Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1495: Page's Happy Time (4)

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Some scholars and alchemists believe that lizards and dragons are essentially one type of creature, but only because of their huge differences in strength and wisdom, they are now considered to be two very different species.

However, there are too many similarities between lizards and dragons, whether they are almost the same, the inner and outer eyelids, the diamond-shaped pupils, the extremely similar bones, scales, claws and tails, etc. Make them look very similar. Not only that, but even the offspring are born in eggs instead of fetuses like cats and wolves.

So for the dragon that has disappeared in the Orlando continent for thousands of years, many people regard various lizards as warcraft with different degrees of dragon blood. After all, in all kinds of legends, besides the dreadful power, the dragon ’s wide range of mating species and the large variety of heirs left behind are also amazing, which is why many races, and even In many World of Warcraft, occasionally the reason of the dragon descent appears.

Therefore, both alchemists and tanners are very interested in various Warcraft materials produced by lizards, and some powerful dragon warriors, even high-level lizard Warcraft, are the wealth of high-level mercenaries and adventurers. Symbol.

In addition, there are a variety of lizards scattered all over the Orlando continent, so the reward for lizard materials is really constant over the years, and can be seen on the guild bulletins almost every moment.

Of course, in the final analysis, no matter whether the lizard and the dragon are related by blood, their level of strength is the only criterion for ultimately measuring everything.

This is even more true for most mercenaries and adventurers, because in their view, the Lizard Warcraft of Tier 5 and above, whether it is a lizard itself, or there is really a little blood left in the body like a dragon, For mercenaries and adventurers, all will be called 'Yalong Warcraft'.

Conversely, regardless of whether it is a lizard or Yalong Warcraft, as long as it is not a real dragon cub, it will be treated as a lizard.

At the moment, Peggy's jumping lizard is a wind-like lizard like Warcraft with more than three ranks of adulthood. It is only different from the lizards that people think of as long-legged snakes. When they reach adulthood, they can reach more than two meters in length and weigh about one hundred pacres. They suddenly look very similar to many Asian Warcrafts. Not only does it have a pair of sturdy hind legs that allow it to walk upright, but even its short but sharp front claws look like daggers or knives more than claws for walking.

The most important thing is that there is no scales, but there is a pimple on the skin, but there is a tail that is almost the same length as the body!

Even though Paige had never seen the Warcraft like a jumping lizard in person before today, he, as a student of the Sacred Demon Academy Warrior Branch, also saw its portrait on the illustrated book anyway, so even Paige ca n’t remember it until now. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Warcraft illustrated how the jumping lizard was introduced, but there is one thing he remembers very clearly. That is the huge wind blade that almost separated him by two pieces. It was the jumping lizard that came out of his tail. !

So at this moment, Page's attention was suddenly concentrated, and at the same time, even less than 30% of the grudges left in his body also worked again, so that a pale green grudge barrier was formed outside the body instantly. Clothing] Not to mention, even the two steel swords in his hands were also covered with a layer of blue-green grudge.

After all, it ’s absolutely deceiving to say that Page is not nervous at this moment. This is the first time he is in actual combat, and he still faces the dangerous and fierce World of Warcraft without assistance and protection, so no amount of protection can be complete. Dispel the fear in his heart.

It's a pity that the distance between this jumping lizard and Paige is a little far away at this moment. Twenty meters may be just a sprint distance for Zhang Yang, but for the strength is only the fourth-order silver senior, and I don't know what way to use now. Page, who was close to his opponent, didn't really have the confidence to rush to the jumping lizard's side in this swampy environment and then launch an attack.

You should know that from Page's perspective, from the analysis of the body shape of the Warcraft such as the jumping lizard, this is probably a kind of Warcraft that moves very fast and is also good at using long-range wind-based talent magic to attack. So if he rushed past and was evaded by the other party, once this guy ran in a circle in the swamp, Page did not think that his fledgling rookie could catch up.

By then, for him, who had not much fighting in his body, as long as the jumping lizard opened his distance and continued to attack him magically, he was afraid that Paige would be exhausted or even exhausted by the other party. To the point that he couldn't even maintain [Lock Mist Clothing], he felt that he was really dead.

So at this moment, Paige tried to calm herself down, but according to the guidance of the sword dancer tutor Piper of the Sacred Demon Academy Warrior Branch, he tried his best to calm down his breath, and his eyes looked at the pair of jumping lizards. The green triangular eyes.

However, this does not matter. When Paige ’s eyes are opposite to the eyes of this jumping lizard, he is still sensitive. He suddenly feels the murderous intention of red clothes and fruits from the eyes of this Warcraft. With inexplicable excitement! It was a bloodthirsty desire based on the primitive hunting and eating instincts of living things.

Therefore, this simple and direct **** killing intention is more pure and easier to feel than the killing intentions revealed when humans fight for reasons such as interests and hatred.

So at this moment, I should be dedicated to judging the page by staring at the other person's eyes. At this moment, I was deterred by the murderous intention of the red clothes in the eyes of the other person. Not only did I start to sweat all over, but even my body became Some are stiff.

But at this time, a "strengthened wind blade" that was the same as the wind blade that sneaked on Paige was suddenly shot from a dozen meters behind Paige! So at this distance, Page, which was difficult to dodge because of lack of experience, because the attention was completely attracted by the enemies in front of him, he suddenly took the blow firmly and firmly!

Suddenly, Paige just felt like he was being hit by a giant knife behind him. Not only was the body protection grudge [Lock Mist Clothing] directly cut by this third-order wind magic [Enhanced Wind Blade], he even had no power Exhaustedly slashing the leather armor on his body, leaving a wound of more than ten centimeters with blood and flesh turned directly behind his back!

However, although this kind of skin injury looks scary and bloody, it is not a big problem for warfighters who have grudges and all qualities in the body far exceed ordinary people. But the problem is that for Paige, who has never experienced a real battle or even had never suffered such damage before, the kind of pain that first chilled and then became hot was enough to make him feel painful. A scream.

But the problem is that this cannot solve the problem at all. After all, most of Warcraft is not as intelligent as human beings. They are not driven by your bloodthirsty instincts. They will not stop because of your pleading, but will become more excited because they see blood!

Moreover, in this deserted black swamp, the one that Page could count on was the mysterious Wright mentor. But the problem is that it took only a little time since the two separated, and the Wright instructor who said he was looking for other lizard positions would be nearby and could he hear his call for help?

Or even if he really heard it, would he choose to save him? You know, when the other party proposed special training, but he said that if Page could not cope with this kind of scene, he would rather let him die than shoot?

(Probably ... is this the case? Then ... will I die in the first actual combat ?! I have clearly told me that there are two jumping lizards in this swamp, but how can I take it so important? Forget things? And ... this fear, this pain, this, this is the real battle? I, I do n’t want to die!)

Although this blow caused some minor injuries to Page, and at the same time it left him with a lot of grudge because of its ability to resist the wind blade, but in general, if Page could be let go at the moment Fight, victory will still belong to him.

However, the pain of the first injury and the fear of facing death not only broke the beautiful ideas in Page's heart, but also made the courage that he finally saved disappear instantly.

So at this moment, the only thing that can be thought of in the mind of Page, who is enemies, is running away! He wants to escape this dangerous place! He no longer wants to be a strong man, and no longer fights against such dangerous monsters! He is going home! Go back to the place where you can spend the day in peace, eat and drink without any danger!

But there is always a huge gap between reality and dreams. Even though Page, who practiced the grudge of the wind system, runs very fast on the flat ground, but at the moment he is in the swamp zone, it is good to be able to maintain stability under normal walking conditions. , Want to run as fast as you came? Not enough practice is really a dream!

Therefore, Paige, who turned around and ran to the left with all his strength, didn't run out of ten meters, but fell directly into the water marsh because of the slipping of his feet. Opportunity, so at the moment when Page fell, the two jumping lizards almost slammed their throats one after the other, and then spit out two human-sized heads from the two small teeth-covered mouths at the same time [ Air bomb]!

And it ’s not over yet. For the Warcraft that grew up in killing and dying since childhood, they need to beware of the rest of the predators even if their prey dies, so whenever there is a chance to shoot, they absolutely understand what it means to go all out. !

So when the two [air bombs] had just exited and had not hit Paige within a short span of tens of meters, the two jumping lizards had once again waved their claws towards their prey and target Several slap-length wind blades were drawn!

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