Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1439: Great magic bombing

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Fire magic has always been known for its powerful destructive power in the entire huge magic spectrum, but just like most magic, even if the fire magic is below the fourth level, it cannot really reflect it. That terrible destructive power.

Therefore, from the beginning of the fourth-order magic, with the emergence of a series of powerful range of attack magics such as [Blasting Fire], [Lenzhu Fireball] and [Fire Ring], the magical power of fire magic can really be reflected. .

However, this is actually just the beginning. With the improvement of the magician's own level and the deepening of his control of the fire magic, after the ability to use the "extreme magic" ability, the extremely amazing power of the fire magic is completely. Reflected.

Take the most representative and the most frequently used [Flame Explosion] at the same time. Under normal circumstances, the power of this fourth-order fire magic explosion can reach at most a dozen square meters.

The problem is that when the technique of 'Extreme Magic' is used and the caster forcibly injects a large number of fire elements into the ordinary [Fire Blast], the power of this already explosive fire magic suddenly follows the infusion The magic power of the fire system is also increasing geometrically!

Moreover, because the maximum effect of "Extreme Magic" can only reach Tier 3, when the power of [Blasting] is increased to the limit, it has become a killing trick comparable to the legendary magic of Tier 7!

Of course, "Extreme Magic" is not a big deal that anyone can learn and use, so compared to "double casting" or "silent spell casting" and other casting skills that can be used when the talent is low enough, I want to The lowest level of using "Extreme Magic" must also be above the fifth level of gold!

Not only that, even the highly talented fifth-level gold junior magicians, in general, they can only use the skills of 'extreme magic' on first-level or even zero-level magic, and their enhancement level is just Its power has increased by one order.

In contrast to the hatchback, it seems to many magicians that it is not as simple and affordable to directly release higher-level magic.

However, the problem is that since a first-order [Flame Arrow] after strenuously using the "Extreme Magic" technique to increase its power to the top, the effect is still likely to be inferior to an ordinary version of the fourth-order [Flaming] or [Lianzhu Fireball] So why would a powerful fire magician like a mysterious girl choose this seemingly thankless way?

To put it bluntly, it's actually very simple, that is, don't look at using "Extreme Magic" to increase the power of [Flame Arrow] to Tier 4 is both troublesome and laborious, but compared to directly releasing a self consumed by [Burst] As far as magic power is concerned, the magic power consumed by the [flame arrow] in this state of "extreme magic" is still equivalent to the level of the first-level magic!

For a magician who has a limited amount of magic reserve per unit time, it is clear at a glance which side of the cost of releasing a fourth-order magic and the cost of releasing a first-order magic is clear. Of course, there is a certain balance in most things in this world, so although this "extreme magic" technique can greatly enhance the magical power and also greatly save its own magic power, it consumes spiritual rice. Not only is it lower than releasing a normal fourth-order magic, but it is even proportional to the improvement of the equal-order power, which is almost three times the energy consumption of normal fourth-order magic!

Therefore, the technique of using “extreme magic” is very mentally consuming. Without enough mental power, even if the magic skill is good enough, but after a magical bombardment, there is still a lot of own magic power, but if the mental power is first The excessive consumption in one step is still the same and can no longer continue to release magic.

The reason for this is that "Extreme Magic" is only based on its own strong spiritual power. With its excellent affinity for elements, it absorbs elements from the outside and injects it into low-level magic, thereby achieving the purpose of increasing its power.

So from this point of view, when you use the technique of ‘extreme magic’, you can not only exercise your elemental control, but also achieve the dual purpose of consuming too much mental energy. So from this point of view, like the young female magician in front of Zhang Yang's eyes, you can instantaneously raise two "Flame Arrows" with "extreme magic" skills, and this talent and ability are no longer What the simple genius can encompass, it seems too much to call her a century-old wizard.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang knows very little about this profound magical knowledge. Therefore, in his view, the "Feeding Arrow" [Flame Arrow] released by the other party is surprisingly powerful, but it is not clear where the specific is.

However, after the two layers of "Pole Demon" in the state of "Burst" was cast by the mysterious young female magician, Zhang Yang had to be shocked!

Although the other party not only used the staff to increase the cast of the "Blasting Technique", which was enhanced to the sixth level with the "Extreme Magic" skill, but also honestly stood and chanted the mantra on the spot, but This horrible fireball, which is half a meter in diameter and has everything within a hundred meters of the radius within the radius of the explosion, is still too much!

To be honest, this is when Zhang Yang saw the machine early. When he felt the danger, he enabled the ability of [Thunderbolt Enhancement] to comprehensively strengthen himself. This was the speed of the sudden increase to the sixth-order purple gold level. Fireball 'escaped from the explosion area before landing.

But the problem is that this doesn't seem to be finished at all. When Zhang Yang was about to bypass the four walls of fire, which were almost a piece of the city, and approached and launched an attack, Enron just stood there and threw such a horror. The mysterious female magician in Yan Bang's area was extremely relied on, and the four walls of fire rising up one after another in his hand waved Zhang Yangsheng into the back!

In fact, Zhang Yang originally wanted to rely on the power of the "lightning shield" contained under his skin and the fire wall on the ground with four diamond-shaped ice shields outside, but the problem was that he controlled the floating ground outside him. When testing the power of the fire wall, the ice shield had enough magical strength of the fourth order, and should have been able to stick to the diamond-shaped ice shield for a while in the burning of the third order fire wall. It even began to melt quickly after entering the fire wall. From this point of view, I am afraid that this ice shield will have to completely melt and disappear in three instants.

So this time Zhang Yang understood again, good guy, this series of fire walls is not an ordinary third-order fire magic [fire wall technique], but it is the same as the previous additions [flame arrow] and the horrible "fire explosion technique". 】 Likewise, it's all super magic of 'adding material'!

In contrast, the young female magician used the "extreme magic" technique to improve these fire walls by several steps. Zhang Yang could not guess, but only from the external "selling phase", these each A crimson fire wall with a width of six meters and a flame height of more than six meters can never be viewed with ordinary third-order magic.

It's a pity that the young female magician didn't give Zhang Yang more time to think, just in the moment when he stopped trying and thinking in the same place, the other party put the staff on the spot and put it on the spot. Cast a spell and cast magic!

So this time, with Zhang Yang's warning signs appearing again, the scene just before it was almost completely repeated!

With a bright red fireball with a diameter of half a meter that was just like the horrible explosion of the previous explosion, when a brand-new mushroom cloud appeared with a scorching shock wave, Zhang Yang was suddenly again within a hundred meters in diameter behind him. Turned into a ruin and a sea of ​​fire!

This time Yang Yang is really depressed, the other party is really ready to treat himself as a fixed battery! The wall in front of the fire blocked the road, and the casting time of up to two moments later was a terrifying big flame burst like a heavy artillery *. It was generally overcoming. This is simply Laipi's style of play!

What's more, although Zhang Yang's understanding of magic is not deep enough, in addition to accidentally obtaining a half-lich's experience of undead magic, other than the more common sense, there is not too much involved, but he still understands that only In terms of the magic of the most common sixth-order Zijin intermediate magician, like the third- and fourth-order magic in front of you, the other party can casually put more than 200 magic powers without interruption!

In addition to the magical power of these magics, it is unclear whether Zhang Yang will have anything under the mad bombing, but how many wreckages can be left in this bustling port city by then. said!

Unfortunately, at this time, Zhang Yang just couldn't do anything to stop talking. At that moment, it seemed to Zhang Yang that the young female magician, who was young but indistinguishable from terrorists, discovered that Zhang Yang could escape her release one after another. After the ultimate magic, it seems that not only is not angry, but it seems to be a little excited!

So it's okay this time, as long as Zhang Yang stays in a place for more than two instants, a huge fireball with a diameter of about half a meter smashes over.

However, not only that, Zhang Yang finally got around to the right side of the young female magician, and there was only one side left unblocked by the fire wall, and at the fastest speed of the appearance stage, he rushed to 15 meters away from the other side. At that time, I saw that the mysterious young female magician slammed the staff in the hand to the ground, and suddenly a bright orange-red light passed from the staff to the ground, from the young female magician. In the center, a fire wave with a height of more than 6 meters as a whole spreads out in an instant!

This is good, because at this moment Zhang Yang is close enough to the other party, so he clearly sees that no matter the bricks or trees along the way, even after this fire wave has all become dark and crisp! If this burns to himself, I am afraid that Zhang Yang will be burnt by that fire wave in just a moment. It is not clear whether he will die, but the designation of the clothes cannot be kept.

As for the instant jump from the fire wave? It's easy to jump seven or eight meters with Zhang Yang's strength and physical quality, but the problem is that Zhang Yang Ruo really jumped into the air. At that time, he couldn't fly at all. Hasn't he become a target in the opponent's eyes?

So Zhang Yang had no choice but to retreat!

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