Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1490: Three requirements of Zhang Yang

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The reason why the strong are respected is not because of how talented they are in cultivation, but because they can use their powerful strength to protect, conquer, obtain, or fight. So from this point of view, the definition of a strong man not only requires a high level of grudge or magical strength, but more importantly, they can exert a strong fighting power in combat.

Therefore, for the pager who has a level 4 silver advanced grudge level, but no combat experience, and his personality is a bit too cowardly, not only can he not be called a strong man, he even says it is unpleasant. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a coward.

Fortunately, this kind of person does not seem completely incurable to Zhang Yang. The reason why they become so is mostly because they are overprotected or too indulged.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to make a change in a short period of time. The key point is whether it can be made out, or can it be taken seriously.

So thinking of this, Zhang Yang had to restrain himself from the urge to vomit in his heart, and after a deep breath, he said again:

"So you really want to be stronger? Want to have strength comparable to your own level of arrogance?"

"Yes, yes! Master Wright!"

"But why? Since you decided to become a professional and practice, you should know the significance of fighting for a warrior. However, you have been escaping for so long. Why did you suddenly decide to become stronger today? "

"I, I ... because, because I don't want to be ridiculed anymore! I don't want to be called 'coward' all the time! Besides, even if I wanted to fight and want to be stronger, but when Alvor's mentor treated me, There is no good way. Secondly, even if I have enough strength to match my level, for the Warrior Academy, I still ca n’t change the status of being oppressed by the Magic Academy! But today I saw hope! I am also a holy A member of the Demon Academy Warrior Academy! I also want to contribute to the Warrior Academy in the whole school competition! "

"Is this kind of consciousness already? Very good. In fact, this kind of problem is really easy to solve. Even I am fully confident that you can achieve your wish within a month, but ..."

"But what ?! Please tell me what to do, Master Wright!"

Facing Paige's hopeful eyes, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled meaningfully before slowly speaking:

"If you really want to become stronger, then answer my three questions first. If the answer can satisfy me, I will consider special training for you."

"Can you make me stronger ... Special training? I, I understand! Please ask Master Wright, I will definitely pass this test!"

"Trial? No, no, it's not a trial now, just need to confirm your situation again. So if you are ready, I will start?"

"Yes, yes! I'm ready!"

Although Paige still looks immature at the moment, the determined look in Zhang Yang's eyes is much better than what he had just said, so he nodded in satisfaction, and then asked:

"First, should you have a good family? Can you afford the pharmacy costs during training?"

Zhang Yang asked this question quite unexpectedly. After all, according to what he knows, except for those who forcibly improve their strength, most professionals rarely use pharmacy to assist in training? However, out of trust in Zhang Yang, Page still answered truthfully:

"Perhaps because you are not a Pompeii mentor, you are not very familiar with my family. In fact, as the Lannister family who has been responsible for the logistics of Her Majesty for hundreds of years, although our family is from beginning to end There have n’t been any superpowers with a level 7 legend, but they have always been more generous in terms of money, so if it ’s just a matter of money, it should n’t be a problem. ”

Listening to Page said this, Zhang Yang understood immediately. He was still wondering why this guy clearly said that he had no actual combat experience. In theory, he should always be bullied, and it would never be as young as before but not really hurt.

Now that everything is clear, as a member of the Lannister family, even in the magic kingdom of Pompeii's "treasury", people will not really embarrass this kid without threats. So Zhang Yang, who wanted to understand all this, nodded clearly, and then continued:

"Very good! Then I will give you a day to prepare as many healing potions, healing potions, detoxification drugs and other restorative medicines as possible. Remember to have as many as possible, after all, this is with your next Training effects are closely related. "

"Ming, understand Master Tutor ..."

In fact, although Paige said it clearly, in fact, his heart was getting worse. Before, he thought that the reason why the Wright mentor, who is famous as a mercenary, would ask his family background is that he wanted to charge for the special training, and what was wanted was to let him try to buy all kinds of healing potions!

Although Page's character is cowardly, he is not stupid, so as long as the two keywords "training" and "mass of recovery medicine" are connected, he has a very bad hunch.

However, on the one hand, since he took the initiative to ask the other party for help, now if he wants to repent, he is afraid that he will irritate the other party, and at least he will lose the opportunity of the `` special training '' he has finally won. On the other hand, in terms of the cowardly character of Page at the moment, there is no courage to ask Zhang Yang who was just as powerful as before.

So at this time, Page could only suppress this uneasiness, and then waited for the other party to continue to speak.

"Second, you must obey my instructions completely during training, and you must not give up halfway, otherwise no matter what your identity is, I will kill you no matter how rich your family is, understand?"

If Paige just said nothing in his heart just now, after hearing Zhang Yang's remarks at this moment, he has already begun to feel cold all over his body, and some regrets that he made this decision.

It's a pity to look at the strong black robe with a strong face and a calm look in front of him. Page also understands that if the other party promises something true, then this is probably the only chance in his life to change his destiny! So after hesitating for a while, Paige didn't know where he had the courage, and even bit his lip and nodded fiercely!

"Very good. Having the courage to make this decision is a good start. However, it is easy for anyone to make a certain decision or commitment, but whether it can be carried out perseverance is worth playing and requires action. And time to prove things. "

Hearing the shock of Paige here, it is a pity that what he said was like splashing water. He is not a water magician. Where can he get it back? So with a strong sense of trembling, Page asked with a pale face and asked:

"So Master Wright, what are the third and third requirements?"

It's no wonder that Page was scared like this. Just the second request already required to bet on his own life. If we guess by analogy, does this third requirement require him to betray his soul?

Fortunately, just before Page's heartbeat soared to the limit, a serious Zhang Yang looked at him with meaningful eyes, and then gave the answer with a smile.

"The third requirement is much simpler. Since it is a special training in private, it is naturally impossible for others to recognize you and me, so you not only need to temporarily replace this gorgeous and eye-catching weaponry, just Even use a fake name for the time being, of course, the same for me. "

Hearing this, Page suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, so that at this moment, he has a fourth-grade silver senior grudge level, even feel some hands and feet are soft!

At this time, Zhang Yang turned and continued to move forward with some smile, but said slowly while walking slowly:

"Everyone wants to be stronger, but how many people can really become top powerhouses? So the way to become a strongpower requires not only talent and enough effort, but also the determination and courage to match it! It ’s not too late for you. As long as you can follow my orders and insist on this month, so many dare not say, but it is absolutely not a problem to let you have strength that meets your level! "

"Master Wright! I, I will definitely work hard!"

"This is what you said! You are likely to die, but as long as you persevere, you will definitely become a respected strongman! So ... be sure to prepare more medicine for serious injuries and disabilities, tomorrow night Special training is about to start. "

"Ming, understand!"

(Understood? Maybe, after you really know what you are going to face, maybe you will really understand it? But then it is very rare to recognize your weaknesses and want to overcome them. Then I will save your little life at this point. Of course, it is inevitable to suffer some pains and be punished ... So to say, remember that I had seen it in the mercenary union in Dalaran City before. A lot of reward hunting missions for Warcraft? It seems that the next month should not be boring ...)

Not to mention the fact that Zhang Yang and Peiqi separated with different moods. They said that Alvor, the mentor of the square-faced warrior branch who led a group of warrior college members to train on the front gate square of the warrior college, now has a long-lost tear Feeling full of eyes.

The Sacred Devil Warrior Branch has been weak for too long, and he has been a mentor in the Warrior Branch for nearly two decades. He is more aware of the bitterness and difficulty than others. Moreover, as far as he is concerned, he is also aware of the news that the Warrior Branch is likely to be banned. Therefore, when this Wright full of mysteries came to the Warrior Branch as an honorary mentor, Alvo knew that this was very It may be the last chance of the Warriors Branch!

So at this moment, Alvor secretly vowed, whether it was for the honor of the soldier, or the branch of the soldier who was no different from his home, he would do his best to help the Wright who could always create a miracle to complete the task assigned by the Queen! Even if you fight your own life!

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