Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1498: Page's Happy Time (7)

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How does it feel after a person dies? Is the soul separated from the body while maintaining its own consciousness, and then the soul goes to another world, or is it directly born in heaven and earth and attributed to heaven and earth?

Not only did Page conceive of this many times in his free time, but even for most intelligent life, this is a difficult question to find the answer.

After all, most creatures have only one life, and those who are fortunate to die and resurrect, they either have no impression of their process, or they are completely conspicuous about it and will not reveal any useful information at all.

Of course, the death mentioned here is just the death of the body in a pure sense. If we further reach the point where the soul dissipates and the consciousness is broken, what changes will happen afterwards, no one really knows.

Some people may say that if you want to know what happened after death, then just ask the non-dead spirits who already occupy the entire Slavic snow country? After all, for those high-level undead creatures, what happened after death is definitely their most memorable memory?

It is a pity that the person who asked this question seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, the relationship between the undead and any living life is basically a completely hostile relationship!

Therefore, if you are in a hurry to find a higher-order undead creature to ask this question, then the other party's answer is probably to let you see for yourself ...

Moreover, anyone who has a true understanding of undead creatures and even undead spirits will understand that most naturally-born undead spirits have almost no self-consciousness and pre-mortal memory at the beginning of resurrection. This is true even for the seventh-level legendary superpowers of various races.

As long as it is a resurrected existence, its consciousness and memory will be affected, so even after the initial period of time or short or long years and then regain self-consciousness, but the memory of the pre-life will certainly have some The amount of loss depends on the strength of the soul before the resurrection.

So as long as you understand this, people will understand why many high-order undead spirits are always a bit neurotic. The paranoia for certain problems is likely to be the most important, the most important thing, or the most irrepressible thing in their lifetime. . As for other trivial matters? The undead spirits have lost their lives, do they still need to care?

However, there is no absolute thing. There is a way to allow undead creatures to retain most of their memories in a near perfect way. This kind of magic, which is called anti-sky magic, is the seventh-order legendary status of the Undead Magic Department. 】! And the same level of mystery [Death Transformation] applied to the Warfighter series!

At first glance, it sounds like there is no difference between [Lich Transformation] and [Death Transformation], but in actual operation, the number of [Lich Transformation] in the seventh-order legendary Necromancer Magic is not only in efficiency and The effect is generally better than [Death Transformation], and even the complexity and the cost of casting spells are not the same.

For example, any undead magician who has broken through to the seventh-level legendary level has the ability and a certain chance to successfully transform himself into a lich with an almost endless life.

However, even for the Necromancer with the seventh-level legendary super strength, the seemingly handy chance of eternal life is also filled with incomparable risks and demanding preparation conditions. Moreover, the calculation does not mention the large amount of high-level casting materials needed to transform from a living body to an undead form, and the magic itself of [Lich Transformation] alone has a high chance of failing!

It is noted that if the difference between each person's own talents is not counted, on average, an undead magician with a seventh-level legendary intermediate strength, the chance of successfully transforming into an undead lich is only about 50%. , And each increase or decrease of one's own level will increase and decrease the chance of success by 10%.

So from this point of view, choosing to transform yourself into an undead creature is a gamble in itself! However, the half-lich Lanzarne that Zhang Yang had encountered in the city of Dharonis in southern Ladovia was able to use the sixth-level Zijin senior strength to force the [Lich Transformation] ceremony, and borrowed tens of thousands of miles The breath of death exhaled by a zombie is almost successful, which is already a miracle!

After all, if you think that the seventh-level legendary mid-level undead magician uses [Lich Transformation] this magic has only about half of the success rate, then if the level is lowered, the success rate of the seventh-level legendary primary is only about 40%. In this way, it is generally believed that the strength gap between the sixth-tier Zijin senior and the seventh-tier legendary junior is about three times, then if Lansarn did not rely on the plague and countless zombies, the success rate was only about 15%, at most. It will never exceed 20%!

Therefore, even now Zhang Yang has admitted from the bottom of his heart that the half-lich Lan Sahn is not only talented, but also the will and the courage are not extraordinary professionals.

In contrast, [Death Transformation] this legendary level of secret is different.

In the final analysis, most of the time, the target will not be the caster himself, some of them may be legends without any magic, or even eighth-order epic-level combatants, or may be some of the same level of wisdom Warcraft, different. foot. Therefore, if you want to successfully complete the mystery of the undead system that is at least three times more difficult than the [Lich Transformation] ritual, and ensure a sufficient chance of success, then throw away the nearly massive high-level casting materials, three seven-level legendary seniors The above necromancer or lich is almost essential.

But even so, in this case, the success rate of the [death conversion] ritual can only barely reach about 60%, and if there is an eighth-order epic-level big lich to preside over the ritual, the success rate can be increased to 80% or even nine. Into about!

Of course, if you ca n’t find an eighth-order epic necromancer or lich to host the magic circle, then each additional seventh-order legendary necromancer or lich can also increase about 10%. Chance of success. So in theory, if you can get together seven seventh-order legendary mid-level undead magicians or witches, then you can increase the success rate of the [death conversion] secret method to 10%!

It is a pity that there are very few super powerhouses who are willing to give up all dignity before death and insist on transforming themselves into undead spirits, and the casting materials needed to create the [Death Transformation] ritual are too scarce and precious. So even though hundreds of powerful liches have appeared on the Orlando continent since ancient times, there are only a dozen of them who have successfully transformed their own form through the secret transformation of [death transformation].

But it is worth mentioning that the dozens of people recorded in the historical materials transformed themselves into the existence of the undead prince through the [death transformation] ritual. Not only did the process fail, but even its perfect transformed power was not weakened. !

However, Page might not have the opportunity to experience the feeling of death and resurrection in his whole life, even when he opened his eyes slightly dimly, his brain was still in a state of muddy. Don't even think about problems, even if you think about yourself for a while.

At this moment, for Page, his last memory still stays at the moment when he played with the jumping lizard. Not only the pains he suffered before but also the memory is still fresh, even the kind in the body is exhausted because of grudge. The sense of emptiness caused is no different.

So after opening his eyes slightly for a while without focus, Paige finally recovered from the previously indifferent state. It was not until this moment that he realized that the deep or shallow wounds on his body had been healed by half!

Up to now, except for the wounds on the legs and chest that were originally visible with bones, they can still feel hot and painful, and the remaining ones have only a trace of pain and itching. They have not only been carefully washed and bandaged, but also seem to have been applied with some cooling Drug.

It was because of this that Paige wanted to get up and sit up, but it did n’t matter that he moved. The intense pain caused by the force not only made him whisper, but the sweat that was sore was only covered in an instant. His head.

"Well ... it hurts so much ..."

(I, am I still alive? I ... survived ?!)

The severe pain made Paige completely awake, so at this moment, although his painful teeth grin, but the joy of a surviving survivor, still uncontrollably filled his entire mind instantly.

This feeling is so real and pure, even in Page's view, the excitement and satisfaction he experienced at this moment is simply the sum of all his happiness in the past nineteen years! And Paige never forgets that he survived because of his own efforts, completely fighting the small life and killing two third-order intermediate Warcraft jumping lizards!

So I do n’t know if it ’s because of excessive excitement, or some other reason. At this moment, Page lay on a thick blanket not far from the campfire, feeling the dryness and softness underneath, and the fire from the campfire not far away. Heat, for a time his eyes became gradually wet, and then two lines of silent tears flowed down the cheeks.

(I survived ... I really survived ... wooh ...)

Some people say that the battlefield is a melting pot and the best cradle for heroes. It will throw all kinds of people together, smelting and thrashing continuously, and then smelting and refining repeatedly, until all the falsehood and impurities are burned out, leaving only the toughest and most powerful part.

I also know this truth based on Page's knowledge and wisdom, but the problem is that there is an essential difference between ‘know’ and ‘understand’, ‘understand’ and ‘experience’!

So even though Page had not experienced a war at this moment, it was only this real battle that was about to die that made him feel that many things have become different, but if asked what the **** is, Page was really true for a while. It ’s not clear ...

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