Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1467: Flame Destroyer

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So when Zhang Yang saw this faint blue flame, his expression could no longer remain calm! Even though Zhang Yang does n’t know much about magic, it is a simple matter to distinguish temperature and power by the color of the flame.

Starting from the orange flame with the lowest temperature, to the red flame, and then to the bright red flame, these not only have a progressive relationship in color, but even the temperature gradually increases from low to high. But even the strongest bright red flame among them can only reach the level of sixth-order magic.

However, once the color of the flame changes from bright red to dark blue, it is equivalent to an overall improvement in quality! That is a huge difference between Fanfa and Legend, a huge gap on a level!

By this time, it is not just a difference in flame temperature. In essence, it can reach the level of a faint blue flame, which is already a manifestation of the extreme intensification of the fire element!

Therefore, for this kind of flame, let alone the general weapon armor, it is the magic shield or body protection grudge released by ordinary professionals. It is the same as paper in front of this kind of flame with very low temperature but extremely high temperature. A little bit is the result of thorough melting or even direct ash!

Therefore, in front of this faint blue flame, the person who was hit by "instant ash" is not a slightly exaggerated way of describing, but just the most appropriate and simple statement.

So when Zhang Yang saw the flame destroyer tens of meters away seemingly casually spitting out a faint blue flame, Zhang Yang immediately took a step and changed the castration before he quickly rushed forward. He turned to the side and turned.

At this moment, when the three dark-colored sniper arrows shot by Zhang Yang met the faint blue flames spit out by the flame destroyer, they were completely made of fine iron and could easily break the fifth-order protection released by Sang Nali before. The magical sniper arrow turned completely crimson after passing through the faint blue flame!

Not only that, when these three sniper arrows, which seemed to have been taken out of the furnace, were shot at the flame destroyer, the sharp and hard all-metal arrows were turned into a pool of hot metal liquid. The other person's body.

So far, Zhang Yang's three arrows didn't hurt the other party. At the moment, looking at the flaming destroyer's squinting expression, it seemed to be extremely enjoyable. So this time Zhang Yang will understand that unless he uses only two "black arrows" or other high-level magic arrows now, even if he has a magic iron arrow with a broken magic function, he will face this kind of terrible high temperature. The faint blue flames are no different.

(No wonder that Sanna Li ’s girl was so nervous when she saw this Flame Destroyer. In the face of this kind of powerful elemental creature that has not yet reached the level 7 legendary level, but can already use the level 7 legendary level of talented flames. , As a fire magician, the restraint she suffered can almost be described as almost abolished!)

Thinking of this, even Zhang Yang ’s original sufficient confidence was shaken. At this moment, he was already approaching the circle within 50 meters from the flame destroyer. However, at this distance, Zhang Yang already felt that he exceeded The terror heat that the 13 meters high flame destroyer naturally exudes!

And this is still the feeling after he has used the [Intermediate Flame Resistance] scroll and the [Intermediate Magic Resistance] scroll. If not so, I am afraid that I will move forward 10 meters and 20 meters before using the flame destroyer system. Attack, the intense heat emitted by itself has almost reached the level of igniting the already broken magic robe outside Zhang Yang!

Therefore, Zhang Yang feels that if he really rushes up to launch a melee attack in this situation, he must not only be careful of the extremely dangerous and deadly blue flame that is spit out from the mouth of the flame destroyer, or even just his body. The outside has already roasted the ground so hot that it has started to redden and melt, and it will almost turn Zhang Yang into a barbecue on the campfire.

But the problem is that even if Zhang Yang does not look back, it is clear that at the moment when he launched the attack, Sang Nali has begun to focus on depicting the 'expulsion' magic circle on the ground, so after at most half a minute, according to Sang Nali's Analyzing this flaming destroyer will perceive the threat that the magic circle she portrays poses to her, and launch an attack on it!

So Zhang Yang's situation is already difficult for him to ride a tiger. Even if he doesn't take the initiative to attack now, he will have to fight with this terrifying flame destroyer in order to protect Sang Nali. Otherwise, if this monster really completes the work at hand, so that the flame portal is completely cured, and then several flame destroyers are called from the plane of the fire element where it is, then it will be true. Without the room for turning, it is really big!

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang sighed helplessly, and then he saw that he immediately took the 'Dark Night Kiss' in his hand and directly retracted the space ring, and then re-drawn the sixth-order water magic sword 'Water Mirror' from his waist. come out.

Since you have no choice, you can only face it. Furthermore, Zhang Yang ’s troubles after his rebirth are not two or two. Although they have not reached the level that they are accustomed to, they do not adjust their mentality to actively face it. problem.

Therefore, at the moment when the "water mirror" came out of the sheath, Zhang Yang fully inspired the function of the vindictive bracelet, and then through the increase of the sixth-order magic sword "water mirror", directly with a water element energy blade similar to the blade of the qi To the flame destroyer continually cut through the circle and cut through the air!

After all, even if this flaming destroyer was able to spit out that faint blue horror flame, the flame outside it could not reach the level of that faint blue. Therefore, Zhang Yang felt that even if the pseudo-qi fighting from the pure water element he issued now could not seriously hurt the other party, it should not be a problem to cause a small wound on the other party and incidentally cause trouble to the flame destroyer being cast. .

You have to know that Zhang Yang is quite clear about his position now. His task this time is to entangle the flame destroyer, thereby attracting the monster ’s attention to prevent it from attacking Sang Nali, who is depicting the magic circle, if it can interfere with it. The magic of its solidified flame portal is considered to have exceeded its goal.

So for Zhang Yang now, there is actually no need to risk being “sprayed” into a skeleton to fight with this terrifying flame destroyer as long as he can successfully distract his attention and let the flame monster “hate” 'Go to yourself, Zhang Yang basically completed the task. As for the remaining problems, how to make this monster continue to hate himself and succeed in the whole body before Sang Nali completes the' expulsion 'magic array to get this flame destroyer And retreated.

The problem is that when Zhang Yang circled around the flame destroyer forty meters or so while firing a 'pseudo-crushing qi' to it, the flame destroyer's eyes lit up first, followed by an unidentified sound from his mouth. The roar, followed by a fifth-order fire magic [Burst Fire Ring] that Sang Nali had used before suddenly released in a more bursting and fierce form than the one Zhang Yang had seen before!

So as the power of this [Burst of Fire] was released in an instant, since the flame destroyer was the center, almost within a radius of 50 meters was all covered by its power!

This is good. Not only did Zhang Yang's 30 or 40 light blue water elemental energy cuts in one breath be destroyed by this [Burst Fire Ring], even Zhang Yang himself was up to ten meters in height. The tumbling fire waves forced Sheng Sheng back more than ten meters!

So much so that not only did Zhang Yang's previous efforts do useless work, so far, not to mention hurting the opponent, even the attack successfully fell on the opponent's body hardly!

Zhang Yang is also quite helpless about this. Who made him become extremely powerful after achieving Ere ’s body, but he has lost the ability to continue to cultivate qi, so he cannot use the various offensive and defensive means brought by qi. When attacking magic and elements, one's own defensive ability is suddenly much worse than that of a combatant who can use grudge at the same level.

If it were n’t the case, it would be a normal high-ranking warrior, without considering the consumption of grudge, in the face of the fifth-order fire magic [Explosion Fire Ring] that had a large range but a little destructive power but was not enough Relying on the grudge armor outside him, he rushed directly at the cost of consuming a lot of grudge.

The problem is that in reality, there has never been "if" and "if", and Zhang Yang, who can achieve the body of Ere under the chance, should also be satisfied. After all, don't look at him even if he does not use any skills and skills related to thunder Skills can be compared with most of the fifth-level gold intermediate or even fifth-level gold senior combatants. Once the [Thunderbolt Enhancement] is used, it is even stronger than the ordinary sixth-order Zijin intermediate.

But Zhang Yang himself is clear. Judging from his cultivation progress and the comprehensive quality of Ere ’s body, Zhang Yang ’s true level is actually not even the fifth-level gold level, and now it is only the fourth-level silver intermediate level. If you want to smoothly advance to the fourth-order silver advanced level, you have to absorb the entire level of death force and about 70% of the life force.

Therefore, what can Zhang Yang have to complain and be dissatisfied with the strength of the fourth-order silver intermediate level?

So Zhang Yang, who was forced to retreat by the flame destroyer, was not discouraged, but as the tumbling explosion wave receded, he again thrust the sword forward and waved between hands and cut out more than ten pale blues Colored water element energy cut.

After all, Zhang Yang could see clearly at that moment, when the Flame Destroyer released [Burst Fire Ring], even if the guy ’s posture did n’t change, both hands and claws were still pointing towards the direction of the flame portal, but with Zhang Yang ’s eyesight It was discovered that a fiery white magic rune on the outer edge of the flame portal that had already started to light up disappeared as the flame destroyer released [Burst of Fire]!

From this, Zhang Yang can conclude that although the flame destroyer is powerful, at the same time, he can only choose between curing the portal and releasing magic!

In this way, as long as Zhang Yang repeats the harassment actions of the genius, can't he easily accomplish the task of containment?

But the question is, will all this be so simple and so smooth?

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