Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1471: Doubts and invitations

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(Is it true that only what I can say? It seems that what he said before is indeed reserved, is it about the source of the news? Or is this kind of "Anqila Zerg" appearing, this matter itself Has a great relationship with him?)

A person ’s position is different, and his thoughts will change accordingly. Moreover, for the master of a country like the Queen of Magic, Estra, most of the time, personal gain and loss and honor are only secondary. The entire magic The interests and needs of Kingdom Pompeii are really important.

Therefore, although Estella, the Queen of Magic, did not directly express the doubts in her heart, she still put Zhang Yang in doubt. Fortunately, she had a good impression of Zhang Yang before this, so she did not directly subdue it, but gave him the opportunity to explain.

So he took a deep look at Zhang Yang, who was calm, and the Queen of Magic, Estella, said in the same calm tone:

"Whether as the queen of the magic kingdom of Pompeii, or simply as a magician, I am very curious to know that these are likely to come to the Anchorage of Orlando from the eccentric plane. Will they use magic? Their strength characteristics How? I hope that the only one who has been in contact with them has been able to describe it to me in as much detail as possible. "

I do n’t know whether it is because of the relationship between the power of the soul, or Zhang Yang has an extraordinary intuition. Anyway, when the queen of magic, Estra, asked this question, Zhang Yang vaguely felt that this beautiful queen Adults seem to have nothing to say.

After all, although the Queen of Magic, Estra, looked at Zhang Yang's gaze calmly, Zhang Yang always felt that this kind of calm was like the weather on the sea. It was completely unpredictable. Maybe it was sunny and calm before the moment, but it may be directly scrapped after a moment. The torrential and sudden showers are almost unclear.

However, from all aspects, Zhang Yang did not show any malice to the magic kingdom of Pompeii, so even if he felt that the Queen ’s performance was a little strange at the moment, it still was how to deal with these safety in the death desert. The situation of the Qiraji Zerg encounter and how to fight it was introduced one by one, one by one, even at the end, Zhang Yang also specifically concluded:

"From the perspective of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg that I have seen so far, the greatest characteristic of its strength is that it has far more power, speed and responsiveness than the same level of Warcraft. In addition, their vitality is very tenacious, not only born in vitro The thickness and strength of the carapace are all amazing, even if they are still struggling to continue to fight for a period of time. So unless the brain can be directly destroyed in the battle, the general attack is not enough to cause fatal damage. After all, just before me When I gathered the corpses, I found that these Zergs seem to have more than one heart. Therefore, it is obviously inefficient to start from this aspect when calculating the thickness of their bodies. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang glanced at the opposite face without any abnormalities. At the moment, Sang Nali, who was attentively listening to his explanation, sighed inwardly before continuing:

"Because of my special physique, it is basically impossible to use grudge and magic, so I don't know how resistant these zergs are to magic. As for the question raised by the Queen, I can still be quite certain It is said that they will not use magic or similar attack techniques, but after listening to Master Cromwell's analysis, I can't give any guarantee in this regard. "

After listening to Zhang Yang say this, whether it is the learned master Cromwell, or the Queen of Magic Estra himself, all at this moment all show a thoughtful expression. Zhang Yang naturally showed enough patience. After all, he has felt vaguely now. I'm afraid it's not over yet.

Either way, Zhang Yang has the potential for a "crow mouth". Most of the time, the good and bad spirits don't talk about it. In terms of things related to themselves, they are almost unequivocal. Basically, there are no good things.

Therefore, when the Queen of Magic, Estella, raised her head from her contemplation and refocused her eyes on Zhang Yang's face, the queen of the "three highs" in value, status and strength asked Yun Dan gently. There was such a sentence.

"Actually, there is still a doubt in my heart that from the beginning to the end, you call these huge alien worms 'Ahn'Qiraj Zerg' and have a certain tone. And even if you are in the desert of death Their encounter was only accidental, but just seeing such a group of powerful 'worm-like Warcraft' will allow you to discover the threat first and then come before Master Cromwell's research and judgment I warned Pompeii, it seems that it can no longer be evaded by 'alertness' or 'premonition'. It should have known their existence for a long time, and understand the meaning and threat of these Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, right? So I ’m curious to know, where did you learn about their name, Ahn'Qiraj Zerg? And how much other important information did not tell us? Mr. Wright. "

In fact, just halfway through the words of the Queen of Magic Estra, Zhang Yang understood why he always felt that the other party's eyes were a bit wrong. Although it was not hostile, there was a trace of inexplicable doubt and vague unbelief. Can't run.

Now that the Queen of Magic, Estra, said that Zhang Yang finally understood where the problem was. In the end, it turned out to be a flaw in an obscure title!

So at this moment Zhang Yang could not help lamenting that this beautiful queen was indeed well-known. In addition to her sharp and rigorous thinking, her logic analysis and reasoning skills are also outstanding. After all, as far as these points are concerned, both Sonali and Cromwell, who had received the same information as her, were completely unaware before the Queen of Magic Estra raised this question.

It's just that at this moment, the reaction of Sonali and Master Cromwell was completely different. The shocking expression of doubt and disappointment was really worrying.

However, in this regard, Zhang Yang is equally worthy of question. After all, whether it is the existence of the ancestor Ruoya or the history of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, etc., these are not decisive for the crisis facing the magic kingdom Pompeii. Significance.

Therefore, under the beautiful eyes of the magic queen Estra, Zhang Yang still said indifferently:

"Everyone has a secret. In my opinion, as long as it is not holding some kind of malice, then there is no need to say it. Moreover, the wisdom of the Queen should be able to understand, in fact, I do not need to take the risk of being suspected at all. The information of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg tells you. The reason for this is that I just don't want those innocent ordinary people to suffer needless suffering. After all, whether it is for the present human kingdom or the entire Orlando continent, it is now everywhere. In the crisis, so if you can kill new threats in the cradle and let the innocent people die less, I think it will be a good thing for everyone? "

Although Zhang Yang's remarks were not passionate, his words were extremely sincere. This suddenly left Sang Nali who had listened to all this on the spot, and then his eyes became a little confused.

After all, no matter whether it is the long-winded magic queen of Estella and Master Cromwell, or the relatively simple Sang Nali, it is unclear whether Zhang Yang ’s remarks are genuine, or just say These scenes are just words.

So after a brief silence, the Queen of Magic, Estra, spoke directly:

"I have always heard that the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, which has risen resolutely in just two or three years in the north of the French Empire, is quite different. It not only has a good reputation in the mercenary industry, but even takes care of orphans from all walks of life. It is simply a charitable organization. It is not an exaggeration. Although I have n’t been able to see it with my own eyes, but Mr. Wright ’s words alone are enough to show one or two of them. Therefore, if everyone in the human kingdom can have Mr. Wright ’s consciousness, we must be truly human. The days of glorious peak are not far away? "

"Admiral Queen is ridiculous. I just don't want to see all the broken walls and the bones and bones everywhere I go, and it is not as noble as the Queen said."

"Really? But I think unintentional kindness is true kindness, and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps under the command of Wright has always insisted on such kindness from the beginning of its establishment. Until now, it has made the best interpretation of its own actions. . Even I really admire this. "

The Huahua sedan lifted up and could speak these words as the magic queen of Estella. Although Zhang Yang was a little puzzled, she could only answer:

"It's just some little things within our power. In contrast, the inhabitants of the magic kingdom Pompeii can live and work as far as I can see, and the order in each city is really more valuable. Not to mention the magic legion's achievements in the front line of the **** battle in the south. It has made a huge contribution to the safety of the entire human country, which is really admirable. "

Zhang Yang ’s performance in current affairs seems to be quite satisfying for Queen of Magic, Estra. After all, there are many powerful players, but those who can have both weak strength and decisive power, and at the same time can recognize people who are not proud of the current affairs, are really. not much.

Therefore, at this moment, the magical queen of magic, Estra, looked at him with a slight smile, so that Zhang Yang really realized what was called "amazing"!

But at this time, she heard her say again:

"Thank you very much Mr. Wright for coming to Pompeii without hesitation and bringing important news and samples with the emergence of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg along with the samples. Moreover, I find that you get along very well with Sang Nali, which has always been She did not make any friends, it was really a happy thing. So although a little presumptuous, I still hope that Mr. Wright can stay in Dalaran for a period of time in order to communicate further. So, a few days ago The dean of the Sacred Demon Academy has always complained about the lack of a warrior mentor. I think Mr. Wright is competent enough in terms of character and strength. Therefore, before finding a suitable candidate, please ask Mr. Wright to act as a temporary agent. Well, it is so pleasant Decision! "

(Can I ... can I curse people?)

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