Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1477: Abandoned college

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"Oh? Where do you say it is?"

What happens when a person is in a bad mood? There may be countless kinds of answers, but the more common thing is that when you are in a bad mood, your temper will also be bad, and most of you will develop the kind of seeing nothing and wanting to fight.

So for Zhang Yang who vaguely felt that he had been pitted, even in a bad mood, even speaking is no longer as calm and calm as usual, but instead has a sense of deliberately finding fault.

Therefore, in the face of the question from the visitor, Zhang Yang did not answer the question at the moment, so that the feeling of knowing to deliberately find faults is plainly obvious, and this attitude that does not put the two hundred people on the opposite side in the eyes. Let the opening question ask the square-faced middle-aged warrior to be furious.

However, even in this case, the opponent still did not completely lose his mind because of his anger, and then directly ordered an attack. Instead, after a few breathless breaths, the anger was temporarily suppressed, and then he waved and commanded the soldiers around him. The twenty or so students who were beaten up and brought them back to the front, and said to Zhang Yang coldly:

"I don't know what the feast is between your Excellency and our soldiers branch. Could it be that you came here to humiliate us this time?"

The other party's repeated forbearance is somewhat beyond Zhang Yang's expectations, and this daring and daring expression makes Zhang Yang both angry and sad.

After all, how much frustration and humiliation will a tormentor who has at least a fifth-level intermediate or higher level of strength have to experience to be tortured to lose courage like the other party? So at this moment, vaguely guessing some possible Zhang Yang finally sighed secretly, and then said:

"Warrior Branch? Could it be the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Demon Academy? That's really embarrassing. I thought it was just an abandoned old castle, so I plan to clean it here for my own residence."

Although Zhang Yang's words seem to be interpreting on the surface, as long as he is a little brainy, he can easily hear the implicit taunt from his words. So after he said this, the members of the 200-plus Warriors Academy who faced him suddenly glared at him, even excited, and could not help but curse back:

"Bold fanatics! Do you really bully our soldiers branch no one ?! Don't hide your head from the head if you have the ability, haven't your parents taught you the most basic etiquette ?!"

"That's it! Since you can come here through the door of the Sacred Magic Academy, how could you not know where it is? So don't think we don't know what you are doing, if you guessed right, you should be the Academy of Magic Let ’s get the doglegs over there! "

"It's so deceiving!"

"Yes! Tutor Alvo, we are so high and low, we can't be bullied by such a guy with his head hidden, even if he is stronger than us, I can't believe him if you go together!"

"Yes! Don't talk nonsense with this kind of doglegs, wait for him to find his teeth all over the ground, to see if he dare to make a big speech here!"

"Bash him! Beat him!"


To be honest, even in this huge and empty square, more than two hundred people gathered to clamor and look very imposing. What makes Zhang Yang somewhat gratified is that, aside from the faces of those older and stronger suspected mentors, the rest of them are agitated, and the rest of them are angered and clamored for battle. Of the students, they have n’t completely lost the blood in their hearts.

It is a pity that many times blood is not equal to true courage, but on the contrary, it is always accompanied by recklessness, so even though the students around can't stop clamoring or even sloppy, but the middle-aged square-faced warrior named Alvo is not as good They are generally blinded by anger and completely lose their calm.

It is important to know that as a fifth-level gold intermediate strongman, he is more aware of this student wearing a hooded robe and holding a huge iron broom than those around him who are mostly in third-level and fourth-level and lack sufficient practical experience. How powerful the guy is. After all, it is possible to knock down more than 20 Tier 3 and Tier 4 combatants in an instant, and at the same time it can control the characters who have not injured them, and their strength cannot be counterbalanced by their own number!

So at this moment, after the face of Alvor suddenly raised his hand to stop the young impulse college's fighting action behind him, he began again with a solemn tone:

"I really can't figure it out. With the strength of your Excellency, why did you have to obey the control of the guys at the Academy of Magic and come here to bully us who are also warriors? Is it because of your money? If so, as long as you are willing to stop, then I'll wait until I smash the pot and sell the iron to make up enough numbers for your satisfaction. "

Many times, it is because of more relationships and more understanding that it makes some people look forward and backward or even useless. But it is undeniable that this kind of person behaves steadily, even if he is not enterprising, but he will not make any low-level mistakes, and there are very few mistakes. This may be the price of maturity.

And Alvo with a square face is obviously such a person. But after he said this, Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"People of the Academy of Magic? Huh, they are not qualified to instruct me. I am curious in comparison. Since you claim to be a member of the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Magic Academy, and this castle is the headquarters of the Warrior Branch, why? I ’ve been here for a long time, but I ca n’t see any figures? "


Zhang Yang's remarks immediately asked the people on the opposite side of Alvor who were already around the rest of the Warrior Academy to be speechless. After all, they always felt embarrassed to say in the face, 'Because they were bullied by the Magic Academy, they gave up the soldier The headquarters of the college hid in a small building in the backyard, right?

So the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while. The group of students from the Warrior Academy, look at me and I see that you have opened your mouth for a long time and still did not hold back half a word.

The strength is not as good as humans. There is nothing to say. Even if everyone knows that under the seventh-tier legendary level, the warfighter basically has no advantage over the magician, but this kind of words cannot be said as a reason. After all, no matter what No reason can cover up the fact that they gave up the college, so after a long silence, the middle-aged man named Fang Face said again:

"The reason is really long, but you are right, no reason can change the fact that we gave up the college or even lost courage. But it is really helpless, except for the dean of the warrior college today Barely considered as a super strong, the rest of us, both mentors and students, have no strong enough in terms of strength, and this situation is no longer a day or two. Want to keep our college, think Get angry ... why should we? "

As the saying goes, every combatant has a heart full of blood and honor, but no matter how high the dream is, the reality is always so cruel. Dreams without sufficient strength to protect are not only fragile, but also easily trampled on by cruel reality.

Therefore, this middle-aged warrior with a square face who looks quite resolute, at the moment, after saying this, he suddenly became much older. However, at this time, the warrior academy that originally looked dark due to the late sky The location of the gate suddenly showed a bright light reflected by the magic lamp.

Not only that, a sound of neat horseshoes from far and near was followed by the sudden light gradually coming from outside the gate, so at this time everyone except the whole still standing steadily by the huge bonfire and wearing a black robe Apart from Zhang Yang who couldn't see his face clearly, all the members of the Warrior Academy including 'Fang Face Alvor' suddenly turned their attention to the gate.

At the moment, they were really puzzled. Since they had no choice but to abandon the college fortress and turned into a small building in the backyard, they faced the warrior students who were empty, even those magician magicians who deliberately found faults. After this time, because no one should fight, it was boring and eventually dispersed to do what.

So for a long time since then, this warrior academy has been completely deserted. Not only are the teachers and students in the warrior academy rarely stepping on, but even the magicians who are looking for things seem to have lost the objects that can be teased. Too lazy to come over.

As for ordinary people? Not to mention that the Sacred Magic College is located in the city of Dalaran, and the straight-line distance from the bustling center is not more than five miles, but the ordinary people or ordinary professionals who can actually be admitted here are absolutely rare. Therefore, in this case, the Warrior Academy will gradually evolve from the Mencora to the kind of completely unattractive state when Zhang Yanggang came here. Otherwise, it will only be tens of days or months. Withered branches and leaves completely covered by the whole square?

However, this state of being completely forgotten today is completely broken by the arrival of the black robe, whether it is the front door square that has been cleaned and almost completely renovated, or the huge sky with a diameter of more than 20 meters. The bonfire seems to obscure the arrival of a change.

However, when the luxurious carriage with purple eye-shaped patterns gracefully drove slowly from the gate of the ruined Warrior Academy, all the members of the Warrior Academy who saw this scene with their own eyes still couldn't believe everything they saw!

After all, the mysterious purple eye pattern on the carriage represents the highest power of the entire magic kingdom of Pompeii! That is the exclusive symbol of Violet Castle! It is a proprietary coat of arms that is only eligible for use by Her Majesty the Queen of Magic!

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