Fortunately, when the mysterious girl broke the magic pressure before, the irrelevant people had long scattered the birds and beasts. Up to now, in addition to the sporadic one or two bolder guys, they dare cats to stretch their heads and stretch their heads here. The person had run clean for a long time, which was indeed accidentally made Zhang Yang not embarrassed in front of the crowd.

In this regard, even if Zhang Yang's temper is good, he can't be indifferent. Since everyone has already started, he doesn't need to continue to pretend.

Moreover, Zhang Yang never felt that he was a good-tempered person. Although he could often tolerate many times, it was just too lazy to have common knowledge with ordinary people or ordinary professionals.

Now it's okay, just using "Extreme Magic" plus the super fine magic control power of this record, it is enough to make Zhang Yang regard this self-feeling and mysterious girl as a comparable opponent!

After all, don't look at Zhang Yang's back to the girl all the time, but with his sharpness of soul perception now, it's actually not that different if he turns around at such a short distance. In addition, Zhang Yang already understands that his own three-legged cats generally create specious magic, and ordinary people like Tarun okay to say that once they fight a really powerful magician like a mysterious girl, it is simply a joke!

So it was just a round of contact. Zhang Yang knew that if he did n’t show some real strength today, he was afraid that he would n’t be able to kill the other party. Even if he did n’t make it, he might be cleaned up by the other party. By that time, it wouldn't be as simple as the magical robe that looks like it outside, it would be lighter in terms of the strength of the other party!

So after making up his mind, Zhang Yang said directly:

"what do you mean."

This sentence should obviously be a question, but after Zhang Yang said it lightly, it was a bit weird against his unique calm and indifferent tone. Fortunately, the little girl not far behind Zhang Yang was also not quite like a normal person, so in the face of such a question without any tone or even a sense of color, the girl did not answer this question and instead asked her chin again. :

"Ask you again, be my guard!"


"Ah! You really can't see the coffin and can't cry! Do you think you can compete with me based on your incompetent magic ability? I'm not afraid to tell you that I am still fighting except for the legendary super powers. But beyond that, I have the ability to defeat anyone under it, so unless you suddenly become a legendary superpower, I would advise you not to do unnecessary struggles and just follow me! "

Speaking of that, when a young girl looked at her chin with a stern look, she looked like a boss under the legend and my second son, the force of vomiting in Zhang Yang's body began to move. Not only that, but it ’s just a general announcement, but why the more she said just now, when Zhang Yang heard it, he felt heavier and heavier, except for the overbearing people who wanted to smoke him, What about the feeling of meeting the 'bandit leader'?

But this does not seem to be the point. Compared with the mysterious girl's inexplicable self-confidence, Zhang Yang's anger finally came up.

"What if I just don't agree?"

"It's simple. It won't be long until you hit the suit, unless you want to be like the broken horse."

"Are you threatening me?"

"What is‘ calculated ’? I ’m threatening you! What ’s the matter, I just have that kind of strength!”

You said that Zhang Yang found it here, but she found out that this girl is a kind of madness. The more you treat her, the more she reasoned with her, the more she raises the bar with you. So the best way to deal with this kind of person is to speak directly with strength. After all, as long as she breaks the seaport that she boasted, I believe she can really stop.

But before this, Zhang Yang has to ask two more questions.

"I really don't understand, I didn't recruit you and didn't mess with you, why did you have to get rid of me? And then, did your elders ever teach you, please introduce yourself when asking strangers to do things Who is this, this is the most basic courtesy! "

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